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Censoring **** (1 Viewer)


The Almighty
DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Political Leaning
Is there anyway you can uncensor Di*ck? **** Cheney justs looks so weird. I have to stop and wonder why a person would be cussing, until I remember they just typed his first name. Anyway, not HUGELY important, just, you know, wondering.
Dick Cheney should no longer be censored.

Posts made previously will still have the ****.

Obvious the reason for this in the first place, hopefully we will not revisit that again.
vauge said:
Dick Cheney should no longer be censored.

Posts made previously will still have the ****.

Obvious the reason for this in the first place, hopefully we will not revisit that again.

Sorry. Must have been reading an old post.

Or so I thought:

shuamort said:
Yeah... that's the obscene language blocker. It doesn't look at context:
**** Durbin
**** Cheney
A rooster is also called a ****

That was at 12:12 pm today. Maybe it's busted?

Suppose I could try it out... Dick Cheney

Okay never mind, ignore me.
Last edited:
I just "uncensored" it about 10 mins ago. Posts previous will still have the ****.
There is no way to change them back. :(
vauge said:
I just "uncensored" it about 10 mins ago. Posts previous will still have the ****.
There is no way to change them back. :(

Damn it vague! I thought you were god!

You have really disappointed me.

Vague god!?

Galenrox and I are the gods, Vague just owns us.
Arch Enemy said:
Vague god!?

Galenrox and I are the gods, Vague just owns us.

So Vauge is Natural Selection?
Pacridge said:
I figure you'd be completely against any and all censoring of D*ck.


Abandon hope if Vauge is Natural Selection (he's from Texas).

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