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Can anyone give more info? (1 Viewer)

Sep 8, 2005
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Watching Fox and Friends this morning. Edie Hill was interviewing a pastor who had set up a private medical relief facility in Mississippi. She mentioned that 4 Israeli planes full of medical supplies had been turned away with the statement that "if the Middle Eastern countries found out that Israel was helping with the relief effort, they, the Middle East, would stop helping."

Has anyone heard anything about this?

What contributions have the Middle Eastern countries made?

Which government blocked the shipment? Local, state, or federal?

I'm not very versed on where to find news sources on the net, which is why I came here.

Thanks for any info anyone can add.
There's a list here, it's from sept. 5th so it's out of date, a lot more has been offered since


She mentioned that 4 Israeli planes full of medical supplies had been turned away with the statement that "if the Middle Eastern countries found out that Israel was helping with the relief effort, they, the Middle East, would stop helping."

The US has been turning away a lot of aid from a number of countries, I'm unsure of the reasons why but the above about the M/E is just their typical cheapshot nonsense.
Process said:

From one of your cites, which has been posted elsewhere too.

By Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

As the National Guard delivered food to the New Orleans convention center yesterday, American Red Cross officials said that federal emergency management authorities would not allow them to do the same.
Other relief agencies say the area is so damaged and dangerous that they doubted they could conduct mass feeding there now.
"The Homeland Security Department has requested and continues to request that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans," said Renita Hosler, spokeswoman for the Red Cross.
"Right now access is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities. We have been at the table every single day [asking for access]. We cannot get into New Orleans against their orders."
Calls to the Department of Homeland Security and its subagency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, were not returned yesterday.

WRONG, the Red Cross IS FEMA. By the law that created FEMA in just such emergency's the Red Cross is an agent for FEMA. It was BLANCO, the GOVERNOR who turn down the Red Cross and the Homeland Security Department mentioned was the LOUSIANA Homeland Security Department. The actual head of the Red Cross has been on many news shows confirming it was the state and not FEMA that blocked not only them but also the Salvation Army which is also delgate by law as an agent of FEMA.

As far as private groups and companies and countries coming in without cordinating with FEMA yes some may have been told not to come or wait. The last thing needed there is the chaos of a bunch of people arriving with truck after truck of goods with no one to recieve them, no where to store them, no provisions for the people coming in and in a dangerous place to begin with. Especially when those goods were probably needed more in Baton Rouge and Houston and Mobile and Dallas and other cities where the refugees WERE BEING TAKEN TO.

It does no good to post phoney stories from phoney weblogs.
I'm not going to defend the states or the feds, the only thing they're effective at is pointing fingers and covering rear.
Process said:
I'm not going to defend the states or the feds, the only thing they're effective at is pointing fingers and covering rear.

What exactly is it that you think the Fed's should have done that they did not?
Stinger said:
What exactly is it that you think the Fed's should have done that they did not?

Maybe actually help people to help themselves when and where they most needed it, in life&death situations, rather than having to control and dominate everything like they're dealing with helpless fodder to be herded around? Maybe even just allowing people to help themselves without always being in the way? Allow more organized citizenry to gather and plan beforehand, people from actual cities and neighborhoods who can do what needs to be done in crises and disasters without sitting on their thumbs waiting for some official or authority to give them permit or license to do *anything*? And without calling them "vigilantes"?

p.s. I realize asking these coffer-lining cabalists and thugs to be part of the solution rather than the problem is far too much to ask.
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One Muslim group donated a million dollars. I can dig up the link if it's important.

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