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Can the democratic party "re-invent" itself? (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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I think not. There WAS a time that the democratic party stood for almost every good thing imaginable.

A strong defense & military, tough on crime, Believed in "honest" rights, & values, & above all THEY put America first.

Nothing could be further from the truth with regard to the democratic party today as they are so invested in destroying presdent Bush that THEY take deliberate efforts to disagree with almost EVERYTHING that is essential in responding to what is good for America, & its security concerns.

Lets look at the democratic party leadership today:

IT loves to blame, & accuse its own soldiers of torture.

They accuse the soldiers of heavy hand tactics against Iraqi citizens.

They keep saying the war in Iraq cannot be won.

They also keep making charges that Bush lied about WMD's....even though many democrats believed it as well, & NOW "NEW EVIDENCE" has surfaced with tapes found of Sadaam's voice on them talking about his weapons, & where he might send them giving credence to the fact that Bush probably was correct all along. They have been verified as being "authentic".

Where is the media story that follows up on this, ..there is none of course because too many people from the media, & in the democratic party staked their reputations on Bush being a liar about WMD's...& now cannot, or do not care to re-address that topic anymore!

As most know the modern democratic party LOVES to use "civil rights" as an issue to exploit but the democrats are simply off the wall, & those that have opined for giving "constitutional rights" to foreign nationals at a time such as we are living in the world today under terror threat is complete insanity, ..& yet that is exactly what we have heard from MANY leading democrats such as "Dick Durbin!

At a time when we WANT to know WHO, & the WHEREABOUTS of "potential" terror cells living in America, ..the democrats want to PROTECT THEM, & make it all the more difficult to identify them!!

That is absolute irrationality, ..as is their belief that somehow any innocent foreigners are going to be abused, or be treated unfairly, or discriminated against, ..but of course that is EXACTLY what the democrats WANT people to believe, as well as the FALSE notion that everybody is having their rights expunged, & are losing their civil rights.

Of course its all non-sense, & the democrats KNOW it. They just WANT people to believe that Bush is the greatest threat to world peace, & the greatest threat to civil rights...as "typical" as most liberals who don't mind blaming America first, & then seeing American adversaries as the "victims"!

The democratic party leadership WELCOMES such people who believe in the whacko conspiracy theories, & better yet when they advance such as.sinine theories for public consumption, ..as they do for the people who have attempted to scandalize the whole Bush administration in every imaginable way.

The democratic party today: Too soft on national security, weak on crime, invested too much on the "phoney" focus groups, blame America first, a hatred for traditional religion/ beliefs...WHILE they invest in FOREIGN multi-culturalism, & respect for THEIR religious beliefs while THEY try to tear down America's ALL under the PHONEY guise of individual "rights"!

Yes...individual rights are important, ..but being American COMES FIRST, .."something" that the modern democratic party has forgotten as well as the most obvious concern of civil rights are meaningless once a person is DEAD because of being so damn oblivious to the REAL nature of islamic terror.

The democratic party has FAILED miserably in grasping that truth, & as ALWAYS continues to blame America, & its military, & its president because THEY simply cannot win elections anymore, & are tilted so far overboard that it cannot right itself for hardly any "balance" that will keep it from drowning in its own puke.

Instead of the democratic party looking at itself with honesty & objectivity, ..NO..it prefers to sell the notion that elections were stolen from them in another half as.sed attempt to sell itself because they KNOW that they do not represent the American majority anymore; but THEY want the American people at large to believe it does!

Since THEY cannot have the whitehouse THEY have attempted to destroy Bush's presidency; & who can doubt that they have not attempted to do so by THEIR very behavior of the last few years?

And still the democratic party THINKS it has bettered its chances for 08', ..but in fact have no clue as to how THEY really look, & really sound to MOST Americans who find them exceptionally pathetic in their actions, & their rhetoric.

IMO, it will be a COLD day in hell when the democratic party EVER returns to the great party it once was, IF it can ever shake itself free from what it stands for today.;)
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Stu Ghatze said:
I think not. There WAS a time that the democratic party stood for almost every good thing imaginable.

