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CDC report doctored? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
It seems the trump administration likes the cdc so much they are changing the actual reports from the cdc into more user friendly reports. More specifically where the cdc made recommendations to a meat packing plant someone stepped in and pulled back the original report and replaced it with their version. Where the cdc says do this, the fake report suggest to do it, if feasible. The whole report kept using that phrase, if feasible. All the company has to do is say we're in compliance with the cdc rules and none of the fixes the cdc wants are feasible.

The head of the cdc ordered this. Do you think the pressure to change the report came from pennsylvania ave.?
It seems the trump administration likes the cdc so much they are changing the actual reports from the cdc into more user friendly reports. More specifically where the cdc made recommendations to a meat packing plant someone stepped in and pulled back the original report and replaced it with their version. Where the cdc says do this, the fake report suggest to do it, if feasible. The whole report kept using that phrase, if feasible. All the company has to do is say we're in compliance with the cdc rules and none of the fixes the cdc wants are feasible.

The head of the cdc ordered this. Do you think the pressure to change the report came from pennsylvania ave.?

Yes as did the removal of CDC guidance regarding airborne transmission of COVID-19 removed from the CDC site a mere 3 days after appearing there.
It seems the trump administration likes the cdc so much they are changing the actual reports from the cdc into more user friendly reports. More specifically where the cdc made recommendations to a meat packing plant someone stepped in and pulled back the original report and replaced it with their version. Where the cdc says do this, the fake report suggest to do it, if feasible. The whole report kept using that phrase, if feasible. All the company has to do is say we're in compliance with the cdc rules and none of the fixes the cdc wants are feasible.

The head of the cdc ordered this. Do you think the pressure to change the report came from pennsylvania ave.?
A Chinese owned meat packer, we should note.

Trump is destroying America on behalf of Russians and China.

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