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Calling All Chickenhawks...Uncle Sam Wants You! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
Political Leaning
If you support the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be over there fighting it. Period. And if you can’t get into the military, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of war-profiteering defense contractors robbing the American taxpayer blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making America safe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do? What could be more important than fighting for your country in a just, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.
Your proclamation challenges all advocates for the Iraq War to enlist and participate in the combat in Iraq to demostrate their loyalty to the war. If they refuse perhaps then they will realize that the troops dying in Iraq is not a just cause if that person is not willing to sacrifice his own life. Many people are in favor of the war, but realize that they have "better things to do" and contribute to society in a more effective manner than serving in the war. Most troops fighting in Iraq volunteer to enlist in the military services because they honestly feel they can serve society better fighting and protecting the country. Even if the war was just, not just, preemptive or preventive, your challenge to the war advocates is farfetch and unrealistic.
argexpat said:
If you support the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be over there fighting it. Period. And if you can’t get into the military, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of war-profiteering defense contractors robbing the American taxpayer blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making America safe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do? What could be more important than fighting for your country in a just, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.

Let me show you how absurd your comments are...

If you are against the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be fighting against it. Period. And if you can’t get into the insurgency, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of Oil-for-Food-profiteering countries robbing the Iraqi citizens blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making Iraqi unsafe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do?What could be more important than fighting for the insurgency against your country in an unjust, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.

Equally dumb? Or according to your logic, equally true?
cnredd said:
Let me show you how absurd your comments are...

If you are against the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be fighting against it. Period. And if you can’t get into the insurgency, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of Oil-for-Food-profiteering countries robbing the Iraqi citizens blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making Iraqi unsafe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do?What could be more important than fighting for the insurgency against your country in an unjust, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.

Equally dumb? Or according to your logic, equally true?

-If you are against the war, you should join the Army and then refuse to go to Iraq.

If your against the war go to Afghanistan and join Bin laden..........The time to be against the war was before it started not now.........
whiz_kid said:
Your proclamation challenges all advocates for the Iraq War to enlist and participate in the combat in Iraq to demostrate their loyalty to the war.

Yes, it's called putting your money where your mouth is.

whiz_kid said:
If they refuse perhaps then they will realize that the troops dying in Iraq is not a just cause if that person is not willing to sacrifice his own life.

I don't understand what you're saying here. If you beat the drums for war, then you don't fight that war, while others fight and die for you, then you're a coward.

whiz_kid said:
Many people are in favor of the war, but realize that they have "better things to do" and contribute to society in a more effective manner than serving in the war.

And those people are just tough-talking cowards who are happy to let others fight and die for their lip service.

whiz_kid said:
Most troops fighting in Iraq volunteer to enlist in the military services because they honestly feel they can serve society better fighting and protecting the country. Even if the war was just, not just, preemptive or preventive, your challenge to the war advocates is farfetch and unrealistic.

Oh, it's far fetched and unrealistic all right, to expect chickenhawks who have enough time to fight the War on Liberals to fight the real war they advocate.

I don't advocate any war I wouldn't personally fight in myself, or send my kids to fight in. I think that's a pretty good standard.
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cnredd said:
Let me show you how absurd your comments are...

If you are against the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be fighting against it. Period. And if you can’t get into the insurgency, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of Oil-for-Food-profiteering countries robbing the Iraqi citizens blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making Iraqi unsafe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do?What could be more important than fighting for the insurgency against your country in an unjust, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.

Equally dumb? Or according to your logic, equally true?

No, not equally dumb, actually dumb. I never supported the war, thought it was a bad idea. That's why I went out into the streets and protested it till I was blue in the face, and was told by my president that, since I wasn't with him, I was with the terrorists. So the president called me, and the milliions of others who agreed with me---half the voting public, that we were as good as terrorists. I didn't want our troops dying in Iraq; I wanted them home with their families where they belonged, or at least protecting us from real threats. But we went to war anyway, so now, because I didn't and don't support the war, I should be over there killing our soldiers?

