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Canadian elite sniper nicknamed "Wali" arrived in Ukraine (2 Viewers)

He shall kill innocent young men and women sent to fight a war they were told was just protection, then were lied to about. This is still a good thing.

There is a space between black/white and "I'm right"/"You're wrong" morality for that.
He shall kill innocent young men and women sent to fight a war they were told was just protection, then were lied to about. This is still a good thing.

There is a space between black/white and "I'm right"/"You're wrong" morality for that.

They have been in country long enough to see what their countrymen are doing to the people of the Ukraine.................... and they are no longer innocent.

Shoot em all!

Only you could come up with this shit.
He shall kill innocent young men and women sent to fight a war they were told was just protection, then were lied to about. This is still a good thing.

There is a space between black/white and "I'm right"/"You're wrong" morality for that.

Unfortunately, this thing only ends once enough those "innocents" get sent back home to their mothers in bags.
i bet the soldiers that this guy kills (and their families) won't think Trump is right about Putin being a genius.
He should have kept his arrival secret unless this is another one of those propaganda feel good stories.
i bet the soldiers that this guy kills (and their families) won't think Trump is right about Putin being a genius.
I don't believe they will be thinking much once they're dead. ;)

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