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Chapelle show (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Maybe its because I'm a middle class white guy with nothing better to do than laugh at racism, but in general I think Dave's skits are funny.

Anyone else here like his style of humor?

and what the heck is the google tags for? (just noticed the "G" up in the corner of this box)
128shot said:
Maybe its because I'm a middle class white guy with nothing better to do than laugh at racism, but in general I think Dave's skits are funny.

Anyone else here like his style of humor?

and what the heck is the google tags for? (just noticed the "G" up in the corner of this box)

That man is hillarious.I can't wait for season 3 to come out on dvd.
The "Black Bush" skit is hilarious, actually most of the skits are hilarious.
Chapelle is funny as hell. I saw him on Inside the Actors Studio though and there is something about him that is very lost and sad.
I love Dave Chappele...Kinda wish a white guy could do that.....but...well, you know,,:roll:

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