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Can we ban 'Youve Got To Be Kidding!' yet? (1 Viewer)

Simon W. Moon

DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
That's about it.

Youve Got To Be Kidding!'s not he only peckerhead who posts little more than "We Rule! They Drool!" but, hes the one who currently annoys this peckerwood the most.

Can anyone find a post of his that doesn't sink to name calling and unsubstantiated and unwarranted abuse?

What does Youve Got To Be Kidding! bring to the table?
What does he contribute?
I've looked and I don't see a damn thing he's brought to DP thats worthwhile. His verbal abuse isn't even clever or funny.

In light of his glaring lack of meaningful contribution, why tolerate his ill-mannered behavior?
What does DP get out of having him around that makes tolerating him worth it?
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I read one of his basement rantings and really wanted to rip into him, but I have a rule against picking on the mentally challenged.
LaMidRighter said:
I read one of his basement rantings and really wanted to rip into him, but I have a rule against picking on the mentally challenged.

I don't!

Next time I see him, I'll whack him around a little for ya....:2wave:
I suppose I have to be more tactful now. But, since I've already made my feelings clear and public I don't suppose a little more can make things any worse.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I"ll leave it at that
Have you noticed that the guy never replies when you call him out though? I've even resorted to calling him a coward for talking **** through his computer. Still, no response from the guy. Go figure.

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