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Bush's real agenda is a FWO (Fair World Order) believe it or not!!! (1 Viewer)

Dec 3, 2005
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St.gallen, Switzerland
Political Leaning
Divide e impera (divide and conquer) is dead, long live (unite and conquer) adunare e impera.

We all should support the NWO or FWO (Fair World Order) or the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, you name it... FWO (Fair World Order) means a world government where all countries, human beings, religions, races are respected in the same way, that there will be no more dividing countries, dividing religion, dividing people, dividing races...

dont you feel tremendous changes ongoing towards uniting people, uniting countries, uniting races?

Unity doesnt mean uniformity.

George W. Bush and Co. has nothing to do with the "final" NWO. He and his fellows are pathfinder for the coming Fair World Order. But we shouldnt underestimate the work of GWB and Co. ... they are doing a tremendous job, unfortunetly its not yet possible to do it in a smoother way, by the way these bunch of people absorbing a huge amount of karma (which they really need to pay back! Thanks for everything and Lwwb from my side!), which helps us at the end to progress faster in our evolution... towards a Fair World Order (FWO).

Please do not mix the current globalist tendencies and the final Fair World Order (FWO). The responsible persons which are developing the FWO in the future will be obliged to realise progression in a smoother way... each generation does it in a better way...

Therefore we should support the NWO or the FWO (Fair World Order)!

There is an eternal hierarchy of very powerful entities involved to bring the Fair World Order or the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on Earth. We dont need to fear anything, we just should work on ourself to get more lovely, gentle, disinterested, patient, beautiful, etc. therefore we shouldnt be against the evolution towards a NWO or FWO.

Its absolutely natural that this alignment towards a Fair World Order, will cause a lot of conflicts because of various interests from various groups, just to mention a few: natural resources, Intelligence/Secret Services, Governments, leader families, global companies, Religions, etc. and last but not least our egoistic behavior)... but after some certain occurrences the FWO will be established whether we support it or not, it's a logic consequence!!!

Its not about the end of the world, its about the begin of a new world... and it will be goddess...

best wishes from Switzerland
Bush' real agenda is a FWO (Fair World Order), believe it or not!!!

Divide e impera (divide and conquer) is dead, long live (unite and conquer) adunare e impera.

We all should support the NWO or FWO (Fair World Order) or the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, you name it... FWO (Fair World Order) means a world government where all countries, human beings, religions, races are respected in the same way, that there will be no more dividing countries, dividing religion, dividing people, dividing races...

dont you feel tremendous changes ongoing towards uniting people, uniting countries, uniting races?

Unity doesnt mean uniformity.

George W. Bush and Co. has nothing to do with the "final" NWO. He and his fellows are pathfinder for the coming Fair World Order. But we shouldnt underestimate the work of GWB and Co. ... they are doing a tremendous job, unfortunetly its not yet possible to do it in a smoother way, by the way these bunch of people absorbing a huge amount of karma (which they really need to pay back! Thanks for everything and Lwwb from my side!), which helps us at the end to progress faster in our evolution... towards a Fair World Order (FWO).

Please do not mix the current globalist tendencies and the final Fair World Order (FWO). The responsible persons which are developing the FWO in the future will be obliged to realise progression in a smoother way... each generation does it in a better way...

Therefore we should support the NWO or the FWO (Fair World Order)!
There is an eternal hierarchy of very powerful entities involved to bring the Fair World Order or the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on Earth. We dont need to fear anything, we just should work on ourself to get more lovely, gentle, disinterested, patient, beautiful, etc. therefore we shouldnt be against the evolution towards a NWO or FWO.

Its absolutely natural that this alignment towards a Fair World Order, will cause a lot of conflicts because of various interests from various groups, just to mention a few: natural resources, Intelligence/Secret Services, Governments, leader families, global companies, Religions, etc. and last but not least our egoistic behavior)... but after some certain occurrences the FWO will be established whether we support it or not, it's a logic consequence!!!

Its not about the end of the world, its about the begin of a new world... and it will be goddess...

best wishes from Switzerland

Re: Bush' real agenda is a FWO (Fair World Order), believe it or not!!!

