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Cat shot in head with nail gun recovering. (1 Viewer)

It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so cruel. I'm revolted and disgusted by this.
Considering most nail guns have a safety that needs to be unlocked in order to avoid such tragic accidents, it's fairly likely some sick slob did this on purpose. I would love, however, to be wrong. I hate that there are so many twisted and cruel people in this world. :(
Considering most nail guns have a safety that needs to be unlocked in order to avoid such tragic accidents, it's fairly likely some sick slob did this on purpose. I would love, however, to be wrong. I hate that there are so many twisted and cruel people in this world. :(

Well it's not a safety like a gun safety. It's a device at the tip of the barrel which has to be pressed in order to engage the trigger. Typically one will hold down the trigger and bump the gun against the surface to be nailed.

That's assuming the gun wasn't modified, was in good repair and the user was handling it safely.

I've seen nail guns modified by adding lineman' wire or a coat hanger bent in such a way so as to keep the safety at the tip of the barrel pressed. I've seen people not pay attention to what's going on around them and nearly shoot a coworker in the head (I was on the receiving end). I've also seen cats put their noses where they shouldn't be.

It's fairly easy to imagine a variety of scenarios where this could have been an accident, so without knowing anything about how this happened, who was involved, the state of the nail gun, where the cat was and what it was doing at the time of the incident, there's no reason to assume it was animal abuse.
When my husband was in construction and remodels, they had him wire back the safety on his nail gun.
There are a lot of violations of OSHA standards that go on on a job site. I don't even want to think about the amount of asbestos dust he's breathed in, with only a bandanna over his face for protection because respirators weren't available.
But my husband says what happened to this cat could not possibly have been an accident.
He thinks some construction workers on a job site were fooling around and did it; the cat was probably tame and went up to them freely. Maybe they were in the habit of feeding it scraps of their lunches.
And then some asshole did this for a joke.

I'm glad she's expected to make a full recovery; before the surgery, there was concern that she'd be blind in at least one eye after the nail removal.
I hope she finds a good home and is never harmed again.
When my husband was in construction and remodels, they had him wire back the safety on his nail gun.
There are a lot of violations of OSHA standards that go on on a job site. I don't even want to think about the amount of asbestos dust he's breathed in, with only a bandanna over his face for protection because respirators weren't available.
But my husband says what happened to this cat could not possibly have been an accident.
He thinks some construction workers on a job site were fooling around and did it; the cat was probably tame and went up to them freely. Maybe they were in the habit of feeding it scraps of their lunches.
And then some asshole did this for a joke.

I'm glad she's expected to make a full recovery; before the surgery, there was concern that she'd be blind in at least one eye after the nail removal.
I hope she finds a good home and is never harmed again.

I can agree with that.

I'm not convinced this was intentional, but if nail guns were in good repair and used properly, there's no way this could have happened sans a freak accident.
How do you know someone did it on purpose?

It's about as likely as Jimmy Hoffa still being alive. Sure, accidents do happen where animals get hurt. But cats don't usually run into nail guns that are ready to shoot at the slightest touch, let alone directly on the forehead. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to put the pieces together.
Well it's not a safety like a gun safety. It's a device at the tip of the barrel which has to be pressed in order to engage the trigger. Typically one will hold down the trigger and bump the gun against the surface to be nailed.
That's assuming the gun wasn't modified, was in good repair and the user was handling it safely.

I've seen nail guns modified by adding lineman' wire or a coat hanger bent in such a way so as to keep the safety at the tip of the barrel pressed. I've seen people not pay attention to what's going on around them and nearly shoot a coworker in the head (I was on the receiving end). I've also seen cats put their noses where they shouldn't be.

It's fairly easy to imagine a variety of scenarios where this could have been an accident, so without knowing anything about how this happened, who was involved, the state of the nail gun, where the cat was and what it was doing at the time of the incident, there's no reason to assume it was animal abuse.

I know how nail guns work. I have one of my own. Like you said, the gun had to be pressed against an object. Hardly seems that the cat would be able to squoosh his head between the gun and the surface about to be nailed. And if it were an accident, the person who did it would have stood up to make sure the cat was OK, not disappear.
It's about as likely as Jimmy Hoffa still being alive. Sure, accidents do happen where animals get hurt. But cats don't usually run into nail guns that are ready to shoot at the slightest touch, let alone directly on the forehead. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to put the pieces together.

You're right, the cat was obviously assaulted....they found the weapon.

I know how nail guns work. I have one of my own. Like you said, the gun had to be pressed against an object. Hardly seems that the cat would be able to squoosh his head between the gun and the surface about to be nailed. And if it were an accident, the person who did it would have stood up to make sure the cat was OK, not disappear.

Oh I don't think so. I think the person who did it likely had a previous criminal backround and wouldn't want any more trouble from the law.
Oh I don't think so. I think the person who did it likely had a previous criminal backround and wouldn't want any more trouble from the law.

The ironic thing is, what was done to this cat is pretty similar to what is done to cows in factory farms (other than that we make damn sure they're dead, not wandering the streets dazed and wounded afterward). And it's no crime.
Cows are about as sentient as cats.

I don't get why people are okay with this, this systematic, inhumane mass slaughter.
Are hamburgers that tasty? :confused:
Yes they are. Besides, I'm morally opposed to inflicting harm upon carrots, you sick monster.
The ironic thing is, what was done to this cat is pretty similar to what is done to cows in factory farms (other than that we make damn sure they're dead, not wandering the streets dazed and wounded afterward). And it's no crime.
Cows are about as sentient as cats.

I don't get why people are okay with this, this systematic, inhumane mass slaughter.
Are hamburgers that tasty? :confused:

Depends of the burger.

If we're talking a McDonnalds double cheese, then no.

But if we're talking a home BBQ, lean beef with a custom spice/beer mix, then yes, yes it is.

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