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Censorship of Website Is This True? (1 Viewer)


Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Political Leaning
My friends notify of a couple of websites that have been shut down from the “Homeland Security.” I only have remember one so here it is http://www.bluemud.org/ , is there any other one’s out there that got shut down for the government? Dose this go against the first amendment?
Loxd4 said:
My friends notify of a couple of websites that have been shut down from the “Homeland Security.” I only have remember one so here it is http://www.bluemud.org/ , is there any other one’s out there that got shut down for the government? Dose this go against the first amendment?

Are you sure this is for real? It's possible that someone just put that message up and spread the rumor. That sounds irrational, but there are people who make virus, so it seems likely.

If this was indeed the government, then I believe that it does go against the first ammendment. The courts will certainly confirm that.
Connecticutter said:
Are you sure this is for real? It's possible that someone just put that message up and spread the rumor. That sounds irrational, but there are people who make virus, so it seems likely.

If this was indeed the government, then I believe that it does go against the first ammendment. The courts will certainly confirm that.
Exactly what I thought when this thread started. If the government had shut a website down, then it would be gone, period. It wouldn't take you to a screen saying the government had shut it down and certainly not a screen as poorly designed as that one. :roll:
KCConservative said:
Exactly what I thought when this thread started. If the government had shut a website down, then it would be gone, period. It wouldn't take you to a screen saying the government had shut it down and certainly not a screen as poorly designed as that one.

The owner(s) could have just goten a threatening letter. In which case they would have done the shutting down as per their own means.

I'd have to see more info to reach any conclusion about the affair.
Here's the Wayback machine's version of the site:

Simon W. Moon said:

The owner(s) could have just goten a threatening letter. In which case they would have done the shutting down as per their own means.

I'd have to see more info to reach any conclusion about the affair.
yes, you're right of course.
Originally Posted by KCConservative
yes, you're right of course
Simon is always right. Except when he argue's with me.

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