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Call for UNAMID Exit Doesn’t Mean Tensions of Relations (1 Viewer)


Apr 25, 2016
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Khartoum - Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour has announced that Sudan demanding for UNAMID exit doesn’t mean tensions of relations between Sudan and UN or AU.
Sudan Vision Daily - Details
Khartoum - Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour has announced that Sudan demanding for UNAMID exit doesn’t mean tensions of relations between Sudan and UN or AU.
Sudan Vision Daily - Details

It would seem very early to withdraw. The place is not stable and will not be for decades unless a dictator takes over, which would put the area back to step one.
Totally agree with you and implicitly, but why not let the chance to try self-advancement !!
To see what happens.
Totally agree with you and implicitly, but why not let the chance to try self-advancement !!
To see what happens.

Experience seems to show that the probability of stability while avoiding dictatorship is greater, where foreign military stationing to guarantee civil stability continues longer.
Experience seems to show that the probability of stability while avoiding dictatorship is greater, where foreign military stationing to guarantee civil stability continues longer.
Whatever we have made our best to rule the region by dictatorial or Republican peacekeepers help, whether hybrid or not, it will come a day the population to call for Self-governing.
Whatever we have made our best to rule the region by dictatorial or Republican peacekeepers help, whether hybrid or not, it will come a day the population to call for Self-governing.

Of course the population will want self government. That appears a natural trait that will be used by populists to gain power. That does not mean that letting them have their way will not lead to tears. History has shown us over and again that the one man, one vote, one time is the normal situation after too short occupation, however. The required period of occupation is sorrily not well understood, but seems related to the legitimacy the population puts in the political order and how well the institutions work. This includes a myriad of aspects like transparency, bribery, payment systems etc. This all takes time, but a political system will usually fail, when a minimum achievement is not existent.
of course..
But does this require foreign intervention for each zone country live periods of war, conflict or controversy.

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