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Capitalism is not compatible with democracy. (1 Viewer)

Many people believe capitalism and democracy are consistent, but the truth is that they are entirely antagonistic to each other. To see why, let's first consider socialism and democracy. Woodrow Wilson, who was a progenitor of the progressive movement, found socialism and democracy to be inseparable:

Roundly described, socialism is a proposition that every community, by means of whatever forms of organization may be most effective for the purpose, see to it for itself that each one of its members finds the employment for which he is best suited and is rewarded according to his diligence and merit, all proper surroundings of moral influence being secured to him by the public authority.

That's the socialist dream right there. He continues:

‘State socialism’ is willing to act though state authority as it is at present organized. It proposes that all idea of a limitation of public authority by individual rights be put out of view, and that the State consider itself bound to stop only at what is unwise or futile in its universal superintendence alike of individual and of public interests. The thesis of the states socialist is, that no line can be drawn between private and public affairs which the State may not cross at will.

No limit on government power, which is basically what all leftists want. Here's the money quote:

Applied in a democratic state, such doctrine sounds radical, but not revolutionary. It is only an acceptance of the extremest logical conclusions deducible from democratic principles long ago received as respectable. For it is very clear that in fundamental theory socialism and democracy are almost if not quite one and the same. They both rest at bottom upon the absolute right of the community to determine its own destiny and that of its members. Men as communities are supreme over men as individuals.

Another way to put would be, "The common interest before self-interest".

This is really what socialism is all about. What's good for the group takes priority over individual rights, and individual rights always come down to specific property rights.

Now let's consider capitalism, where the individual is supreme, and the community can go f itself.

Capitalism is predicated on private ownership, which means it is based on property rights, yet the only way a democratic state can exist is by violating property rights. How can an entity which relies on a form of extortion in order to fund itself in any way be consistent with capitalism? Virtually anything the state does violates property rights in one way or another.

Because of socialism's mile-long track record of failure, many moderate leftists support "regulated capitalism" instead of socialism. Of course the term "regulated capitalism" is nothing but a euphemism for economic fascism where "private" ownership is permitted, but virtually all economic activity is taxed and regulated by the state. The economy Mussolini created was a progressive wet dream.

To summarize, Wilson was correct: democracy and socialism go hand in hand, while democracy and capitalism have nothing in common.
This is the problem with attempts to modify language to suit a narrative. The constant use of a term incorrectly until people assume it is being used correctly.

Is hit ne forswīðlic þonne folc forþfarað to ðeon Englisc swā hit wæs æfre geseted?
Is hit ne forswīðlic þonne folc forþfarað to ðeon Englisc swā hit wæs æfre geseted?

"Is it not surprising that people have traveled to England just as it has always been settled?"

Nice try, but this is a non-sequitur. Silly attempt to deflect as well.

Has nothing to do with recognizing the factual differences in meaning between a Democracy and a Republic though.

Since you are playing foolish games, it is clear that you are not making a serious attempt to understand facts.

You are dismissed.

Tagline time. :coffee:

(Since you don't follow modern English let me help: Tagline: A pithy quote habitually appended to a signature, used as an advertising slogan, etc. In this case the statement below starting with "If I stop responding....")
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"Is it not surprising that people have traveled to England just as it has always been settled?"

Nice try, but this is a non-sequitur. Silly attempt to deflect as well.

Has nothing to do with recognizing the factual differences in meaning between a Democracy and a Republic though.

Since you are playing foolish games, it is clear that you are not making a serious attempt to understand facts.

You are dismissed.

Tagline time. :coffee:

Is it not awful that people refuse to use English as it has originally been set forth?

Close enough though.

Languages change over time, my friend. Prescriptivism is for those who cannot adapt.

A form of government in which the people elect representatives to make decisions, policies, laws, etc. according to law is factually a democracy.

But you don't have to just take my word for it:




de·moc·ra·cy di-ˈmä-krə-sē

Synonyms of democracy
: government by the people : rule of the majority
I … have always believed in democracy, in the elementary liberal doctrine of a self-governing humanity.—G. K. Chesterton

: such as
: a form of government in which the people elect representatives to make decisions, policies, laws, etc. according to law
Free and fair elections are a hallmark of American democracy.—CISA.gov

called also representative democracy
Wilson was an idiot. His only defense was he hadn't yet had to accept that no Socialist country ever holds a free and fair election.
Is it not awful that people refuse to use English as it has originally been set forth?

Close enough though.

Languages change over time, my friend. Prescriptivism is for those who cannot adapt.

A form of government in which the people elect representatives to make decisions, policies, laws, etc. according to law is factually a democracy.

But you don't have to just take my word for it:


All you've done here is reinforce my point. That is by pushing "new" definitions onto old terms, the propaganda goal is to convince people that the new definition is the better, more accurate one.

Once the language change is accepted by constant repetition, then the NEW definition can be used to make the kinds of changes it was designed to allow for.

But it does not matter what a "modern" dictionary asserts. That is just the propaganda of control. The fact remains that Democracy is "Peoples Government" in ancient Greek, while Republic is ancient Italian for a form of government where people elect representatives to govern for them.

The USA is a Republic. All the citizens do (as they did in ancient Rome) is vote for those they wish to represent them in order to govern for them.

No amount of semantic propaganda changes the historical facts and definitions.
All you've done here is reinforce my point. That is by pushing "new" definitions onto old terms, the propaganda goal is to convince people that the new definition is the better, more accurate one.

Once the language change is accepted by constant repetition, then the NEW definition can be used to make the kinds of changes it was designed to allow for.

