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California's budget surplus has exploded to $68B (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Third Coast
Political Leaning
Californians could receive billions in tax rebates later this year as the state’s budget surplus continues to explode.

State Senate leaders on Thursday released an extensive wish list for spending the windfall — now estimated to be as high as $68 billion. That staggering figure is the high end of a projection from the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, which in January put the number far lower, at $29 billion.


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Imagine that - the state collected so much revenue they can’t figure out anything else to spend it on.
Cali has other issues besides a money issue. Regulations being one of them
Imagine that - the state collected so much revenue they can’t figure out anything else to spend it on.

It speaks to California's strong economy, I believe.

You don't get $1M+ 3-bedroom bungalows with a dead or dying local economy.

I think the predictions of California's 'death' are a bit . . . pre-mature.
Man, those poop and needles pay their taxes and then some!

Cali has other issues besides a money issue. Regulations being one of them

Ranked against other countries, it has the 5th largest economy. How do some people not understand that that shuts down any standard anti-left bumper sticker one could slap on CA?
Man, those poop and needles pay their taxes and then some!

Ranked against other countries, it has the 5th largest economy. How do some people not understand that that shuts down any standard anti-left bumper sticker one could slap on CA?

How come they keep leaving CA for Texas then?
Man, those poop and needles pay their taxes and then some!

Ranked against other countries, it has the 5th largest economy. How do some people not understand that that shuts down any standard anti-left bumper sticker one could slap on CA?
Because not all regulations are good
How come they keep leaving CA for Texas then?

If I'm wrong, let 'em. I'm not invested in CA specifically. But CA is undeniably a powerhouse and that's why it can set national policy. 🤷

Because not all regulations are good

Did someone say all regulations are good? No.

CA --> Librul --> Regulation --> Regulation bad = pretty ****ing stupid

No wonder people just about never explain how it is that X regulation caused Y thing and A regulation wouldn't. It's not about the analysis. It's about the bumper sticker.
Imagine that - the state collected so much revenue they can’t figure out anything else to spend it on.
It's called economic success something that is lost to the right lately. They are focused on growing the Govt. and mooching off it.

Cupp: GOP governor is the biggest big government proponent this side of​


If I'm wrong, let 'em. I'm not invested in CA specifically.

But CA is undeniably a powerhouse and that's why it can set national policy. 🤷

It's has a bunch of big money industries surrounded by a giant dumpster fire.

It's like saying that your apartment complex is sucess because it's worth $20 million but 9 of the tenants make $50,000 and one make $19.5 million


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Cali should put that to desalinization. They're gonna need it.
It's has a bunch of big money industries surrounded by a giant dumpster fire.

It's like saying that your apartment complex is sucess because it's worth $20 million but 9 of the tenants make $50,000 and one make $19.5 million
This is a particularly bizarre sour grapes argument. There isn't state in the union that wouldn't be proud to be turning a profit rather than drowning in debt. This is nothing more than jealousy of the most successful state in the country (well, if not for the unfortunate climate change problem, which isn't its fault).


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Would be kinda nice if they spent some of it on affordable housing


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Last time I saw a story like this California got humiliated when it was revealed that they left out the tally the cost of the bloated pay and retirement benefits of it's state employees. Nice Try.


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Not possible. Conservatives have told us for decades about the economic demise of California. We get reminded of this regularly. Everyone is moving out. All businesses too.
Can we finally bury the SALT issue, now?


Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
Brother, I live in California, born and raised here. And if we are doing so great, then why are the streets of our cities full of vagrant drug camps. You can't drive 100 yards on our freeways near large cities without seeing tons of graffiti. Crime is out of control, especially petty crime. We have the highest gas prices in the nation, our power grid is constantly on the verge of collapse. Sacramento law makers whine about drought and lack of water, but then allow trillions of gallons of water to go out into the ocean for fear upsetting some snails or fish.

The best thing about California is the weather and the natural wonders of the coastline, mountains, and deserts. The worst thing about California is the very liberal law makers you are seemingly congratulating here.

The way you need to look at it is how much better might the 5th largest economy in the world be if our state was not wasting time on stupid legisislation rather than allowing business and the people to be all we could be? People are leaving this state in droves, and guess who is replacing them? 1) very wealthy Chinese backed by China buying everything up. 2) all the homeless from accross the country, 3) illegal aliens who are living 2-3 families per house so they can afford it.
Brother, I live in California, born and raised here. And if we are doing so great, then why are the streets of our cities full of vagrant drug camps. You can't drive 100 yards on our freeways near large cities without seeing tons of graffiti. Crime is out of control, especially petty crime. We have the highest gas prices in the nation, our power grid is constantly on the verge of collapse. Sacramento law makers whine about drought and lack of water, but then allow trillions of gallons of water to go out into the ocean for fear upsetting some snails or fish.

The best thing about California is the weather and the natural wonders of the coastline, mountains, and deserts. The worst thing about California is the very liberal law makers you are seemingly congratulating here.

The way you need to look at it is how much better might the 5th largest economy in the world be if our state was not wasting time on stupid legisislation rather than allowing business and the people to be all we could be? People are leaving this state in droves, and guess who is replacing them? 1) very wealthy Chinese backed by China buying everything up. 2) all the homeless from accross the country, 3) illegal aliens who are living 2-3 families per house so they can afford it.
"California is bad, and my proof is that so many people want to live here!"
If I'm wrong, let 'em. I'm not invested in CA specifically. But CA is undeniably a powerhouse and that's why it can set national policy. 🤷

Did someone say all regulations are good? No.

CA --> Librul --> Regulation --> Regulation bad = pretty ****ing stupid

No wonder people just about never explain how it is that X regulation caused Y thing and A regulation wouldn't. It's not about the analysis. It's about the bumper sticker.
That's not what I'm saying..Jesus

Calm down with the liberal=bad crap
Brother, I live in California, born and raised here. And if we are doing so great, then why are the streets of our cities full of vagrant drug camps. You can't drive 100 yards on our freeways near large cities without seeing tons of graffiti. Crime is out of control, especially petty crime. We have the highest gas prices in the nation, our power grid is constantly on the verge of collapse. Sacramento law makers whine about drought and lack of water, but then allow trillions of gallons of water to go out into the ocean for fear upsetting some snails or fish.

The best thing about California is the weather and the natural wonders of the coastline, mountains, and deserts. The worst thing about California is the very liberal law makers you are seemingly congratulating here.

The way you need to look at it is how much better might the 5th largest economy in the world be if our state was not wasting time on stupid legisislation rather than allowing business and the people to be all we could be? People are leaving this state in droves, and guess who is replacing them? 1) very wealthy Chinese backed by China buying everything up. 2) all the homeless from accross the country, 3) illegal aliens who are living 2-3 families per house so they can afford it.
In SoCal just driving in LA you can see the shit storm that was created by « THEIR » leftist policies. Hell, you can go to redondo beach, Venice beach, Torrance, Long Beach, Anaheim, etc etc…anything got better ? We not even talking about the BS in NorCal…

Hello, what's this? Record setting budget surplus? From California?

For whatever reason, California seems to often be a punching bag for Republicans & Conservatives, who claim California is everything wrong with America.

However, it would seem in terms of balancing their budget - California may be among the best in the nation.

It looks like the continuous stories of California going broke, are just that - stories!
That's right, the only reason people have to complain about the Democrats is their own crappy view of reality.

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