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Bush Uses Yet Another Forged Doc in Speech (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning

Another bungle, brought to you by the White House Stooges:

In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?

Article is here.
danarhea said:

Another bungle, brought to you by the White House Stooges:

In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?

Article is here.

"al-Zarqawi, claims the letter found by US soldiers in Iraq, which is said to be written by al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri, is false."

Glad to know who you trust, dana. This says a lot.
danarhea said:

Another bungle, brought to you by the White House Stooges:

In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?

Article is here.

Come on now Dan, have you not humilated yourself enough here lately, now you are linking us to the "BooMan":rofl

Who is the BooMan?

First of all, the BooMan is related to the ‘bogey man’. The bogey man (aka, bogy man, boogeyman) is an evil imaginary character who harms children. In the Caribbean the bogey man is often referred to as simply: The Boo Man. I like to think of the Boo Man as a close relative of the Tokoloshe.

For the purposes of this Web Site, the Boo Man can be considered a stalwart friend of children, but a nocturnal terror for corrupt politicians, lazy reporters, and hypocritical Republican operatives.

All members of this site are welcome to consider themselves Boo Men, Boo Women, Boo People, Boomers, El Boomerinos (if you’re not into the whole brevity thing), Boomsters, Boominators, or whatever else you can come up with.

In point of fact, the handle “BooMan” does not really originate with any conscious decision to evoke terror in the hearts of anyone. It comes from my ‘pet’ name for my Newfoundland dog, named Buster. When I took him, as a puppy, for his first veterinarian visit, the doctor called him “Buster Boo”. My wife and I liked that so much it wasn’t long before we began calling him “The Boo Man”.
Deegan said:
Come on now Dan, have you not humilated yourself enough here lately, now you are linking us to the "BooMan"?

Doesn't matter. Dan's agenda is one of hate. It doesn't have to make sense or contain any logic, as long as it bashes the president.
"In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?"-Danarhea

Yet another? :roll:

Sick of childishly spiteful smears by halfwits laughably using Move On as "evidence" of their cartoonishly unrealistic accusations? Yes, we are all quite sick of you. Thanks for asking.
aquapub said:
"In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?"-Danarhea

Yet another? :roll:

Sick of childishly spiteful smears by halfwits laughably using Move On as "evidence" of their cartoonishly unrealistic accusations? Yes, we are all quite sick of you. Thanks for asking.

Speaking of forged documents, I wonder if Dan Rather is enjoying retirement...?
KCConservative said:
"al-Zarqawi, claims the letter found by US soldiers in Iraq, which is said to be written by al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri, is false."

Glad to know who you trust, dana. This says a lot.

Actually, I was looking at THIS part of the article:

A letter purportedly written by a senior al Qaeda leader -- and said to be authentic by U.S. intelligence officials who released it last week -- may be a forgery, according to Washington analysts who cite numerous anomalies in the text.

Some analysts have gone so far as to label the letter a likely U.S. government "influence operation," which, if exposed, threatens American credibility in the Middle East. "If this is a forgery, then either it was designed to blow up in the face of the American government; or someone in the 'coalition of the willing' has been caught with their pants down," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity. CNS News

Nice to know that you believe our own intelligence analysts are part of al-Qaeda.
danarhea said:
Nice to know that you believe our own intelligence analysts are part of al-Qaeda.
As strange as it sounds, there're folks out there who think the US Intel Community is out to get Bush. They think that there's actually quite the conspiring going on. It often involves a multitude of factions not limited to, but including the US Intel Community, the US Armed Forces, the various media, "them scientists," the rest of the world (xpt the UK govt), "irrational Bush-haters" and, at times, reality itself.
Go figure.
KCConservative said:
Doesn't matter. Dan's agenda is one of hate. It doesn't have to make sense or contain any logic, as long as it bashes the president.

You can't say anything about hate when you have a slanderous signature such as yours.
KCConservative said:
Speaking of forged documents, I wonder if Dan Rather is enjoying retirement...?
Dan Rather reported a story wrong, but didn't do it on purpose. Bush lies and how many die yet you keep briging up Dan Rather?

Maybe Bush will be forced to quit earlier than planned just like Dan Rather? One can only hope...

Is there a worse public speaker than Bush since Nixon?
Chalabi must have told him it was true.
danarhea said:
Actually, I was looking at THIS part of the article:

Nice to know that you believe our own intelligence analysts are part of al-Qaeda.

"Bush sleeps with donkeys," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Bush killed a hooker last night," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"The constitution is an obvious forgery," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Danahrea listens to the village people," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"What's the deal with airline peanuts," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Cucumbers taste better pickled," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Trajan's shlong falls out the bottom of his pants," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

Get the picture? Who are these supposed intelligence experts and why are they not disclosed in the article, could it be that they don't exist?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
"Bush sleeps with donkeys," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Bush killed a hooker last night," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"The constitution is an obvious forgery," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Danahrea listens to the village people," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"What's the deal with airline peanuts," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Cucumbers taste better pickled," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Trajan's shlong falls out the bottom of his pants," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

Get the picture? Who are these supposed intelligence experts and why are they not disclosed in the article, could it be that they don't exist?

Do you have a link for that, or do you just make it all up as you go? I especially want to see the link which supposedly shows that I listen to the Village People. LOL.
danarhea said:
Do you have a link for that, or do you just make it all up as you go? I especially want to see the link which supposedly shows that I listen to the Village People. LOL.

I can't disclose my source but watch out for that shiftless Indian. :2wave:
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danarhea said:

Another bungle, brought to you by the White House Stooges:

In a Veterans Day speech, Bush uses information from yet another forgery to back up his claims. Does anyone think this is getting old yet?

