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Bush Wants Democracy in Iraq? Really? (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Bush has been spinning the Iraqi elections like there is no tomorrow. Yes, he tells us, we are creating Democracy in Iraq, and teaching Iraq the values of voting and having a say in government. Do you really believe that? If so, then I have a big letdown for you.

President George W Bush has made it clear that he does not want Ibrahim al-Jaafari to remain prime minister of Iraq in a move likely to increase hostility between the US and the Shia community.

Mr Bush has written to the Shi'ite leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the Shi'ite Alliance asking him to nominate somebody else for the post. " The Americans are very firm about this," said a senior official. " They don't want Jaafari at any price."

But hang on. This is the same President Bush who is telling the world that we have created Democracy in Iraq. This is the same Iraqi Prime Minister who the Iraqi voters voted for in the Iraqi elections. So, on one hand, we tell Iraqis to vote their preferences, and then the next day we demand that they get rid of who they voted for because we dont happen to like the preference?

I dont know what planet anyone else if from, but in the real world of rational thought, this is not Democracy.

From this article
danarhea said:
But hang on. This is the same President Bush who is telling the world that we have created Democracy in Iraq. This is the same Iraqi Prime Minister who the Iraqi voters voted for in the Iraqi elections. So, on one hand, we tell Iraqis to vote their preferences, and then the next day we demand that they get rid of who they voted for because we dont happen to like the preference?

And yet they dont have to listen to what bush wants do they?
Thats called a free country........:doh
Hasn't he done the same with the Palestinian elections?

The Palestinians have voted for Hamas, yet the administration refuses to have any diplomatic relations with them.
I'm a bit vague on this so somebody correct me if I'm wrong...

The assumption that replacing the nominated Iraqi PM is somehow contradicts the desire for democracy in Iraq is possibly incorrect. If I remember correctly (and I admit that I may not), the Iraqi's are attempting to install a parlimentary form of government. In the system they are working with, the PM is selected from the party that wins the majority of the seats in the parliment, not by popular election of the voters. Consequently, the nomination of someone else as PM doesn't invalidate the efforts to install a representative form of government.

For example, Adolf Hitler was never elected by popular vote, instead he was selected as Chancellor by his party after they won the majority of seats. In fact, IIRC, he lost the only one or maybe two elections in which he was a candidate. That was early on in his career, of course.
vandree said:
Hasn't he done the same with the Palestinian elections?

The Palestinians have voted for Hamas, yet the administration refuses to have any diplomatic relations with them.

Hamas wants to send suicide bombers into markets and buses, so you know the hell with Palestinian!
Build the wall, cut off all aid and let the Arabs worry about them.
cherokee said:
Hamas wants to send suicide bombers into markets and buses, so you know the hell with Palestinian!
Build the wall, cut off all aid and let the Arabs worry about them.

And we should be doing the same. Build a wall on the Mexican border.

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