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Calif now want bail out money (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!
BTW that goes for all the other democrat run states that are in the same situation. Why is it always democrat run states???
If this was President Reagan, how would he have responded to the California fires last night?
People are going to be flocking out of Cali with jobs going virtual which gives people access to many cheaper places to live.

The world is accessed online nowadays.
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!

:lamo California contributes more to the American GDP than any other state, almost doubling that of the next state down on the ranking. How's that for a reason. When any other state comes close to contributing as much as CA, maybe then your temper tantrums will matter. Until then, pay up.... :lol:
:lamo California contributes more to the American GDP than any other state, almost doubling that of the next state down on the ranking. How's that for a reason. When any other state comes close to contributing as much as CA, maybe then your temper tantrums will matter. Until then, pay up.... :lol:

Well-------------------since they are so rich and doing so well they can pay off their own debt ------------- right?
You’d think they could balance what goes out and what comes in....living by those month to month poor person principles.
:lamo California contributes more to the American GDP than any other state, almost doubling that of the next state down on the ranking. How's that for a reason. When any other state comes close to contributing as much as CA, maybe then your temper tantrums will matter. Until then, pay up.... :lol:
Btw they only contribute 2% more than their population would indicate.
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!

How about we just keep all of the money we send to DC that we never see again, as a net payer state?

Seriously. It's pretty ballsy to talk **** about California when it needs some help when California is one of the few states that sends more to DC than they get back. We pay our way. And some of y'alls way too.

You gonna start talking smack about the states that rely on money that comes from Californians?
Calif needs to get inventive on how to raise their own money.

Maybe San Francisco could start a rafting project. You could raft down their hills on the turds that are in the streets.

Pelosi could help. She could go back to her old stage show, if she could find a pony!!!! I hear the last one dropped dead of shame!! :)
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!
I agree that tjey should tax their residents the appropriate amount to pay for their expenses.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
People are going to be flocking out of Cali with jobs going virtual which gives people access to many cheaper places to live.

The world is accessed online nowadays.
Your online observation is a very really problem metros are going to have to adapt too. A person can live on a mountain in montana and work for a company in downtown nyc

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!

If the other taker states (almost exclusively run by R's) agree to stop taking our tax dollars, we'd be glad to be on our own.
Calif is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the hole. They want the Fed Gov (US tax payers) to bail them out. There is absolutely not one reason why taxpayers in other states should have to pay for the irresponsible fools that run Calif.

Not only do I say no, I say hell NO!!!!!! Tax he hell out of the fools in Calif that voted for the idiot governor, and all the other state senators and reps. Maybe they could pass a bill that taxes Hollywood actors 95% to help pay off their debt!!!!!

Do you have a source for this claim that isn't an opinion column from a conservative rag?

California Wants a Federal Bailout? Tax Reform Must Come First - WSJ
I agree that tjey should tax their residents the appropriate amount to pay for their expenses.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Do you agree that CA should be responsible for funding other states as well?
:lamo California contributes more to the American GDP than any other state, almost doubling that of the next state down on the ranking. How's that for a reason. When any other state comes close to contributing as much as CA, maybe then your temper tantrums will matter. Until then, pay up.... [emoji38]
Your point is not without merit but its also them coming to the feds with hat in hand. They are in no position to demand anything.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Well-------------------since they are so rich and doing so well they can pay off their own debt ------------- right?

I agree that tjey should tax their residents the appropriate amount to pay for their expenses.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Your online observation is a very really problem metros are going to have to adapt too. A person can live on a mountain in montana and work for a company in downtown nyc

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I agree 100%. Sometimes changes come fast and some times they come slow. The large metro idea was the past. Technology will now do what cars never really could.

Technology will also help remedy a lot of our social problems. Many of which simply stem from the prevalence of technology flooding the virtual realm with constant data.
California is our biggest money maker.

California has a GDP that's twice as big as Canada's GDP.

I suggest we help California out.

A lot of red states lose money and depend on California to give them money.
Not as much when Californians like my neighbor relocate to lower cost of living while keeping their “Cali” job.
If this was President Reagan, how would he have responded to the California fires last night?

Blamed it on the Sandinistas.
I agree 100%. Sometimes changes come fast and some times they come slow. The large metro idea was the past. Technology will now do what cars never really could.

Technology will also help remedy a lot of our social problems. Many of which simply stem from the prevalence of technology flooding the virtual realm with constant data.
May i ask of you lean left or right politically.
There's an interesting political catch 22 that comes with the transition for both sides

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Do you agree that CA should be responsible for funding other states as well?
No i do not.
Honestly thats a left wing principle that i would prefer we didnt use

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
:lamo California contributes more to the American GDP than any other state, almost doubling that of the next state down on the ranking. How's that for a reason. When any other state comes close to contributing as much as CA, maybe then your temper tantrums will matter. Until then, pay up.... :lol:

Um, out of curiosity how fo you imagine "California contributes to the American GDP" helps people outside of California?

Do you know what "the American GDP" is? it seems like you think it's some big bucket of money we use to feed the poor and starving widows and orphans.

It's not, actually. GDP is the value of goods and services produced in a region. If Ed Begley JR buys a $400 haircut the California GDP goes up by $400 how does a guy in Ohio benefit?

California having a high GDP is not an argument for people in Ohio bailing out California, it's an argument they have the ability to solve their own problems. Places that can't produce goods and services need charity.

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