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Carpet bagging,what are your thoughts on it? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
For those who are not familiar with this term here is a link providing a history of the term .


A description of what it means today.

"Current use is infrequent, and tends to be confined to American politics. When used, the term "carpetbagger" is used to describe "an outsider who moves someplace to exploit the natives and enrich himself at their expense," or "politicians who move to a new jurisdiction solely to meet a residency requirement for holding public office."

I beleave such practices should be banned.Represenatives should be actual long term residents of where they represent.I can't stand these individuals who move to another area and then run for office once the very short term residency requirements have been met.Am I the only one who thinks this is ****ed up?
If the people of that area want to elect that person, its their choice. You can't take away their right to vote for who they want.

Trust me, as a new yorker i hate hillary as much as anyone, but my stupidass state wanted her, so they got her.
I don't have a problem with it, because the residency requirements are stupid anyway. Why not let the voters decide if a candidate's residency is a problem?
Kandahar said:
I don't have a problem with it, because the residency requirements are stupid anyway. Why not let the voters decide if a candidate's residency is a problem?
We don't let foreigners become president of the united states.Shouldn't the same thing apply to someone wanting to be a governor, senator, congressman, mayor, council man, and so on?It just seems highly unethical for someone to be in a political office for a area they do not live in.I realize ethics and politics are proably two things that hardly go together.

Have to agree with JamesRAGE. How can you repesent people you don't even live around?
RightatNYU said:
If the people of that area want to elect that person, its their choice. You can't take away their right to vote for who they want.

Trust me, as a new yorker i hate hillary as much as anyone, but my stupidass state wanted her, so they got her.
Illinois had the same feeling about Alan Keyes, but they voted against that guy (even though Keyes had lambasted Hillary for carpetbagging and then did it himself).
jamesrage said:
We don't let foreigners become president of the united states.Shouldn't the same thing apply to someone wanting to be a governor, senator, congressman, mayor, council man, and so on?It just seems highly unethical for someone to be in a political office for a area they do not live in.I realize ethics and politics are proably two things that hardly go together.

Then dont elect them. It's more unethical to bar free citizens from voting for who they want.

And barring a foreign born citizen from becoming president is different, as its expressly forbidden in the constitution, while this is not.
Ivan The Terrible said:

Have to agree with JamesRAGE. How can you repesent people you don't even live around?

If the people of that district think that you can, then you can.

Which is better for a district: someone who was born and raised in an area but only has the support of 51% of the people or someone who moved to the area but has the support of 60% of the people?
shuamort said:
Illinois had the same feeling about Alan Keyes, but they voted against that guy (even though Keyes had lambasted Hillary for carpetbagging and then did it himself).

And that is a testament to the intelligence of the Illinois electorate. Alan Keyes......brrrrr.
my AP US History teacher is a Carpet Bagger.

Tee heee.
RightatNYU said:
Then dont elect them. It's more unethical to bar free citizens from voting for who they want.

And barring a foreign born citizen from becoming president is different, as its expressly forbidden in the constitution, while this is not.

I would think barring a foreign born citizen from becoming president is the same as barring non-residents from running in a district they don't live in.If anti-carpet bagging laws became state laws across the country would you support such laws?
RightatNYU said:
If the people of that district think that you can, then you can.

Which is better for a district: someone who was born and raised in an area but only has the support of 51% of the people or someone who moved to the area but has the support of 60% of the people?

I would think the person who was born and raised in that area would more than likely be working for those tax payer's interest than some carpet bagger who is obviously a career politician in it for him or her self.
jamesrage said:
I would think barring a foreign born citizen from becoming president is the same as barring non-residents from running in a district they don't live in.If anti-carpet bagging laws became state laws across the country would you support such laws?

No, because they're likely not constitutional. The only reason that the law barring foreign born citizens from running for president is constitutional is because....its in the constitution.
jamesrage said:
I would think the person who was born and raised in that area would more than likely be working for those tax payer's interest than some carpet bagger who is obviously a career politician in it for him or her self.

Then vote for the person from that area. If a majority of your fellow constituents disagree with you, you lose. Its called representative democracy.

As a conservative, shouldn't you be in favor of devolving government to the people, rather than letting the states and feds pass laws limiting your ability to choose who you want to represent you?
RightatNYU said:
Then vote for the person from that area. If a majority of your fellow constituents disagree with you, you lose. Its called representative democracy.

As a conservative, shouldn't you be in favor of devolving government to the people, rather than letting the states and feds pass laws limiting your ability to choose who you want to represent you?

The government already put a law inthe constitution stating who I can vote for president,The same should be applied at a local level.

As a conservative I favor making poiticians our bitches and that means eliminating career politicians who are only in it for themselves.
RightatNYU said:
No, because they're likely not constitutional. The only reason that the law barring foreign born citizens from running for president is constitutional is because....its in the constitution.

If it was put in a state constitution it would also be constitional.
jamesrage said:
If it was put in a state constitution it would also be constitional.

Which will never happen. So its not something to worry about.
jamesrage said:
As a conservative I favor making poiticians our bitches and that means eliminating career politicians who are only in it for themselves.

A- f'ing - men....
jamesrage said:
For those who are not familiar with this term here is a link providing a history of the term .


A description of what it means today.

"Current use is infrequent, and tends to be confined to American politics. When used, the term "carpetbagger" is used to describe "an outsider who moves someplace to exploit the natives and enrich himself at their expense," or "politicians who move to a new jurisdiction solely to meet a residency requirement for holding public office."

I beleave such practices should be banned.Represenatives should be actual long term residents of where they represent.I can't stand these individuals who move to another area and then run for office once the very short term residency requirements have been met.Am I the only one who thinks this is ****ed up?

Hilldebeast Clinton, anyone?
Donkey1499 said:
Hilldebeast Clinton, anyone?

She's a chameleon. Is she from Illinois? Arkansas? New York? Or just wherever she could have won an election. Even though she was first lady of our state for 12 years, no way in Hades she could have won here...
reaganburch said:
She's a chameleon. Is she from Illinois? Arkansas? New York? Or just wherever she could have won an election. Even though she was first lady of our state for 12 years, no way in Hades she could have won here...

So, you gonna use the leftist playing card and accuse her of stealing the election? Hilldebeast won in NY cuz she's surrounded by libs up there.
Donkey1499 said:
So, you gonna use the leftist playing card and accuse her of stealing the election? Hilldebeast won in NY cuz she's surrounded by libs up there.

Me? Leftish? No way you can put those 2 things in same sentence... unless you put Anti in front of leftish...

What I was saying was that she had to go to a liberal stronghold, like NY, because she couldn't have won the state she was 1st lady in for 12 years.
reaganburch said:
Me? Leftish? No way you can put those 2 things in same sentence... unless you put Anti in front of leftish...

What I was saying was that she had to go to a liberal stronghold, like NY, because she couldn't have won the state she was 1st lady in for 12 years.

OH! Gotcha now. Sorry.
jamesrage said:
As a conservative I favor making poiticians our bitches and that means eliminating career politicians who are only in it for themselves.

I'm going to speak slowly here.


But don't try to get the government to pass another law that limits what you can or cant do. How does that comport with your supposed "conservative" principles? Or are you a Bushconservative, only conservative when it comes to guns, gays, abortion, and the war?

I don't support the idea of the government telling me who I can and cant choose as my representative for senator, congressman, state senator, mayor, or dog catcher. I believe that if someone is a worthy candidate, they will get elected. If not, they wont.

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