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Canadians, why will Trump's reelection hurt YOUR country? (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
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San Diego
Political Leaning
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

They're probably sick and tired of the stench emanating from the Trump Swamp™
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

Trade policies yes in significant part; his administration's branding of Canada as a 'security risk' in justification of tariffs has got to be easily one of the most ludicrous things I've heard from it, and given this is Trump we're talking about, that's saying a lot.

Moreover his leadership on the international stage (as well as domestic) has been underwhelming to put it euphemistically, and I'm extremely concerned he will divide the West rather than unify it as it needs to be, against the ominous Chinese threat looming large on the near horizon. The US cannot contain China and stop its dangerous ambitions of global supremacy alone.
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

The primary reason is because of Trump economic goals.

Those goals involve reducing China's influence as much as possible. Canada has made it a habit to find ways around their involvement with China and maintain their access to the US markets. Trump is removing the ways. (USMCA) This puts Canada in a very bad position. They have to choose and they don't want to.


Sucks to be them.
The primary reason is because of Trump economic goals.

Those goals involve reducing China's influence as much as possible. Canada has made it a habit to find ways around their involvement with China and maintain their access to the US markets. Trump is removing the ways. (USMCA) This puts Canada in a very bad position. They have to choose and they don't want to.


Sucks to be them.

I hate China; I want to see it contained and its ambitions stifled, and I actually applaud Trump's attempts to circumvent abuse of trade agreements by China in using other countries as relay points and intermediaries for their goods; this is something the Canadian government has actually worked on in response to those legitimate concerns, but he still hasn't relented.
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

You have obviously never lived above a meth lab!
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?
For our many Canadian Friends here;
This painful, uninformed, illogical, lying, worthless and insulting post only reflects the view of the OP.
Please forgive the fact that the depth and breadth of Kool Aid drinking Trump zombies in the USA who sadly hide behind the 1A is greater than one.
This is an example where birth control would have been very helpful.
Very sorry.
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

I would rather see Trudeau be elected as POTUS than Trump again.
For our many Canadian Friends here;
This painful, uninformed, illogical, lying, worthless and insulting post does only reflects on the OP.
Please forgive the fact that the depth and breadth of Kool Aid drinking Trump zombies in the USA who sadly hide behind the 1A is greater than one.
This is an example where birth control works have been very helpful.
Very sorry.

I mean, I don't disagree that Trudeau should be removed from office; he's scandal plagued and clearly has contempt for ethical governance. He should have fallen on his sword and resigned after the WE Charity debacle; he can't just have his finance minister Morneau do so in his stead, who was intimately involved, but ultimately only one actor in the overall situation which Trudeau presided over. Sure Justin's better than Trump on this account, but that is not the low standard we hold our politicos to.
I mean, I don't disagree that Trudeau should be removed from office; he's scandal plagued and clearly has contempt for ethical governance. He should have fallen on his sword and resigned after the WE Charity debacle; he can't just have his finance minister Morneau do so in his stead, who was intimately involved, but ultimately only one actor in the overall situation which Trudeau presided over. Sure Justin's better than Trump on this account, but that is not the low standard we hold our politicos to.

I have to disagree......
I have to disagree......

In the States, what Trudeau did would be a nothingburger; here it's a big deal. Basically Trudeau needs to hope the perceived strength of his COVID management, and the weakness of the Conservative party will overwhelm his scandals. He already lost his majority government over ethical breaches and broken campaign promises.
The primary reason is because of Trump economic goals.

Those goals involve reducing China's influence as much as possible. Canada has made it a habit to find ways around their involvement with China and maintain their access to the US markets. Trump is removing the ways. (USMCA) This puts Canada in a very bad position. They have to choose and they don't want to.


Sucks to be them.

