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Cell phones in cars (1 Viewer)

Cell phone control in public?

  • Ban all cell phone use in cars only

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Cell phones are private property - I should be able to use it anywhere

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Ban cell phone use in certain places .. cars, resturants...etc. [please post]

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I do not really care

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Opinion not available [please post]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Are you for or against cell phone control?

For example, use in cars, theatres, stores, returants...

Why/why not?
I think they should be banned when driving (except hands-free) and in all places where they cause disturbance (theatres, cinemas etc.).

Some people also need to learn that the phone means we don't have to shout loadly enough for the other person to hear us unaided!
People have no common sense or common courteousy any more it seems. I hate to say it, but I favor restricting cell phone use in certain area's. Esp. in vehicles. At a minimum we should have "hands free" laws. If you want to use a cell phone while driving you should need a hands free device so you can keep your hands on the wheel. I also think people should take their d**n phone call outside the restaurant or movie theater, though I'm not sure sure we need to pass a law to make that happen. Personally if owned a restaurant or movie theater I'd ask people to take their phone calls in the lobby.
IF I cause an accident because I'm on the phone then punish me, but don't make me a criminal if I am not causing any problems.
CSA_TX said:
IF I cause an accident because I'm on the phone then punish me, but don't make me a criminal if I am not causing any problems.

Using the same logic we should do away with all traffic laws and merely punish those that cause accidents and problems.:thinking
I think we should ban cell phones in cars but then again people eat in their cars and that also causes a distraction but I doubt we can make a law that says a person can't eat.
Pacridge said:
My wife won't let me put the bumper sticker I want on my truck:

"Maybe you'd drive better with that cell phone up your A**"


LOL! I have to agree with your wife...bumper stickers can be dangerous.

A few years ago, I bought a different car...(American made, by the way) and since my old license plate was beat to hell, I wanted a new plate.
The girl at the desk said..."You can get a personalized plate for absolutely no extra charge!"
I said...."No thank you...I want a series of jumbled up letters and numbers."
She replied, in a high squeaky voice..."You don't understand! It's free!"
I said..."No, you don't understand...if I mistakenly cut someone off in traffic, I do not want a license plate that says...'here I am..come and get me.' So that a year from now, when I'm parked at the mall...some idiot recognizes my personalized plate and says..."Hey! That's the S.O.B. that cut me off in traffic a year ago! I'll show him!"

Besides...if the Bush economy gets any worse, and I decide to knock off a bank, I don't want a plate on my getaway car that says.."Mr. Me."
ok so if we ban cell phones we need to ban Radios,DVD Players,Eating Drinking, GPS map guides, map reading and the like. They are all distractions and can cause accidents. perhaps the driver will have to be in a enclosed area so not to be disturbed by others in the car. Its a bunch of crap. Law abiding citizens being punished and criminalized for the few that are unable to handle it. that is why I say punish me if I cause the problem but don't punish me if I'm not.
I have no issues with "hands-free" phones. It is the ones that take a hand away from the steering wheel. Because of that, it is human nature to put more concentration on the phone than the car. There are some very stupid drivers as it is.. put a cell phone in thier hand and they are driving 30 mph in a 75 mph or vice-versa. This problem is so rampant that there are not enough cops to ticket the idiots.

BTW, it's already illegal to drive dangerously - allowing cell phone use in cars just adds to the problem.

As far as resturants & theatres - I believe it should be up to the owners of the establishment to take care of the issue.
vauge said:
I have no issues with "hands-free" phones. It is the ones that take a hand away from the steering wheel. Because of that, it is human nature to put more concentration on the phone than the car. There are some very stupid drivers as it is.. put a cell phone in thier hand and they are driving 30 mph in a 75 mph or vice-versa. This problem is so rampant that there are not enough cops to ticket the idiots.

BTW, it's already illegal to drive dangerously - allowing cell phone use in cars just adds to the problem.

As far as resturants & theatres - I believe it should be up to the owners of the establishment to take care of the issue.