The Concept of a Pan-World****

One of the things I find reassuring today is the fact that one meets more and more people who have achieved a certain degree of wisdom. Yes, even scientists and materialists are beginning to be a little more prudent, a little more reasonable. They no longer presume to lay down the law with such self-assurance or to greet every hypothesis that does not conform exactly to their own view with derision and scepticism. Only a few years ago the world most often on their lips when they were faced with something new was 'Impossible!' But now they are beginning to acknowledge that nature may still have some surprises up her sleeve - even for them - and as they are more cautious. They say, 'Well, it is possible... We do not know... We must wait and see.' At last they are acquiring a little wisdom; at last there is some hope. Yes, and I can go even further and say that only a few years hence they will all adopt our ideas and speak our language. *
Well, perhaps not all, but many of them will share our ideas, and once they have chewed and digested them thoroughly, they in turn will propagate them. A few years from now we shall see some tremendous changes. *
The other day I even heard the idea of universal brotherhood - an idea that hardly ever occured to anyone before - being discussed on television. I do not know who was talking because I was late for the beginning of the programme, but someone was saying that with things as they were in the world today, with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the only solution was universal brotherhood; the only hope for mankind was for all men and women to unite and extend the hand of friendship to each other. I was astounded and above all delighted to hear this, for it proves that the idea is beginning to spread. Yes, one day human beings everywhere will be obliged to make their voices heard to force the issue; there is no other solution. *
The Universal White Brotherhood ceaselessly emits currents of unity and brotherhood, and one day those whose receivers are already tuned in to these currents are finally going to make up their minds to do something about it. This will be the brightest day in the history of mankind. Think of the tremendous changes that will be possible once the whole world becomes a single family. All those billions that are being wasted on arms and espionage will be used to transform the earth into a Garden of Eden. At the moment such a thing still seems impossible and unrealistic, a Utopia. *
Yes, but one fine day it will not only be possible, it will happen, and everyone will be astounded. The idea is going to take hold and dig itself in, and little by little everyone will accept it. If human beings refuse to accept it they will be condemning themselves to annihilation - and events will prove this. All around us we hear talk of plans for a Pan-Europe, Pan-Asia, Pan-America, or Pan-Africa. Such schemes represent immense progress, but they are not the ultimate solution. The only solution to all the world's problems is a 'Pan-World', the whole world gathered into one single family. *
Otherwise, instead of an individual country going to war with another country, we shall have a whole continent declaring war on another continent: Asia at war with Europe, for instance. Will that be any better? *
Yes, I believe in all these unrealistic achievements. *

I believe in all that is unattainable and impossible. I have no faith in the rest. I throw myself heart and soul into such impossible achievements because they are the best, the most grandiose, the most solemn and glorious, and you cannot tell me that I am not right to do so. In fact I say to every head of State, 'Do you really want to be great and glorious? If so, be the first to propagate this idea of a Pan-World, and you will be immortal.' *
I assure you, the realization of universal brotherhood is possible today because human beings have reached a stage of technical evolution that makes it possible. All the modern means of communication, which enable people on opposite sides of the globe to talk to each other, have made unity possible by reducing the distance between countries and continents to an astonishing extent. *
You will say, 'Yes, but there are still so many things that we cannot agree about. Look at the European Common Market or the division of Germany into East and West (As can be seen from the date, this lecture was given at the height of the Cold War). And there are so many other examples; how can we possibly hope for universal brotherhood?' Of course these little problems exist, and it is precisely the little problems that are always the most difficult to solve. A problem caused by nationalism and chauvinism (by petty individual interests) is always more difficult to solve than one that concerns the world as a whole, because everyone wants the biggest slice of the cake; everyone puts his own interests first. But all human beings throughout the world have a common interest in being free to live in peace and plenty, and if they all put this interest first, the whole situation would change and everything would be possible. If you object to my idea of a Pan-World on the grounds is not valid, for they are not at all the same thing. It is obvious that when the negotiators in Brussels have to calculate the price of wheat, butter, and eggs, they can never agree or understand each other. But in the case of the Pan-World there are no longer any little details to quarrel about. The only thing that matters is the well-being of all human beings, freedom and peace for all, and this is something that all human beings can agree on. *
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The Concept of a Pan-World****

