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California teacher accused of engaging in ‘lewd acts’ with male student (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A California teacher and water polo coach has been arrested for allegedly engaging in lewd acts with a male student and sending him explicit photos, authorities said.

Amanda Quinonez, 30, who works at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, just outside Los Angeles, was taken into custody Tuesday.

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department investigators said they were called to the school following allegations Quinonez had “committed lewd acts” with the underage student.
Where were these women when I was growing up?

She should have been teaching photography.
Who do you want me to kill?

That's "whom", Johnny.

A California teacher and water polo coach has been arrested for allegedly engaging in lewd acts with a male student and sending him explicit photos, authorities said.

Amanda Quinonez, 30, who works at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, just outside Los Angeles, was taken into custody Tuesday.

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department investigators said they were called to the school following allegations Quinonez had “committed lewd acts” with the underage student.
Where were these women when I was growing up?

She should have been teaching photography.

You wish a teacher would've sexually abused you when you were growing up? Gross.
This is why a line has to be drawn between teachers and students beginning in kindergarten.

Keep your opinions, personal lives, photos, sexual beliefs, parenting skills to yourself.

Teachers should NEVER be contacting a student directly by phone or text. Emails should be on school accounts and CC'd to parent.
This is why a line has to be drawn between teachers and students beginning in kindergarten.

Keep your opinions, personal lives, photos, sexual beliefs, parenting skills to yourself.

Teachers should NEVER be contacting a student directly by phone or text. Emails should be on school accounts and CC'd to parent.
You know nothing about education.
This is why a line has to be drawn between teachers and students beginning in kindergarten.

Keep your opinions, personal lives, photos, sexual beliefs, parenting skills to yourself.

Teachers should NEVER be contacting a student directly by phone or text. Emails should be on school accounts and CC'd to parent.

I have to agree that teachers should have no contact with students outside of school activities.
Even if it's completely innocent it can be used to trap either party into threats of blackmail.

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