Exactly listening to the radio isn't the same thing as looking up a phone number then dialing that number. That's the main problem. But people do all kinds of dumb things while they drive. Who hasn't driven and seen some woman putting on her make-up or some guy reading the morning paper. Most states have laws regarding "careless driving." Probably all. But the cell phone thing has just gotten out of hand and people drive like morons when trying to dial or sometimes even when just trying to hold the phone. I think it's a huge problem.

I agree with the theaters and restaurants- they should control themselves. Plus I always have the option to leave or at least never return and let the owner know why I won't be returning. Government can stay out of reg. any and all of our activities. But the driving ones a safety issue as far as I'm concerned. I'd hate to have my kid killed because someone had to call and find out if their team won.
Naughty Nurse said:
I think they should be banned when driving (except hands-free) and in all places where they cause disturbance (theatres, cinemas etc.).
The only problem with switching to "hands-free" doesn't really solve anything.
Drivers who talk on mobile phones end up driving like old people, with slower reaction times and a tendency to miss what is right in front of them, U.S. researchers say.

Even when they used "hands-free" devices, young drivers who normally have the quickest reflexes drove like 70-year-olds, the team at the University of Utah found.
In contrast, from the (biased) Libertarian website:
On Tuesday, U.S. Representative Gary Ackerman (D-NY) filled a bill that would withhold federal highway funds from states that don’t pass laws banning the use of hand-held cell phones in cars. The same day, U.S. Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) filed similar legislation.

Both bills came just two weeks after a report issued by the University of North Carolina’s Highway Safety Research Center revealed that only 1.5% of traffic accidents were caused by drivers distracted by cell phones.

By comparison, adjusting a car’s radio or CD/cassette player caused 11.5% of all accidents; another person in the car caused 10.9% of collisions; and adjusting climate controls caused 2.8% of accidents.

Anyway, I wonder if banning cell phones in certain areas or situations would violate current FCC rules that disallows blocking or jamming of the airwaves. It's a stretch, but it could be applicable. I, however, would patronize mobile phone-free theaters and restaurants.

I own a mobile and have had one for almost ten years now. I just don't feel the need to take it everywhere and be on it constantly. I'm OK stopping the car in a safe manner before answering the phone. Going outside of the restaurant before making a call. Or just turning the bloody thing off when I'm in a theater.
Me personally I hate cell phones all together it is nothing more than a fashion trend! These self important techno d**ks want to seem important "I'm reaching out" is what they say, oh yeah well reach out and jerk me off. If cell phones were invisible they wouldn't own one!
MeChMAN said:
Me personally I hate cell phones all together it is nothing more than a fashion trend! These self important techno d**ks want to seem important "I'm reaching out" is what they say, oh yeah well reach out and jerk me off. If cell phones were invisible they wouldn't own one!

I am on-call 24x7 so it is needed. Am I a d**k for doing my job?

I don't answer it while I am driving. I will pull over or wait until I am at my destination to return the call.
BTW, it's already illegal to drive dangerously - allowing cell phone use in cars just adds to the problem.
So if we already have laws regarding driving dangerously or recklessly why do we need more. Why not enforece the laws already on the books instead of creating more?

Am I a d**k
yes you are:eek:
I believe cell phones should be banned when driving. I barely missed being hit by a driver who was to busy on the phone to notice I was next to him when he pulled in front of me. There is no reason to have to talk on a phone while driving as people are more important than any conversation over a phone. If it is that important, call before leaving your home or pull over and make your call.
Am I a d**k

yes you are:eek:

CSA_TX, you just made my day. :rofl
Ban them in cars. Without a doubt. People are generally clueless as it is. Let's not distract them any further while they are driving one ton chunks of metal on our roads.
CSA_TX said:
ok so if we ban cell phones we need to ban Radios,DVD Players,Eating Drinking, GPS map guides, map reading and the like. They are all distractions and can cause accidents. perhaps the driver will have to be in a enclosed area so not to be disturbed by others in the car. Its a bunch of crap. Law abiding citizens being punished and criminalized for the few that are unable to handle it. that is why I say punish me if I cause the problem but don't punish me if I'm not.
In banning cell phone use in cars, the idea is to keep YOU from being T-boned by the distracted driver of another car.

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