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Jul 21, 2004
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I think that it might be interesting to discuss paternal rights in regards to abortion as well as maternal rights.
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Welcome abord LiberalFINGER. :)
The question of abortion

When considering abortion the question quickly becomes ... Is abortion always good idea?

Abortion is legal and it is very unlikely that it will ever become illegal. However what kind of attitudes toward abortion should we have? What kind of attitude do we want our children to have about it? I can't imagine that the most liberal person in the country would encourage their children to seek in their lives to get a partial-birth abortion because it is a woman's right.

Public institution, like schools, are getting all their queues from Planned Parenthood and this is an organization that makes millions from people paying money to doctors to abort babies. In short their success is dependent on abortion being available and expensive because 80% of their finances come from abortion Doctors.

I can't imagine a parent who really cares about their children would allow an institution a government or an a-moral Doctor be the most influential opinion being articulated to your child. Would we allow a child to get an abortion without the involvement of a doctor? Then why would we allow a child to get an abortion without the involvement of their parents?
I'm a fairly liberal guy. That being said, I don't like abortion. I think it's a pretty miserable practice. I certainly think it should be avoided if at all possible and I'm hard pressed to think of a situation, barring incest or rape, where it couldn't be avoided. I'm appauled by reports that there are people out there actually using abortion as a birth control method. All that being said, what I don't understand is why there seems to be an effort to restrict information and education within our schools. For example, did I read in USA Today recently that text books Texas will only be allowed to teach abstinence for birth control. Studies have shown that during the Clinton Adminstration abortion rates went down. The arguement being that given good sex ed. info. less young people get preg. and therefore less abortions. To me this makes sense. It would seem to me that people on the right would want less abortions. So, why restrict the books and the information?

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