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CDC quietly lowers early childhood speech standards (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
What? Body language is a key part of childhood development. Of course that is missing looking at mom and dad in a mask all day.

We will regret what we allowed them to do to our youth. Disgusting

One of the authors of this study, Jennifer M. Zubler, said that the changes were made to the guidelines ensure that it reflects milestones that at least 75 percent of children can reach. Since children are no longer able reach these previously attainable milestones, they have been lowered.

The abstract states: "Application of the criteria established by the AAP working group and adding milestones for the 15- and 30-month health supervision visits resulted in a 26.4 percent reduction and 40.9 percent replacement of previous CDC milestones. One third of the retained milestones were transferred to different ages; 67.7 percent of those transferred were moved to older ages."

Well reported OP .
You can better understand why so called historical monsters first got rid of all so called intellectuals and most definitely self termed progressive academics who are dragging the US back to Banana plantation status .

Previous post ( 2) highlights how these nut jobs arrange' fact checkers ' to black any narrative which questions their nonsense .
more evidence that the elite want their own china... they don't want smart people, the want plebes.
Well reported OP .
You can better understand why so called historical monsters first got rid of all so called intellectuals and most definitely self termed progressive academics who are dragging the US back to Banana plantation status .

Previous post ( 2) highlights how these nut jobs arrange' fact checkers ' to black any narrative which questions their nonsense .
You don't see the bias in the story?

CDC quietly lowers early childhood speech standards​

Why do you think they chose to add the word "quietly" to the headline? :unsure:

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