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Chalres Koch: System rigged for the rich (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 27, 2010
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Do you trust what Charles Koch is saying, or do you think he is just saying it to appeal to the populist elements? I personally have a hard time trusting his intention in saying this.

[h=2]Republican billionaire mega-donor Charles Koch and Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders may agree on one thing: The U.S. economic system - especially the tax code - is "rigged" in favor of the wealthy.[/h]"This two-tiered society creates welfare for the wealthy ... and creates obstacles to opportunities for the disadvantaged," said Koch on Sunday in an interview on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."

In elaborating, he focused on inequities in the tax code.
If it were up to him, Koch said, "we would not have a two-tiered system. We would not have a tax code that subsidizes the wealthy. We would get rid of all of that."
And specifically he focused on corporate taxes.
"We have this corporate welfare that benefits established companies and makes it very difficult for somebody to get started," said Koch, who noted that his company - Koch Industries - is among those benefiting from the current tax code.
Koch said he favors getting rid of all tax breaks. None of the Republican presidential candidates are talking about that, he noted. "So that's why we haven't supported any of them."
Cruz is talking about it. Sounds more like Koch just isn't listening.

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Do you trust what Charles Koch is saying, or do you think he is just saying it to appeal to the populist elements? I personally have a hard time trusting his intention in saying this.

Well Koch should know, he helped rig it. :roll:

The only reason he is speaking this way now is because of Trump's increasing success in the Presidential campaign, despite the Koch brother's active financial opposition. That's because he wants to muddy the waters to pretend he, like Trump, is one of the "good" rich people.

Will not work, most people are well-aware his family has been power-brokers for years and benefited greatly from that very political control he is talking about
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Cruz is talking about it. Sounds more like Koch just isn't listening.

ted cruz has called for abolishing corporate taxes and the IRS altogether, thats not exactly the same thing as ending corporate welfare

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s tax proposal would (1) repeal the corporate income tax, payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare, and estate and gift taxes; (2) collapse the seven individual income tax rates to a single 10 percent rate, increase the standard deduction, and eliminate most other deductions and credits; and (3) introduce a new 16 percent broad-based consumption tax. The plan would cut taxes at most income levels, although the highest-income households would benefit the most and the poor the least. Federal tax revenues would decline by $8.6 trillion (3.6 percent of gross domestic product) over a decade.
An Analysis of Ted Cruz's Tax Plan | Tax Policy Center
He's been saying this kind of stuff for decades.
Do you trust what Charles Koch is saying, or do you think he is just saying it to appeal to the populist elements? I personally have a hard time trusting his intention in saying this.

Read the guy's books. Seriously. You may be surprised at how smart this guy is. He seems genuine in that he wants people to bring the most value they can to the table, and believes gov't just destroys the value creation.

Most people only know what they see in the media, which is mainly politically biased articles around the election cycles. I happen to think Charles is a stand up guy, he is the one who mainly runs Koch Industries. I don't know of his brother much, but I think he has other motives.
Read the guy's books. Seriously. You may be surprised at how smart this guy is. He seems genuine in that he wants people to bring the most value they can to the table, and believes gov't just destroys the value creation.

Most people only know what they see in the media, which is mainly politically biased articles around the election cycles. I happen to think Charles is a stand up guy, he is the one who mainly runs Koch Industries. I don't know of his brother much, but I think he has other motives.
His motives is in maintaining his power. Actions speak louder than words.
Years ago when Buffet said basically the same thing the Republicans went nuts, calling him every name in the book.

I wonder if the Con talking heads and Republicans are going to give Mr. Koch the same treatment? I'm guessing no.
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