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Catholics: Help Us Understand Your Theology (1 Viewer)

Logician Man

All along the Watchtower a wildcat did growl
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2018
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caught between the moon and New York City
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Do Catholics consider Mormons and J.Ws. to be saved Christians, or does the RCC doctrine teach that these religious sects are cultists who will not be saved post mortem and face the same fate as agnostics, atheists, and other non-Christian ( not anti-Christian ) religious skeptics ?
I'm not catholic, but from what I've witnessed (pun intended) the vast majority of all christians view JW's and Mormons as non-christians.

So the assumption would be they're just as "doomed" as the rest of us.
Being raised as a catholic and attending catholic school for years, I wish someone would explain it to me. How does a human live inside the belly of a fish for three days?

I flunked religion in my ninth year of catholic school. I guess I asked too many questions and didn't go for the blind faith line.
An aside to the OP questions : There are a number of evangelicals who think Catholics are just as doomed as JW's and Mormons.
An aside to the OP questions : There are a number of evangelicals who think Catholics are just as doomed as JW's and Mormons.

To be fair, there are a number of Catholics who think that evangelicals are doomed too, and the bottom of the heap are the Anglicans.
To be fair, there are a number of Catholics who think that evangelicals are doomed too, and the bottom of the heap are the Anglicans.

Interesting. Anglicans? I assume Episcopalians too? I always thought the Unitarians were considered the bottom.
Interesting. Anglicans? I assume Episcopalians too? I always thought the Unitarians were considered the bottom.

Just being snarky. There are anglicans out there they claim that they aren't Protestant, yet, the oath the english monarch has to give to the angiclan biship is to uphold the Protestant church of england. It seems that in recent years, there is a bit of revisionism going on there.
An aside to the OP questions : There are a number of evangelicals who think Catholics are just as doomed as JW's and Mormons.

My experience from evangelicals I've talked to is that most Catholics are saved.
To be fair, there are a number of Catholics who think that evangelicals are doomed too, and the bottom of the heap are the Anglicans.

Most of those think unbelievers like you are doomed.
Most of those think unbelievers like you are doomed.

Of course, they label people of the jewish faith 'unbelievers'. It's a very christian thing, and one reason not to take Christians very seriously.
My experience from evangelicals I've talked to is that most Catholics are saved.

I was told that the deification(?) of Mary was equal to a false idol. There were a couple of other complaints, but that seemed to be the biggie. These were radio preachers on a station that's dominated by evangelicals, but they don't declare themselves as such all the time. They're always pretty hard line conservative literalists.

The ancient Hebrews thought they were the "chosen people." Every tribe of every religion everywhere probably thought they were chosen and saved, and everybody else was poor stupid heathens.

So don't take any of it seriously.
Interesting. Anglicans? I assume Episcopalians too? I always thought the Unitarians were considered the bottom.

A lot of them are still still pissed off at us over that tiff with Henry. Episcopalians, just so you know, are the American wing of the Anglican church, but I am sure somebody found something different on the internet.
A lot of them are still still pissed off at us over that tiff with Henry. Episcopalians, just so you know, are the American wing of the Anglican church, but I am sure somebody found something different on the internet.

I do know that. That was why I put the Episcopalians in there.

To me this is doctrinal hair splitting. I can see why professionals would see it as important, but to me it isn't. I can understand the venom towards the Mormons, and to a lesser extent the JW's, but, meh.
An aside to the OP questions : There are a number of evangelicals who think Catholics are just as doomed as JW's and Mormons.

An aside to <alt>doxygen's aside. There are a number of Roman Catholics who know that evangelicals and other protestant heretics are just as doomed as every other non-Catholic.
I do know that. That was why I put the Episcopalians in there.

To me this is doctrinal hair splitting. I can see why professionals would see it as important, but to me it isn't. I can understand the venom towards the Mormons, and to a lesser extent the JW's, but, meh.

Well, I have a difficult time understanding why atheists have such "venom" for all of us. After all, they claim not to believe any of it anyway.
Well, I have a difficult time understanding why atheists have such "venom" for all of us. After all, they claim not to believe any of it anyway.

I don't presume to answer things like that for anyone but myself. Are you referring to me?
I don't presume to answer things like that for anyone but myself. Are you referring to me?

No, just a general observation.

Their usual excuse for hating us is that we have a tendency to vote for who we want, and who we want is not who they want. That's about the most un-American thing I can think of.
An aside to <alt>doxygen's aside. There are a number of Roman Catholics who know that evangelicals and other protestant heretics are just as doomed as every other non-Catholic.

They merely believe it. I doubt if they are doomed.
They merely believe it. I doubt if they are doomed.

I doubt it too. However just because you and I think they merely believe, does not take away the fact that they think they know.
Being raised as a catholic and attending catholic school for years, I wish someone would explain it to me. How does a human live inside the belly of a fish for three days?

Because of the obvious (which I suspect you are already aware of); that the story of "Jonah and the Great Fish" was a fictional tale. The post-Exilic author of Jonah chose a known biblical prophet from the days of King Jeroboam II, and unfortunately placed him in a setting that didn't occur until at least a full century later (Nineveh did not become a "great city" until during the reign of Manasseh; Calah was the influential capital at the time of the historical Jonah, and had been for 500 years). Another hint would be found in the story itself, namely the water route that Jonah took when "escaping". In the biblical tale he boards a ship going to Tarshish (known as Tartessus to the Greeks and Romans). Tarshish was located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, therefore the water route Jonah would have taken in the story is the Mediterranean. The only "large fish" that can swallow a human being whole would be a whale, but not whales with baleen. The only toothed-whale large enough to do so would be a sperm whale, however sperm whales have never been indigenous to, nor ever found within the Mediterranean. Clearly fictional. And of course, on a related note, that didn't stop a later messianic author from attempting to frame his Jesus narrative by comparing the "buried 3 days in a grave, only to to rise again" tale, to the tale of Jonah being saved after "3 days in the belly of a great fish". If the biblical Jesus thought and taught that the "Jonah and the Great Fish" story was real, then what does that tell you about the Jesus story?

I love mythology.

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I don't presume to answer things like that for anyone but myself. Are you referring to me?

I can only speak for myself as an atheist. When I first joined this message board, I made a post in which I stated I am not here to attempt to convince anyone to embrace my worldview, nor to convince anyone to renounce their personal beliefs, and if anyone derives solace from their religion as long as they aren't in any manner violating another, I consider that to be a good thing. Five minutes later, two of the regulars here in the religious forums chimed in and condemned me to eternal hellfire for not believing as they do.
No, just a general observation.

Their usual excuse for hating us is that we have a tendency to vote for who we want, and who we want is not who they want. That's about the most un-American thing I can think of.

That IS an unAmerican sentiment. You can vote for whoever you like. I might point out some hypocrisy on the part of some groups, but I'd never say they don't have a right to vote for who they want.

Where I draw the line is when anyone tries to change laws and government to comport to their personal religion. Sharia isn't just a Muslim thing, and it's to be fought by whatever means is available.

Stuff like this has been a problem since the Founding:

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