You know, there is something I do not understand - That would be why some people want to ban gay marriage, don't want gays in the military, and basically want to deny gays the same rights that everybody else has, when the fact is, that America, all the way back to the Revolution, is based on "gayness". In order to prove my point, I now lay out a chapter from my new book (that does not now, nor ever will exist).
From DanaRhea's Fractured American History........
That the United States has always been a gay nation cannot be argued. In fact, America itself was founded upon "gayness". Archeologists, stumbling upon an old battle hymn used by the early American military, have finally decoded it's meaning.
From "Yankee Doodle", which was originally created by the British, in order to poke fun at the American upstarts:
"Yankee Doodle went to town
Riding on a pony"
Yes, that's right. A pony. A real man would have ridden a horse. But why a pony? That is explained in detail in the next passage:
"Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni"
This is key. The term "macaroni" refers to
The Macaroni Club in England, from which arose one of the greatest homosexual scandals in the history of that nation. The "macaronis" were a group of very wealthy and effeminate men, who loved to wear makeup, huge powdered wigs, dresses, and even panties, while discussing political events of the day, all the while sipping tea and eating crumpets. And, of course, they thoroughly enjoyed sodomizing each other.
So, according to the song, what we have is a very poor hick, who is very gay, and who does not have the wealth of the macaronis, but tries hard to emulate their "queerness".
"Yankee Doodle keep it up
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Mind the music and the step"
Minding the music and the step is something that gays are very good at. Just ask Baryshnikov.
"And with the girls be handy"
Pure sarcasm.
And what song did the very first American military instruct their drum and fife corps to play, as they went into battle? Why it was Yankee Doodle, of course.
But, you say, they just did it to rub it in England's face. To that argument, I reply "Precisely, that is exactly what they did". To the British, the American military yelled triumphantly "We're queer, and we're here!!
rof Class dismissed.