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California Bans Use of Firearms Words as “Hate Speech” (1 Viewer)

This has to be a joke..
“We don’t want children to read about guns or talk about guns. The first step, therefore, is to remove firearms-related words from textbooks, classroom presentations, and state documents. This is not something new. California has done the same thing with hateful words directed at minority groups. In California, by law, we have banned the use of the ‘N’ word (and other racist terms) in official state publications and school textbooks. Now we are just following that practice and banning the ‘G’ word (i.e. ‘gun’) and similar firearms-related hate speech”.

What? Can we get an IQ test for this individual? That has got to be the dumbest thing I ever read.
Look at the date of the article.
Is this an Onion-like parody?

I feel uncomfortable with the acceptance that hate speech should be illegal. That someone would bend free expression to forbid chatting about guns and their use is rather mad.
Look at the date of the article.

Good catch. Sad that with California this is believable. That's probably why they did it.
Good catch. Sad that with California this is believable. That's probably why they did it.
That's probably even scarier... even if it is an AF joke, the notion that it is actually plausible in today's society is sobering.

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