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California: Potential Serial Killer Suspect Freed in San Diego (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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San Diego police arrested 36-year-old Anthony Padgett on Thursday on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and arson and identified him as the sole suspect in all four attacks.
The San Diego County district attorney's office said Monday that police did not submit the case for prosecution. It says the investigation continues into the attacks on four homeless men over four days last week - three of whom died

Padgett was convicted of setting a homeless man on fire in 2010. Looked like a solid suspect in the 3 recent, similar killings, until he was released.

Many feel that the San Diego DA office is making a mistake.
You'd think that a guy who lists setting homeless people on fire as a hobby would warrant spending a little more time in jail, but this is California, land of the muy loco.

Man arrested over homeless killings freed without charge - CBS News

Padgett was convicted of setting a homeless man on fire in 2010. Looked like a solid suspect in the 3 recent, similar killings, until he was released.

Many feel that the San Diego DA office is making a mistake.
You'd think that a guy who lists setting homeless people on fire as a hobby would warrant spending a little more time in jail, but this is California, land of the muy loco.

Man arrested over homeless killings freed without charge - CBS News

It probably helps if you read the actual article rather than just the headline....I'm just sayin.

If you read the actual article you would have seen that the police chose not to submit the case to the DA for filing. Probably because they didn't believe that they had enough evidence to file a case. Police take cases to the DA all the time that are rejected for lack of evidence....so if the police are saying that they chose not to submit it for filing...that should tell you something. Doh!

(LOL....I just noticed that you even put up the quote that says the police chose not to submit the case for filing.....did you even read your own post?)

Padgett was convicted of setting a homeless man on fire in 2010. Looked like a solid suspect in the 3 recent, similar killings, until he was released.

Many feel that the San Diego DA office is making a mistake.
You'd think that a guy who lists setting homeless people on fire as a hobby would warrant spending a little more time in jail, but this is California, land of the muy loco.

Man arrested over homeless killings freed without charge - CBS News

It doesn't matter what the guy himself said. If the police feel they can't prove that he did it beyond his own claim, then they know better than to bring it to trial - any competent defense attorney would eat them alive. Besides, if they feel they can't prove he did it, then there's a certain likelihood that he DIDN'T do it...and that the real killer's still out there.

"Innocent until proven guilty", and all that.

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