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Cancel Culture Strikes Again (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?
The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?
I could not agree more. This liberal cancel culture has gotten out of hand. I am going to travel to Russia and help boost their economy by selling Make Ukraine Russia Again red ball caps. $20 USD for 500,000 rubles, whichever they have on hand.

The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?
LOL, as if Liberal of Conservative had anything to do with it. BTW, most of the countries doing this are far ahead of us. Biden ain't the leader here.
LOL, as if Liberal of Conservative had anything to do with it. BTW, most of the countries doing this are far ahead of us. Biden ain't the leader here.

But, but, but... "Go get him"
The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?

Really? You want to keep the economy of this sick evil madman going well in spite of his brutal and uncalled-for invasion of an independent nation that has done him no harm? Amazing! You must either be a Republican or one of Putin’s social media hackers. This is just a troll thread, right?
Really? You want to keep the economy of this sick evil madman going well in spite of his brutal and uncalled-for invasion of an independent nation that has done him no harm? Amazing! You must either be a Republican or one of Putin’s social media hackers. This is just a troll thread, right?

Snark thread, not a troll thread.
The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?

The Black Lives Matter protests are going to take down the entire Russian Federation. Then trans women are going to take over all their sports, and the feminists will rule Russia.
We are not cancelling them hard enough.
Yes, Russia still gets Faux News!

The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?
yeah but what about Trump......
Yes, Russia still gets Faux News!

The head of Russia's Foreign NO Intelligence is apparently a Putin buttkisser with no qualms as to what his boss is doing.
Yes, Russia still gets Faux News!

It's no mistake that right-wingers the world over speak using the same style wording. This shit is international in its organization.
In case anyone is curious, it appears Russia is doing well with their FoxNews propaganda tool.
The Russian economy isn't just struggling, it isn't just going into recession, it's headed for a full-blown collapse. And who is to blame for it?
Liberal Cancel Culture.
A Liberal President and his leftist friends are refusing to do any business at all with Russia just because they have a different political opinion.
Is anybody else sick and tired of every country in the world competing with each other to decide who is the most woke by handing out the most severe sanctions?


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