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Can We Ban Stu Ghatze? (1 Viewer)

Comrade Brian

DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
NE, Minnesota
Political Leaning
Can we ban Stu Ghatze?

That guy just really irritates me, Canuck is to America as Stu Ghatze is to Liberals/Democrats. The guy does nothing but rant on how terrible liberals are. Can someone find a post where he doesn't critisize liberals? Does anyone else think he should be banned, he provides no intelligence whatsoever.

Here is an excellent example of what he usually says:
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Comrade Brian said:
Can we ban Stu Ghatze?

That guy just really irritates me, Canuck is to America as Stu Ghatze is to Liberals/Democrats. The guy does nothing but rant on how terrible liberals are. Can someone find a post where he doesn't critisize liberals? Does anyone else think he should be banned, he provides no intelligence whatsoever.

Here is an excellent example of what he usually says:

MY DEAR COMRAD, ....I understand exactly why you want me banned. It is because of the fact that most socialists, & liberals really do NOT like having their wreckless views, & their wreckless words repeated for ALL to see, & hear.

I realize that the liberal nuance, ...& the things that they say are to NEVER hold them responsible for their words & actions.

Its only considered freedom of speech & "fair & just" when the liberal democrats say such things; ...but God forbid when a conservative POINTS out "THEIR" own words, ..its called being "intollerant"!

If MY parotting of "THEIR" own words & "THEIR" own charges & accusations that THEY make upon the Bush administration upsets you,.. YOU should take it up with the self righteous DNC leaders!

This IS the "Flame Area"; ..is it TOO hot for you to handle the truth, words & behavior of the democrats & liberals?

Perhaps you feel that some of you NEED ''SPECIAL PROTECTION"...as most democrats do; ...for those that LOVE to invent "somebody" as a victim!
galenrox said:
Dude, he's fun to have around, cause who else comes out with **** THAT frickin ridiculous! And the best part is he ACTUALLY believes what he's saying!!!

Galen has proved that HE believes in "free speech" for all; ..& besides if I was gone everybody on this site would STILL get to hear, & see the things the DNC & its inspired media say regarding Bush & his administration!

I believe that it is paramount to have people remember all the phoney accusations, & charges...& the outrageous things that the DNC, & their media say.

Galen IS correct, ..for I do believe the things that I say; & nobody from the democratic party leadership, or the media has ever disappointed me either, & THEIR very own words have proven me "correct".;)

Galen is very courageous!

Some proofs:

Has the media, & anybody from the democratic party EVER hinted or accused Bush or the republicans of fixing the 04' election? (YES) Charlie Rangle, John Kerry & others.

Has any democrat opined that Bush "might" have been responsible for 9/11? (YES) Howard Dean..& others.

Has anybody from the democratic party ever said that our military acted like Ghengis Khans while in Viet-Nam? (YES) John Kerry in 1971

Has democrat Dick Durbin said that our POW camps for terrorists are as comparable to the Nazi extermination camps, & the gulags of Stalin? (YES)

Had Dick Durbin ever suggested that the terrorists we have in custody should also recieve protection from the Constitution? (YES)

Has the media ever extrapolated on all these things said? (YES):smile:

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Has the media, & anybody from the democratic party EVER hinted or accused Bush or the republicans of fixing the 04' election? (YES) Charlie Rangle, John Kerry & others.

I don't think that anyone said he fixed the election. Regardless, so what? Is it supposed to be outrageous that such was said?

Has any democrat opined that Bush "might" have been responsible for 9/11? (YES) Howard Dean..& others.

Okay, prove it. Show me what Dean said.

Has anybody from the democratic party ever said that our military acted like Ghengis Khans while in Viet-Nam? (YES) John Kerry in 1971

That was true. They had.

Has democrat Dick Durbin said that our POW camps for terrorists are as comparable to the Nazi extermination camps, & the gulags of Stalin? (YES)

That was true. They are comparable. I was appalled when I saw the pictures and read what had happened. I thought we were better than this. This has hurt America significantly.

Had Dick Durbin ever suggested that the terrorists we have in custody should also recieve protection from the Constitution? (YES)

We're supposed to be better than other countries. Do you think that giving them protection from the Constitution somehow shows us as sympathizers? Is that supposed to make us look weak?

Has the media ever extrapolated on all these things said? (YES)

So what?

Stu, you are a piece of work. ;)
I think Stu Gahtze is the best example of a bad American. Yet, even I, would be against his banning.
He basically is the Conservative version of Canuck. Board moderation leans to the right though.
scottyz said:
He basically is the Conservative version of Canuck. Board moderation leans to the right though.

