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Can you catch Omicron twice? (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
Political Leaning
A new study out of Denmark says yes, but it's extremely rare.

Out of the 1.8 million people studied, 47 people (0.003%) who had Omicron BA1, contracted Omicron BA2 within 60 days of their first infection. The good news is all 47 cases were mild, with none resulting in hospitalization or death.. Most were also young and unvaccinated.

Dr. John Campbell read the study and has more details:

Isn't this the guy that grim was all mad about two weeks ago?
Does it matter ?

Bit of a nuisance catching something less than the common cold twice in a short space of time .

But aspirin and hot lemon juice , for example , will have you back in fighting form in a couple of days . Assumes a bad attack !!

And if you had been following simple preventative protocols in the first place you would never caught it at all.
A new study out of Denmark says yes, but it's extremely rare.

Out of the 1.8 million people studied, 47 people (0.003%) who had Omicron BA1, contracted Omicron BA2 within 60 days of their first infection. The good news is all 47 cases were mild, with none resulting in hospitalization or death.. Most were also young and unvaccinated.

Dr. John Campbell read the study and has more details:

Dr. John Campbell

Does it matter ?

Bit of a nuisance catching something less than the common cold twice in a short space of time .

But aspirin and hot lemon juice , for example , will have you back in fighting form in a couple of days . Assumes a bad attack !!

And if you had been following simple preventative protocols in the first place you would never caught it at all.

More blatant disinformation.
Don't worry about it. Rush Limbaugh told us that COVID is just a common cold. No one is dying.
Don't worry about it. Rush Limbaugh told us that COVID is just a common cold. No one is dying.
and Biden said he was going to shut down the pandemic, so tit for tat!
and Biden said he was going to shut down the pandemic, so tit for tat!
Sane people did listen to Biden and aren't dying. We can't save the cult nor the antivaxxers. They are culling themselves.

Now tell me more about how this is the common cold.
Natural immunity is better of course
A new study out of Denmark says yes, but it's extremely rare.

Out of the 1.8 million people studied, 47 people (0.003%) who had Omicron BA1, contracted Omicron BA2 within 60 days of their first infection. The good news is all 47 cases were mild, with none resulting in hospitalization or death.. Most were also young and unvaccinated.

Dr. John Campbell read the study and has more details:

I hope... I've had one once, last month!!!

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