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Calling all Labour Supporters (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
I would like to let you know of a Labour Movement led by young people that you may not know of already. On The Student Room's website, there is a section called the Model House of Commons (MHOC). The MHoC is an environment where people can express their political views freely and take part in a range of interesting and engaging debates. You can create bills and motions on a topic of your choice. These pieces of legislation will then be opened up to the other members of the House who will debate about that issue and then vote on whether they want them to pass. The MHoC is anything but a commitment - instead it is a place to unwind in our otherwise stressful lives. The Labour Party is represented in the MHoC but is in desperate need of new members. I know that there will be many Labour supporters that would love to get involved if they knew of its existence. I would really appreciate it if you could spread the word about the TSR Labour Party. Here is a link to our Q&A page: The Labour Party Q&A Thread - Ask/Join here! - The Student Room. For those of you concerned that the TSR Labour Party is only for students, do not fear. We have a wide range of age ranges and the MHoC prides itself for catering for people, whatever their requirements. If you would like to get involved, please post below and I can run you through the next steps. :)
Is anyone interested in joining? :)
I would like to make it clear that the Labour Party in the Model House of Commons shares some different views from the real life version.
I would like to make it clear that the Labour Party in the Model House of Commons shares some different views from the real life version.

So, this is like a FIFA Manager game for student politicos. I'll pass, thanks.

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