One of the things I find reassuring today is the fact that one meets more and more people who have achieved a certain degree of wisdom. Yes, even scientists and materialists are beginning to be a little more prudent, a little more reasonable. They no longer presume to lay down the law with such self-assurance or to greet every hypothesis that does not conform exactly to their own view with derision and scepticism. Only a few years ago the world most often on their lips when they were faced with something new was 'Impossible!' But now they are beginning to acknowledge that nature may still have some surprises up her sleeve - even for them - and as they are more cautious. They say, 'Well, it is possible... We do not know... We must wait and see.' At last they are acquiring a little wisdom; at last there is some hope. Yes, and I can go even further and say that only a few years hence they will all adopt our ideas and speak our language. *
Well, perhaps not all, but many of them will share our ideas, and once they have chewed and digested them thoroughly, they in turn will propagate them. A few years from now we shall see some tremendous changes. *
The other day I even heard the idea of universal brotherhood - an idea that hardly ever occured to anyone before - being discussed on television. I do not know who was talking because I was late for the beginning of the programme, but someone was saying that with things as they were in the world today, with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the only solution was universal brotherhood; the only hope for mankind was for all men and women to unite and extend the hand of friendship to each other. I was astounded and above all delighted to hear this, for it proves that the idea is beginning to spread. Yes, one day human beings everywhere will be obliged to make their voices heard to force the issue; there is no other solution. *
The Universal White Brotherhood ceaselessly emits currents of unity and brotherhood, and one day those whose receivers are already tuned in to these currents are finally going to make up their minds to do something about it. This will be the brightest day in the history of mankind. Think of the tremendous changes that will be possible once the whole world becomes a single family. All those billions that are being wasted on arms and espionage will be used to transform the earth into a Garden of Eden. At the moment such a thing still seems impossible and unrealistic, a Utopia. *
Yes, but one fine day it will not only be possible, it will happen, and everyone will be astounded. The idea is going to take hold and dig itself in, and little by little everyone will accept it. If human beings refuse to accept it they will be condemning themselves to annihilation - and events will prove this. All around us we hear talk of plans for a Pan-Europe, Pan-Asia, Pan-America, or Pan-Africa. Such schemes represent immense progress, but they are not the ultimate solution. The only solution to all the world's problems is a 'Pan-World', the whole world gathered into one single family. *
Otherwise, instead of an individual country going to war with another country, we shall have a whole continent declaring war on another continent: Asia at war with Europe, for instance. Will that be any better? *

Yes, I believe in all these unrealistic achievements. *

I believe in all that is unattainable and impossible. I have no faith in the rest. I throw myself heart and soul into such impossible achievements because they are the best, the most grandiose, the most solemn and glorious, and you cannot tell me that I am not right to do so. In fact I say to every head of State, 'Do you really want to be great and glorious? If so, be the first to propagate this idea of a Pan-World, and you will be immortal.' *
I assure you, the realization of universal brotherhood is possible today because human beings have reached a stage of technical evolution that makes it possible. All the modern means of communication, which enable people on opposite sides of the globe to talk to each other, have made unity possible by reducing the distance between countries and continents to an astonishing extent. *
You will say, 'Yes, but there are still so many things that we cannot agree about. Look at the European Common Market or the division of Germany into East and West (As can be seen from the date, this lecture was given at the height of the Cold War). And there are so many other examples; how can we possibly hope for universal brotherhood?' Of course these little problems exist, and it is precisely the little problems that are always the most difficult to solve. A problem caused by nationalism and chauvinism (by petty individual interests) is always more difficult to solve than one that concerns the world as a whole, because everyone wants the biggest slice of the cake; everyone puts his own interests first. But all human beings throughout the world have a common interest in being free to live in peace and plenty, and if they all put this interest first, the whole situation would change and everything would be possible. If you object to my idea of a Pan-World on the grounds is not valid, for they are not at all the same thing. It is obvious that when the negotiators in Brussels have to calculate the price of wheat, butter, and eggs, they can never agree or understand each other. But in the case of the Pan-World there are no longer any little details to quarrel about. The only thing that matters is the well-being of all human beings, freedom and peace for all, and this is something that all human beings can agree on. *
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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