Article is here.

It seems to me that "forged" documents are really the expertise of the democratic party, ..& even stolen documents from the NSA archives. Naw, Sandy berger is a good democratic public servant, ..why he only pleaded guilty because he was caught!

Of course he denied it, ..until the prosecutors showed him the evidence. Good old SAndy eventually pleaded guilty, ..but if you wanted to read the story in the New York Times, ..you had to really look to find it. It was buried way in the back!

I wonder IF Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Rove caught dead to right in wrong doing,.. .If the story would have been buried in the back of the newspaper?

Naw....it would have been plastered all on the front page!:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Naw, Sandy berger is a good democratic public servant, ..why he only pleaded guilty because he was caught!
It is so lame to always refer to Clinton or Clinton era aides when defending Bush! Will you ever get over it? Will you ever live in the present and deal with the corruption of this administration? Will you ever face today's reality without hiding behind events of last century?

This thread is about BUSH, not Clinton. For once it would be refreshing to read a post from you without your avoiding the theme of the thread and reverting back to Clinton. Are you unable to defend Bush so instead you use the old Karl Rove tactic of diversion?

Great going! You really made your point regarding Bush and the use of phony documents. You told us all! Whoohoo!
:eek:t :slapme: :yawn: :eek:t
Bush sympathizers are getting more pathetic every day. If they can't discredit the report, they'll point to democratic failures and pretend that makes Bush's failures go away. The pressure of having supported a corrupt President for so long has them acting like children just to find some way to believe it isn't so.
26 X World Champs said:
It is so lame to always refer to Clinton or Clinton era aides when defending Bush! Will you ever get over it? Will you ever live in the present and deal with the corruption of this administration? Will you ever face today's reality without hiding behind events of last century?

This thread is about BUSH, not Clinton. For once it would be refreshing to read a post from you without your avoiding the theme of the thread and reverting back to Clinton. Are you unable to defend Bush so instead you use the old Karl Rove tactic of diversion?

Great going! You really made your point regarding Bush and the use of phony documents. You told us all! Whoohoo!
:eek:t :slapme: :yawn: :eek:t

Why's that? Is it because it's lame or because you hate to be reminded of your blatant hypocricy. Man it must suck to have your darling slick Willy draped through the mud on a daily basis but hay prove that Bush faked some documents then come back with a retort until then; Rathergate, DSM, Bill Clinton: All a bunch of fakes.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Why's that? Is it because it's lame or because you hate to be reminded of your blatant hypocricy. Man it must suck to have your darling slick Willy draped through the mud on a daily basis but hay prove that Bush faked some documents then come back with a retort until then; Rathergate, DSM, Bill Clinton: All a bunch of fakes.
It is lame because posters such as yourself cannot defend Bush or stay on topic in this thread so instead you DIVERT the thread away from it's intended discussion.

That is what is so lame. It's Karl Rove tactics, and it so weak, so pathetic, so ridiculous that all that it does do is validate the fear that some Bushies have about the truth about their guy.

Here's a challenge for you! Try to defend the use of documents by Bush that are forged, inaccurate and out and out lies WITHOUT referring to Clinton or any other past transgression by anyone or anything that is not related to this specific topic. Give it a shot....:2wave:
26 X World Champs said:
It is lame because posters such as yourself cannot defend Bush or stay on topic in this thread so instead you DIVERT the thread away from it's intended discussion.

That is what is so lame. It's Karl Rove tactics, and it so weak, so pathetic, so ridiculous that all that it does do is validate the fear that some Bushies have about the truth about their guy.

Here's a challenge for you! Try to defend the use of documents by Bush that are forged, inaccurate and out and out lies WITHOUT referring to Clinton or any other past transgression by anyone or anything that is not related to this specific topic. Give it a shot....:2wave:

I already proved that your side hasn't proved that they're forgerys you base all follow up statements on the basis that the first statement is true which it's not, read the first post again and then this one:

"Bush sleeps with donkeys," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Bush killed a hooker last night," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"The constitution is an obvious forgery," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Danahrea listens to the village people," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"What's the deal with airline peanuts," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Cucumbers taste better pickled," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

"Trajan's shlong falls out the bottom of his pants," said one analyst, who spoke with Cybercast News Service on the condition of anonymity.

Get the picture? Who are these supposed intelligence experts and why are they not disclosed in the article, could it be that they don't exist?
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Hmmm, playing Devil's Advocate yet again... if you were the #2 man to Al Zarqawi, would you openly admit to him that you wrote the letter, and that US intelligence intercepted or stole it? I know I wouldn't. Hell that man has ordered captured "prisoners" for lack of a better word, beheaded, on video no less. I certainly wouldn't risk my life admitting I screwed up, to the leader of Al Qaeda. So isn't it conceivable, that there IS deception going on, but the deception is not from the American side? I mean, terrorist's wouldn't lie, would they?
26 X World Champs said:
It is so lame to always refer to Clinton or Clinton era aides when defending Bush!
And yet, just a few posts back, you steered the discussion to none other than Richard Nixon. Hmmm.:roll:
debate_junkie said:
Hmmm, playing Devil's Advocate yet again... if you were the #2 man to Al Zarqawi, would you openly admit to him that you wrote the letter, and that US intelligence intercepted or stole it?
IIRC, Zawahiri is the purported author of the letter.
Simon W. Moon said:
IIRC, Zawahiri is the purported author of the letter.

Yes I know who wrote the letter, and he is being called the #2 man to Al Zarqawi, which is how I stated it in my previous post.

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