That is very unfair. I might be slightly biased (ha biased..get it? we're talking about leaning and...oh never mind :mrgreen: ) but the mods try very hard to not let our bias come into play. And I think we do a damn good job.
Originally Posted by scottyz
He basically is the Conservative version of Canuck. Board moderation leans to the right though.
Even so, any board that can tolerate 2700 of my posts, is a very tolerant board.
I am a liberal, and I think the moderators are very fair.

About Stu, I love him. He makes me laugh. :lol:
aps said:
I am a liberal, and I think the moderators are very fair.

About Stu, I love him. He makes me laugh. :lol:

Dear Aps, ...Its the media that repeats exactly WHAT the DNC leaders say, ..& I only repeat it afterwards.

Yes...somebody did not believe that Howard Dean ever "hinted" that Bush "might" have been responsible for 9/11.

I heard him myself some time ago when Dean was interviewd, ..& his words were as follows: "How do we know he didn't?"

This IS the nuance I'am talking about, ..& the dems HAVE put out their talking points in like manner, ..& it cannot even be disputed.

Its the same thing about the phoney charges that the 04' election was fixed, ..What, do you suppose it was the republicans making those charges??, ..just WHERE do you think all these ridiculous charges, & accusations come from ...BUT the democratic party leadership,...thats where!

So, ..if you find me amusing & funny, ..you must also find the modern democratic party HILARIOUS, ..cause' THEY are the originators of such things!:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Dear Aps, ...Its the media that repeats exactly WHAT the DNC leaders say, ..& I only repeat it afterwards.

Yes...somebody did not believe that Howard Dean ever "hinted" that Bush "might" have been responsible for 9/11.

I heard him myself some time ago when Dean was interviewd, ..& his words were as follows: "How do we know he didn't?"

This IS the nuance I'am talking about, ..& the dems HAVE put out their talking points in like manner, ..& it cannot even be disputed.

That is a little strange. But don't forget that Cheney said that if people voted for John Kerry, we would most likely get another terrorist attack. I wonder what he will say if we get one while he and Bush are in office......

Its the same thing about the phoney charges that the 04' election was fixed, ..What, do you suppose it was the republicans making those charges??, ..just WHERE do you think all these ridiculous charges, & accusations come from ...BUT the democratic party leadership,...thats where!

There were some facts that would cause some people to raise their eyebrows. I don't believe that they have alleged that the election was "fixed" per se.

So, ..if you find me amusing & funny, ..you must also find the modern democratic party HILARIOUS, ..cause' THEY are the originators of such things!:smile:

I was not attempting to be condescending towards you. I hope it didn't come across that way. I do think your posts tend to be a little exaggerated, but I think it's cute in a positive way. :cheers:
galenrox said:
Dude, he's fun to have around, cause who else comes out with **** THAT frickin ridiculous! And the best part is he ACTUALLY believes what he's saying!!!

Yes, I kinda agree he can be extremely ridiculous, for instance, after my sig., avatar, name, he couldn't figure what I was(or leaning to) so he called me a liberal, his words: "Congradulations, ..you are on your way of becoming a good little liberal in good standing!"
He basically is the Conservative version of Canuck. Board moderation leans to the right though.

True but even they don't like him.

Also if you want to ban Stu you better ban AI because he does the exact same thing except hes even more hopless then Stu is.
FinnMacCool said:
True but even they don't like him.

Also if you want to ban Stu you better ban AI because he does the exact same thing except hes even more hopless then Stu is.

Nah, Imperium doesn't rant like Stu, at least he goves more evidence of things than Stu.
FinnMacCool said:
True but even they don't like him.

Also if you want to ban Stu you better ban AI because he does the exact same thing except hes even more hopless then Stu is.

No you would have to ban sissy-boy as well. Atleast there are plenty of reasons to ban siss-boy. I have not read too many os Stu's post so i can not formulate an opinion!
Originally posted by AK_Conservative:
No you would have to ban sissy-boy as well. Atleast there are plenty of reasons to ban siss-boy. I have not read too many os Stu's post so i can not formulate an opinion!
How about your cousin, KC_Conservative? Have you read any of his bullshit?

bombast by billo...
How about we don't ban anyone and everybody should just grow up and act like mature adults!
Maybe that's too much to ask. How about if you don't like what you see, lower your standards.
FinnMacCool said:
True but even they don't like him.

Also if you want to ban Stu you better ban AI because he does the exact same thing except hes even more hopless then Stu is.
If that's true then why did they ban Canuck, but not Stu?
Comrade Brian said:
Can we ban Stu Ghatze?

That guy just really irritates me, Canuck is to America as Stu Ghatze is to Liberals/Democrats. The guy does nothing but rant on how terrible liberals are. Can someone find a post where he doesn't critisize liberals? Does anyone else think he should be banned, he provides no intelligence whatsoever.

Here is an excellent example of what he usually says:

I think Stu represents a lot of Red state America. Blinded by the right.

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