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Chancellor Merkel Says Nations Must 'Give up Sovereignty' to the EU (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a very troubling speech yesterday to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin where she said, “Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty” and that the will of the people on issues like immigration and border security doesn't matter.


What a stupid, dangerous woman.

She is beginning to sing like the asshole chancellor before her, the anti-American, pro-Russia **** holster for Putin... Gerhard Schroeder.
When Putin, Xi, Iran, and others sign on, let me know.
One must wonder why, when you search for this statement, that only right wing conspiracy sites have it?

Gateway Pundit
World Nut Daily
American Thinker
Too bad that is not really what she said or meant. Oh the hell with it, back to the outrage!
One must wonder why, when you search for this statement, that only right wing conspiracy sites have it?

Gateway Pundit
World Nut Daily
American Thinker

Yes... very good question... why would The Goebbels Media ignore it?

What’s most insidious is what the Goebbels Media does not report.
She never said that. The states pool their sovereignty to become the USA, they don't give it up.
What a weak speech this was by the DW accounting:

This is not what the world needs right now, we need way better than this, but she is weak and she is on the way out because the times have changed....she is no longer very relevant.

She should have been gone a long time ago for her decision to let in so many so-called migrants without the consent of the other nations, much less the people.

That should have been a capital offense politically speaking.
What a stupid, dangerous woman.

She is beginning to sing like the asshole chancellor before her, the anti-American, pro-Russia **** holster for Putin... Gerhard Schroeder.

Isn't that what the stated did when they moved from the articles of confederation to the constitution under the federal government?
Yes... very good question... why would The Goebbels Media ignore it?

What’s most insidious is what the Goebbels Media does not report.

What is your issue with her statement? She stated that Germany had given up some of its sovereign rights to the EU.

Merkel explained that Germany had given up part of its sovereign rights to the European Union. "But the states are the masters of the treaties". This requires always the backing and the decision of the national parliament. The heart of democracy is parliament, Merkel said, referring to an earlier quotation from Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Lammert.

What is your issue with her statement? She stated that Germany had given up some of its sovereign rights to the EU.

Merkel explained that Germany had given up part of its sovereign rights to the European Union. "But the states are the masters of the treaties". This requires always the backing and the decision of the national parliament. The heart of democracy is parliament, Merkel said, referring to an earlier quotation from Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Lammert.


Merkel is of course Full Of ****....Imigration for instance was decided by Merkel herself as if she is queen of Europe, she had clearly zero interest what any Parliament thought.

This is why the old order is dying more than anything,,,,,the constant lying.
What a weak speech this was by the DW accounting:

This is not what the world needs right now, we need way better than this, but she is weak and she is on the way out because the times have changed....she is no longer very relevant.

She should have been gone a long time ago for her decision to let in so many so-called migrants without the consent of the other nations, much less the people.

That should have been a capital offense politically speaking.

Her inviting an invasion from Africa was the purest form of stupidity one could imagine.

It would be one thing if Germany was Spain, Portugal, or Italy... but she invited them to those countries, and then they had to make their way through several countries to get to Germany.

The EU is a farce. These assholes had seen invaders in boats for years and years, yet developed nothing to address the invasion. The you get the retard Merkel inviting them!!!

She should have been bitch slapped by every EU leader... the dimwit.

I can tell you, the German populous is not amused.

The reason she has remained in power is because the SPD, Linke Partei, and Greens are out of their ****ing minds. They’re all various versions of communists. In fact, Oskar LaFontaine, former minister in Schroeder’s government and his best buddy, left the SPD to become a member of the communist party (Die Linke).
One must wonder why, when you search for this statement, that only right wing conspiracy sites have it?

Gateway Pundit
World Nut Daily
American Thinker

Beat me to it. I did the search and couldn't find anything about it from legitimate sources. There was a Youtube video, only with a still of Merkel and someone narrating (no video showing Merkel actually talking). One would think that if the OP's statement was true, instead of mere propaganda, it would be widely covered. I'll believe the OP when I see it on channel 2, 4, and 7.
Her inviting an invasion from Africa was the purest form of stupidity one could imagine.

It would be one thing if Germany was Spain, Portugal, or Italy... but she invited them to those countries, and then they had to make their way through several countries to get to Germany.

The EU is a farce. These assholes had seen invaders in boats for years and years, yet developed nothing to address the invasion. The you get the retard Merkel inviting them!!!

She should have been bitch slapped by every EU leader... the dimwit.

I can tell you, the German populous is not amused.

The reason she has remained in power is because the SPD, Linke Partei, and Greens are out of their ****ing minds. They’re all various versions of communists. In fact, Oskar LaFontaine, former minister in Schroeder’s government and his best buddy, left the SPD to become a member of the communist party (Die Linke).

Interesting Orwellian spin on the word "invasion." By your usage, my grandparents invaded America in 1900, with babies in arms. They ended up with four children, who later grew to become three doctors and a lawyer. Two of those doctors fought for the U.S. in World War II.
Beat me to it. I did the search and couldn't find anything about it from legitimate sources. There was a Youtube video, only with a still of Merkel and someone narrating (no video showing Merkel actually talking). One would think that if the OP's statement was true, instead of mere propaganda, it would be widely covered. I'll believe the OP when I see it on channel 2, 4, and 7.

2, 4, and 7? You in Detroit?

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