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Cancel Culture (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Remember: if they're accusing someone of it, they're doing it.
I thought cancel culture� was bad?

Since his RNC speech nine days ago decrying leftist "cancel culture, speech codes, and crushing conformity," Trump has called for the firings of Fox's Jennifer Griffin, MSNBC's Joy Reid, and CNN's Chris Cuomo, and urged his supporters to harass the owner of The Atlantic. And Goodyear Tire & Rubber. - Matthew Gertz via Twitter

Trump Called '''Cancel Culture''' the Definition of Totalitarianism. But He'''s Tried to Cancel All These People and Businesses.

Trump had been calling for all sorts of boycotts through the years. Cancel culture is fine when he selects the targets, but not so much if others use a similar approach.

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