But it does not matter what a "modern" dictionary asserts. That is just the propaganda of control. The fact remains that Democracy is "Peoples Government" in ancient Greek, while Republic is ancient Italian for a form of government where people elect representatives to govern for them.

The USA is a Republic. All the citizens do (as they did in ancient Rome) is vote for those they wish to represent them in order to govern for them.

No amount of semantic propaganda changes the historical facts and definitions.

The USA is not a Republic. We have no philosopher king. We have no king of any kind. That new meaning of Republic is just propaganda that you are trying to push.

Give Republic a read sometime to see what a Republic actually is.
The USA is not a Republic. We have no philosopher king. We have no king of any kind. That new meaning of Republic is just propaganda that you are trying to push.

Give Republic a read sometime to see what a Republic actually is.
Despite any stated intentions by our founders, the US has been an Empire for well over 100 years.

And we recognize by Trump's own words, he has every intention to expand that Empire into new lands.
I would guess the latter. Historically, virtually all socialist states were/are one party states which do not allow free and fair elections, because if they did, the people they rule over would vote them out the first chance they got.

I wonder what your thoughts are about the Nordic Model.

"Wherever socialism spread, misery followed." - Greg Gutfeld

Not sure then how to explain this:

Scandinavian countries are NOT socialist. All Scandinavian countries are profit-based/free market economies.

Here are some actual socialist countries:

• People's Republic of China (PRC)
• Cuba
• Lao People's Democratic Republic
• Socialist Republic of Vietnam
• People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK)
• Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
et. al.

The people in these socialist states are generally unhappy, and rank at or near the bottom with regards to happiness. Gutfeld is spot on.
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Scandinavian countries are NOT socialist. All Scandinavian countries are profit-based/free market economies.

Here are some actual socialist countries:

• People's Republic of China (PRC)
• Cuba
• Lao People's Democratic Republic
• Socialist Republic of Vietnam
• People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK)
• Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
et. al.

The people in these socialist states are generally unhappy, and rank at or near the bottom with regards to happiness. Gutfeld is spot on.

OK. Then it's just a matter of semantics- because what even the biggest "socialists" here in the US, like Bernie Sanders and AOC, want is really just the Nordic Model. If the word "socialist" bothers you, we can use that instead.

OK. Then it's just a matter of semantics- because what even the biggest "socialists" here in the US, like Bernie Sanders and AOC, want is really just the Nordic Model. If the word "socialist" bothers you, we can use that instead.
A classic Straw man argument.

I never said (or even implied) that the word "socialist" bothers me. You propped up a flimsy straw man which you could easily knock over.

In a previous post, you incorrectly attributed the happiness in Scandinavian countries to socialism, however, Scandinavian countries are NOT socialist, so I corrected you.

Now, you're propping up straw men in order to justify your false premise that Scandinavian countries are socialist.
Many people believe capitalism and democracy are consistent, but the truth is that they are entirely antagonistic to each other. To see why, let's first consider socialism and democracy. Woodrow Wilson, who was a progenitor of the progressive movement, found socialism and democracy to be inseparable:

That's the socialist dream right there. He continues:

No limit on government power, which is basically what all leftists want. Here's the money quote:

Another way to put would be, "The common interest before self-interest".

This is really what socialism is all about. What's good for the group takes priority over individual rights, and individual rights always come down to specific property rights.

Now let's consider capitalism, where the individual is supreme, and the community can go f itself.

Capitalism is predicated on private ownership, which means it is based on property rights, yet the only way a democratic state can exist is by violating property rights. How can an entity which relies on a form of extortion in order to fund itself in any way be consistent with capitalism? Virtually anything the state does violates property rights in one way or another.

Because of socialism's mile-long track record of failure, many moderate leftists support "regulated capitalism" instead of socialism. Of course the term "regulated capitalism" is nothing but a euphemism for economic fascism where "private" ownership is permitted, but virtually all economic activity is taxed and regulated by the state. The economy Mussolini created was a progressive wet dream.

To summarize, Wilson was correct: democracy and socialism go hand in hand, while democracy and capitalism have nothing in common.

Religion isn't compatible with democracy either.
Religion isn't compatible with democracy either.
Indeed! In fact, religion is totally antithetical to democracy. "One person - One vote" cannot, and does not, comport with any belief that the cosmos is ruled by some imaginary divine monarchy.

"Lord of Lords - King of Kings" is anti-democratic in the extreme!
1st place the USA is not a Democracy. It is A federation of 50 states with each its own Laws and Constitutions.
The Constitution of the USA has set rights, freedoms and rules. It is a Quasi Democratic country.

One can call the Economic system a Capitalistic one. It takes Capital to have a business venture.
You pay what the store charges or you wait for it to go on sale. Many do wait a long time for what they want.

The Taxes aren't fare, people are charged what the Federal / State and local governments agree they will charge.
The Different tax organizations ruthlessly get what's theirs. Most likely the only free people live in tents, homeless and hold up signs on street corners.
But they to work for a organized system to keep those street corners free of fear and violence. Have you heard of a street corner Begger being robbed.

Sure the Citizens vote for a bunch of crooks who take what they wish from the voters. Claiming all kinds of Democratic virtues. Haha

If one breaks it all down to the individual, he just follows his path that he follows. Be it Jail at 22 for 22 years, or business office desk for 48 years.
Maybe he farms, raises corn and Soybeans, rides his HD on the months of no farm work needed. His freedoms are restricted also by the needs of farmers.
Maybe he only rides the HD on Sunday. Maybe his kids play soccer a couple times a week. Maybe the Wife has a Hobby too. Democratic freedoms are fleeting, finicky and slipping.

Get a Grasp, do ok, its one's own responsibility. Most all Socialistic ideal eventually fail.
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