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California Disarmament (1 Viewer)

If I was sure that all the people they were going after were genuine scumbags who ought to be disarmed, I might applaud.

However, if some of them are simply otherwise honest cits who got on the wrong side of some technicality of Cali's draconian gun laws, then this is oppression.
As the article says, usually it's
That can happen after being convicted of a felony or violent misdemeanor, being placed under a restraining order for domestic violence or being adjudicated as mentally unstable.
California Program Hunts Down Illegal Gun Owners | KQED News Fix

The short version is that these cops go after people who have been declared illegal to own firearms. They enter and confiscate firearms. Interesting. Not sure how I feel. This has been going on since 07.

If we had to have some sort of gun control, this is the type I'd prefer, going after people who have proven themselves unworthy to own firearms rather than making it harder for the law abiding citizen.

However, although I don't know much about California's gun control laws, I doubt I'd agree that many of these people deserve to be disarmed.
If I was sure that all the people they were going after were genuine scumbags who ought to be disarmed, I might applaud.

However, if some of them are simply otherwise honest cits who got on the wrong side of some technicality of Cali's draconian gun laws, then this is oppression.

I do not trust government—especially in California—to make that distinction. Government has already very solidly proven—again, especially here in California—that any power to determine who is a “scumbag” to be denied his right to keep and bear arms, will be outrageously abused.

The only standard that is acceptable to me is that any person who is not currently confined to a prison or a mental hospital—after it having been determined by a rigorous and proper legal process that that confinement is necessary and proper—is fully entitled to all of his basic Constitutional rights, including the right affirmed in the Second Amendment. Any public servant who takes any action with the purpose, intent, or effect of denying any free citizen his right to keep and bear arms is an enemy of the Constitution, and of the American people, and should be treated as such.
If we had to have some sort of gun control, this is the type I'd prefer, going after people who have proven themselves unworthy to own firearms rather than making it harder for the law abiding citizen.

However, although I don't know much about California's gun control laws, I doubt I'd agree that many of these people deserve to be disarmed.
All they have to find out is if you are prescribed a med that can have neurological side effects.
This is a slap in the face to all law abiding people.
Violent misdemeanor? Whats that, got in to a fist fight?
As noted this has been going on for 6 years plus now. The division doing it is funded by our gun related fees to purchase a firearm (called DROS and PPT (parivate party transaction fees). A legislator has proposed raising those to fund more of this. I know most of the libertarians around here hate the idea of a convicted felon out of prison being banned from owning guns - I happen to appreciate that and hope they never change it. This DOJ (state) team goes after looser that have committed one of the many offenses that ban you from owning firearms and the system then found you had firearms registered to you. Those offenses include spouse abuse, gun related violations (like the soldier in Chico CA that thought he could hawk Saddam's gold plated AK - fully automatic and stolen) and truly violent offenes like assault and BATTERY (not just assault will cut it). Those who were 5150'd by a licensed counselor and determined mentally defecient. If the state did not take these people's firearms away and one of these people did something stupid with a firearm the cries for even more controls would be ever so adopted by the truly anti gun liberal democratic assembly/senate.

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