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California: State utilities not doing enough to reduce wildfire threats, auditor says (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
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For all it's strict regs, California still can't police the utility idiots like PG&E.
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For all it's strict regs, California still can't police the utility idiots like PG&E.
You know what the drill is: they will just blame any wildfires on climate change.

For all it's strict regs, California still can't police the utility idiots like PG&E.
Scapegoating PG&E isn’t going to magically reverse climate change and the 20+ year mega drought. For all the good it’ll do, you might as well blame me. It’ll have the same result.
Scapegoating PG&E isn’t going to magically reverse climate change and the 20+ year mega drought. For all the good it’ll do, you might as well blame me. It’ll have the same result.
PG&E negligence is mostly to blame for most of California's mega-wildfires over the last few years.
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PG&E negligence is mostly to blame for most of California's mega-wildfires over the last few years.
Perhaps. Has PG&E always been this bad or is this a relatively recent phenomenon? I’ve only first started hearing about them in the last couple three years.
Scapegoating PG&E isn’t going to magically reverse climate change and the 20+ year mega drought. For all the good it’ll do, you might as well blame me. It’ll have the same result.
I wouldn’t even call it a drought any more. It’s the new reality. Global warming models predicted this. The southwest will become a desert and the northeast will get colder because the Gulf Stream will move further east. The UK will become warmer as a result.
I wouldn’t even call it a drought any more. It’s the new reality. Global warming models predicted this. The southwest will become a desert and the northeast will get colder because the Gulf Stream will move further east. The UK will become warmer as a result.
Yes, that does appear to be reality of it.
I wouldn’t even call it a drought any more. It’s the new reality. Global warming models predicted this. The southwest will become a desert and the northeast will get colder because the Gulf Stream will move further east. The UK will become warmer as a result.
LOL what a total crock. California has had periodic droughts even before the territory became part of the US. Why? Because its mostly desert.

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