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Canadian Military Deployed “Gender Advisors” to Ukraine, Haiti (1 Viewer)

How important are gender advisors for warfighting?

  • Moderately Important

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pan-Sexualism for Everyone, Now!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning

How important are gender advisors for warfighting?
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How important are gender advisors for warfighting?
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What else does Canada have to offer?
I'm sure their memory deserves better than to be used as gratuitous discussion forum fodder.
Their memory deserves better than for you to slag our armed forces.

You suggested that we had nothing to offer. That's what we gave.
Anticipating that I might get something less than a sincere answer from Allan, I asked ChatGPT what insignia Canadian military gender advisors wear. The answer was comedy gold:

In the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Gender Advisors (GENADs) are appointed from within the existing ranks and retain the rank insignia corresponding to their personal rank. There is no unique insignia specifically designated for the GENAD role. Instead, GENADs wear their standard rank insignia, which reflects their position within the military hierarchy.

The CAF has established military gender advisor positions in various commands, including the Strategic Joint Staff, the Canadian Joint Operations Command, and the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command. These advisors provide guidance on integrating gender perspectives and Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) into military planning and operations.

Government of Canada

While GENADs do not have a distinct insignia, their role is crucial in ensuring that gender considerations are incorporated into CAF activities. They advise key leaders on gender and GBA+ aspects, ensuring these factors are considered during the planning, execution, and assessment of operations. Additionally, they collaborate with other CAF units to provide GBA+ training for members, promoting a more inclusive and effective military force.


I think I found their insignia, You need to think about it, and try not to be dendrology normative.


I voted, mainly to see the scores, only to find out I am the only voter. I did vote "very important".

A fully developed transsexual, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the government to uphold and impose transsexualism, shall not be infringed upon.
So should I take them prisoner or not?

Will they be taken back later?

How important are gender advisors for warfighting?
Please answer the attached poll.

Putin’s rounding up his own group of “gender advisors” for the “SMO”:

If you want to get rid of “undesirables,” whether they be Crimean Tatars, criminals, migrants, or gays, just found them them up or conscript then and send them to Ukraine to die in a storming unit.
I never would have guessed that Canada’s national security would be at risk if there were no GENADS.🤔 just like ours would be without DEI.

How important are gender advisors for warfighting?
Please answer the attached poll.

Who'd have thought Canada was so far ahead of the curve on gender recognition ?

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