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Can you identify this? (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

master political analyst
DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
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The Golden State
Political Leaning
I can't.
Maybe someone else can:


Read about it here.
I can't.
Maybe someone else can:


Read about it here.

The reason nobody has figured it out is because they're all thinking it's some kind of web or cocoon when, obviously, it's a miniature intergalactic radio transmitter.
A spider's version of Stonehenge? ;)
So that's where my shuttlecock landed the other day.

I knew I had a powerful badminton serve, but not that powerful.
Ummm....truthfully?..... I think it just may be the pinheads/coneheads shrine to Obama....one can't really get into the rumored inner sanctum...and once you ever get there, and you find out its empty...you can't get out....
My mother-in-laws nipple.
And they said giving LSD to Spiders was just for laughs.:mrgreen:
Ever see a seemingly almost perfect circle of mushrooms popping up after a few days after a nice rain ?

Well, its not because Mushrooms can communicate with each other, or that they're trying to hopelessly uproot themselves in the effort to play the very first mushroom version of Duck Duck Goose.

Its because your'e looking at the flowering bodies of a large subteranian fungus.

God can't build in straight lines, but he's got Circles down to a T.

There are far more complex and symetrical versions of life out there.

That thing doesn't impress me much.
Ever see a seemingly almost perfect circle of mushrooms popping up after a few days after a nice rain ?

Well, its not because Mushrooms can communicate with each other, or that they're trying to hopelessly uproot themselves in the effort to play the very first mushroom version of Duck Duck Goose.

Its because your'e looking at the flowering bodies of a large subteranian fungus.

God can't build in straight lines, but he's got Circles down to a T.

There are far more complex and symetrical versions of life out there.

That thing doesn't impress me much.

but you still can't tell us what it is, can you?
but you still can't tell us what it is, can you?

Is it that critical that we know it's function ?

It's biological, it's a life form.

You want me to name and train it to do tricks ?
but you still can't tell us what it is, can you?
I would guess it is an artifact left over from some cocoon hatching process.
The critter is gone, but when it breaks away leaves the residual of it's support.
We see something else, because our minds always seek out order from disorder.
It is the same reason abstract art works.
Is it that critical that we know it's function ?

It's biological, it's a life form.

You want me to name and train it to do tricks ?

No doubt it is a life form, or at least something made by a life form. It could be a life form unknown to science, and one with Earth shattering potential.

or not.

You don't know, and neither, apparently, does anyone else on this forum.

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