No, what I did instead was devote myself to getting the incompetent Chickenhawk in Chief who sent them to Iraq out of the White House. That's what patriotic Americans do when they don't agree with their governemt's policies.

This reply could only come from a chickenhawk who knows in his heart of hearts that he's a coward.
Navy Pride said:
If your against the war go to Afghanistan and join Bin laden..........The time to be against the war was before it started not now.........

Please see my response to cnredd at #7 above.

But your reply makes an interesting point, if Bin Laden is still at large, in Afghanistan, then the war there was a failure, right? And now, thanks to the war in Iraq, Bin Laden has a whole new generation of recruits dying to fight America, literally.
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Navy Pride said:
If your against the war go to Afghanistan and join Bin laden..........The time to be against the war was before it started not now.........

I think the time before the war was the time to be forthright with the American people and realistic and intellegenct about the use of the intellegence.
Get the hawks to support the troops and join the services? LOL! Hell, we can't even get them to give up their gas guzzling SUVs that makes our country dependent upon and in debt to the ME countries, that use our dollars to fund guys like Osama "we'll get him dead or alive" bin Laden.
If you support the war on Iraq, and you’re under 40 and healthy, you should be over there fighting it. Period. And if you can’t get into the military, then you should take a job with any one of the dozens of war-profiteering defense contractors robbing the American taxpayer blind.

Seriously, why aren’t you in Iraq right now? If it’s such a worthy cause, and it’s making America safe, what’s the hold up? You got better things to do? What could be more important than fighting for your country in a just, pre-emptive war? Seriously, you should join up…they’re dying to have you.
Patriotism without sacrifice is theft.

Good one! Right now, the Army and the National Guard are experiencing a shortage of recruits. It's a win-win situation for the antiwar folks like myself.
Either the young chickenhawks can enlist and get a taste of their own medicine. Or they can manage a war with fewer and fewer recruits and eventually be taught that America can't run the Middle East. Don't worry too much though. I don't think Congress is dumb enough to institute a draft. (I can explain that one in another thread.)

For those who challenge the "terrorist liberals" to go over to the Middle East and fight for the other side, do you think Osama Bin Laden is going to trust a white person, let alone hire one? I say the best approach for an ordinary citizen is to stay neutral and avoid military recruiters.
Appearantly my posts about this subject were missed by most in the other thread where someone suggested that all who support the war actually go to war. Let me say it again.

Pretty much every civilization throughout history has had a "warrior class." Everyone cannot be part of the "warrior class, just as we can not all be educators, machinists, or dope smoking hippies on our parents couches.

First, if you're against this war, you're more than likely a liberal...in that case, shouldn't you see this war as justified, taking into account the human rights of the Iraqis pre & post Saddam? I'd say that human rights are much greater in Iraq since the war.

Second, There are ways to show your support for the troops & the war other than joining up. Again, I'll cite George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life"...I know it was fiction, but there are people showing their support for the troops/war in similar ways every day. There are people who say I'm against the war, but I support the troops....BULL, if you really supported the troops, you wouldn't be trying to lower morale by screaming, demonstration, posting on the internet, or even bringing to question that what they are doing there may be wrong & unjust.

Third, How about I go join the War Profiteer Michael Moore & help him shoot another one of his inaccurate, right-wing bashing "documentaries?" I doubt someone who has made as much money off of the war as he has actually opposes it....He was probably as excited for the start of the war as Rumsfeld was.

Lastly....The military is for our defense, and for inevitibly fighting wars....the military is completely VOULENTEER...No one in the military should be complaining, as this is their JOB.
If you were really against this war, you wouldn't be making the suggestion that are who support the war go to Iraq & fight. If I were to go to Iraq, wouldn't that just be 1 more troop you'd be screaming to bring home, thus counter-productive?

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