Can you prove that Canada is helping China dump stuff into the US?
Trump's reelection will have little effect on Canada. Canucks always follow Uncle Sam's lead no matter what kind of sap occupies the oval at the time.
In the States, what Trudeau did would be a nothingburger; here it's a big deal. Basically Trudeau needs to hope the perceived strength of his COVID management, and the weakness of the Conservative party will overwhelm his scandals. He already lost his majority government over ethical breaches and broken campaign promises.

Honestly, my plate is full with the daily crappola going on south of your border............
Honestly, my plate is full with the daily crappola going on south of your border............

As a dual citizen I have eyes on the workings of both countries; it can be a bit much at times.
I mean, I don't disagree that Trudeau should be removed from office; he's scandal plagued and clearly has contempt for ethical governance. He should have fallen on his sword and resigned after the WE Charity debacle; he can't just have his finance minister Morneau do so in his stead, who was intimately involved, but ultimately only one actor in the overall situation which Trudeau presided over. Sure Justin's better than Trump on this account, but that is not the low standard we hold our politicos to.

I would argue that every Canadian government I think of is plagued by the same kind of boring financial scandals, they are pretty common. Martin had the long-gun registrary, Harper had the Senate spending scandal and Trudeau has this stuff. This stuff may as well be background radiation and its the kinda thing Mitch McConnel would do on a Tuesday because he is bored.
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?

Trumpist who always lies in defense of Trump lies in defense at Trump, news at eternity.
Trump's reelection will have little effect on Canada. Canucks always follow Uncle Sam's lead no matter what kind of sap occupies the oval at the time.

''Living next to the US is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.''

That is what Pierre Trudeau said about the US and he is not wrong.
I would argue that every Canadian government I think of is plagued by the same kind of boring financial scandals, they are pretty common. Martin had the long-gun registrary, Harper had the Senate spending scandal and Trudeau has this stuff. This stuff may as well be background radiation and its the kinda thing Mitch McConnel would do on a Tuesday because he is bored.

Well WE Charity featured a pretty substantive conflict of interest with the charity paying big $$$ to Trudeau family members (speaking/appearance fees) and getting a huge no-bid contract, along with Trudeau leaning on our justice department to avoid a prosecution of a Canadian engineering company SNC-Lavalin for engaging in bribery, while also failing to report gifts/vacations from a billionaire Aga Khan he is suspiciously close with, but yes, this stuff is basically a Tuesday in America.

Again, different standards.
Well WE Charity featured a pretty substantive conflict of interest with the charity paying big $$$ to Trudeau family members (speaking/appearance fees) and getting a huge no-bid contract, along with Trudeau leaning on our justice department to avoid a prosecution of a Canadian engineering company SNC-Lavalin for engaging in bribery, while also failing to report gifts/vacations from a billionaire Aga Khan he is suspiciously close with, but yes, this stuff is basically a Tuesday in America.

Again, different standards.

Perhaps I am cynical about Canadian politics, but I think the next PM, be it Liberal or Tory, would just do something similar because this stuff keeps on happening.
Perhaps I am cynical about Canadian politics, but I think the next PM, be it Liberal or Tory, would just do something similar because this stuff keeps on happening.

Yes, I think both the Cons and Liberals have become increasingly corrupt and venal; this is a major reason I'm so eager to see the NDP assume governance nationally. Unfortunately though, it is extremely money starved; the Conservatives eliminated our public vote subsidy back when Harper had his majority, which had the intended effect of starving more left leaning parties of resources as all political parties are now wholly dependent on private donations, and the rich know where their bread is buttered (corporatist Cons and Libs). Meanwhile, the grass roots culture of broad-sourced small donation fundraising ala Bernie Sanders/AOC isn't quite yet a thing here in part due to us being used to publicly financed elections.
I've seen this posted by Canadians a few times on here. Why do you care/worry so much about Trump being reelected? I'm just curious because your "leader" is an incompetent liberal clown who deserves removal from office ASAP.
Do you not have any takeaway wisdom from that?
Worried about Trump's trade policies?
Because if Trump wins, many Americans will seek refuge in Canada.

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