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Character count (1 Viewer)


Maquis Admiral
DP Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
At the risk of reopening a closed thread, so to speak, I think there is a need for something to help us all out. I'm not disputing he 5000 character limit. Although I would like to know what is being counted towards that limit. Are the characters in the tags counted, for example. Are spaces? Something that could let us know when we are near out limit or something. An active counter would be great. But if nothing else, something that when you go to post says, along the lines of, "Your post cannot be more than 5000 characters. You used 5103 characters." That would at least help us to know how better to edit or cut our posts. This specific aspect was not addressed in the last post on the issue. It closed the issue with the character count was good, and never touched the other concern/suggestion
At the risk of reopening a closed thread, so to speak, I think there is a need for something to help us all out. I'm not disputing he 5000 character limit. Although I would like to know what is being counted towards that limit. Are the characters in the tags counted, for example. Are spaces? Something that could let us know when we are near out limit or something. An active counter would be great. But if nothing else, something that when you go to post says, along the lines of, "Your post cannot be more than 5000 characters. You used 5103 characters." That would at least help us to know how better to edit or cut our posts. This specific aspect was not addressed in the last post on the issue. It closed the issue with the character count was good, and never touched the other concern/suggestion
Agreed about the feedback on how many characters you are over, that would be a great feature. (y)

Further agreed that any characters which are for markup, i.e. formatting, should not be counted against the character count limit.
But Knowing a bit about the programming behind all that, it may not be technically reasonable or possible to be that accurate and discerning on the message character count.

In essence the process which counts the characters would have to be able to parse the message text, including recursion (markup which is surrounded by other markup), not counting the characters which go to markup.

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