Hate to say it, because it's going to sound like standard partisan bullshit, but there was also a time when the Republicans stood for "every good thing imaginable".

The Republican Party, as represented by Lincoln through Teddy Roosevelt, was the progressive party-- they fought for civil rights, honest government, and prosperity. They helped make this country great.

That changed with Taft, who was your classic corrupt elitist; except for a couple of bright lights, they didn't get much better. There were a few years in the Nineties when it looked like they were going to come out worth a damn again, but this current administration ruined any hope of that.

The Democrats had a good run of things, too. During the Depression and World War Two, they were carrying the torch for American values and they put us in the exalted position we enjoy today. In the Fifties, they stood against McCarthy's excesses-- and eventually deposed him-- while still standing firm against the threat of Communism.

They really fell apart after Kennedy. I don't think either party was worth a damn between Kennedy's assassination and the election of Reagan. Both the Democrats and the Republicans had a brief-- all too brief-- resurgence after that, but they're both pretty worthless now.

Stu Ghatze said:
Nothing could be further from the truth with regard to the democratic party today as they are so invested in destroying presdent Bush that THEY take deliberate efforts to disagree with almost EVERYTHING that is essential in responding to what is good for America, & its security concerns.

I won't go this far. They're too focused on bringing down the President-- but a lot of what they are opposed to is reckless and bad policy. Unfortunately, they didn't oppose it until after it blew up in our faces-- when they could use it against Bush.

Stu Ghatze said:
As most know the modern democratic party LOVES to use "civil rights" as an issue to exploit but the democrats are simply off the wall...

Perhaps, but the Republicans are using "national security" as an excuse for gutting our civil rights.

Remember the Patriot Act? It took about a month for Ashcroft to use it to start cracking down on pornographers-- despite most of the targets being legal and legitimate (however distasteful) businesses.

And regardless of the threats against us, there is no legal principle which justifies our policies in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib-- even when we leave the issue of torture aside. Detainees are either POWs or criminal suspects; we cannot simply declare them to be neither and then ignore all rules regarding how either classification of prisoner is to be treated.

Stu Ghatze said:
... the democrats want to PROTECT THEM, & make it all the more difficult to identify them!!

There are laws in this country, and "national security" does not justify breaking them. Remember that domestic terrorism is a law enforcement problem and the government has already abused anti-terror legislation.

Stu Ghatze said:
The democratic party today: Too soft on national security, weak on crime, invested too much on the "phoney" focus groups, blame America first...

I will agree with all of these. We need a party that is willing to protect Americans both at home and abroad, but without sacrificing American values in the process.

Stu Ghatze said:
... a hatred for traditional religion/ beliefs...

You realize that the majority of Democrats are Christian, right? The majority of everybody in this country is Christian, and religious beliefs-- aside from a few rabidly political "churches"-- don't have that much to do with party affiliation.

Bush was the first President in all of American history that could win an election based on the ridiculous notion that he was "more Christian" than his opponent.

Stu Ghatze said:
Yes...individual rights are important, ..but being American COMES FIRST, .."something" that the modern democratic party has forgotten as well as the most obvious concern of civil rights are meaningless once a person is DEAD...

Well, one, both major parties have forgotten that being American comes first-- the Republicans are just much better at pretending to be patriotic-- and two, this country was founded on the basis that it was better to be dead than to live under an unjust government.

"Give me liberty or give me death" ring any bells?

Stu Ghatze said:
The democratic party has FAILED miserably in grasping that truth, & as ALWAYS continues to blame America, & its military, & its president because THEY simply cannot win elections anymore...

Yeah, this is more or less correct.

Stu Ghatze said:
... they KNOW that they do not represent the American majority anymore; but THEY want the American people at large to believe it does!

I agree.

The sad thing is, the Republicans don't even recognize that they don't represent the majority, either. Most people vote for them either out of righteous disgust at the Democrats or because they simply do not understand just how badly this administration has compromised their interests.

We really need other choices in our elections; the problem is, our third parties all suck, too.

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