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Bush Takes Responsibility for Katrina Failures (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
This truly may well be a sign of the Apocalypse, President Bush has actually taken responsibility for mistakes and failures on the part of his administration. I can honestly say that even though its kind of like Clinton finally admitting to the Lewinski affair being that public opinion and politics are pretty much forcing him to do this, but still, Bush jumps up a few notches in my book for taking responsibility for the mistakes made in the Katrina aftermath.

Bush takes blame for flaws in Katrina response
President heading to Louisiana on Thursday for primetime speech

Updated: 12:26 p.m. ET Sept. 13, 2005
WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday that he takes responsibility for any federal failures in dealing with Hurricane Katrina, adding that the disaster raised broader questions about the government’s ability to respond to natural disasters as well as terror attacks.
“Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government,” Bush said when asked about the federal response at a White House news conference with the president of Iraq.
“To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility,” he said. “I want to know what went right and what went wrong.”
Huh. Well good for him. It takes a strong person to own up to their mistakes. Especially one of this magnitude.
Kelzie said:
Huh. Well good for him. It takes a strong person to own up to their mistakes. Especially one of this magnitude.

Well, what were his options? I guess he could have pulled a "Brown" and said "We didn't even know there was a problem."

I still think the local and state Gov's involved own a ton of the blame. Unused school buses underwater? WTF! Who was in charge? Otto Mann?
The end must be near. I suppose in doing so he hopes to avoid any official investigation and avoid further prodding by the media. It also takes heat off of his party. What will all those people who say he wasn't in any way resonsible say now? :doh
Somehow, even though I am impressed that Bush was able to not be so arrogant for once, I think I dislike him even more now if thats even possible. Ah well. Now I wonder if theres going to still be an investigation.
Pacridge said:
Well, what were his options? I guess he could have pulled a "Brown" and said "We didn't even know there was a problem."

I still think the local and state Gov's involved own a ton of the blame. Unused school buses underwater? WTF! Who was in charge? Otto Mann?

Don't get me wrong. I think that too. Has either of those governments owned up yet?
I'm surprised he did that, but I'm glad he did. It was the right thing to do. Now it's the Governor and the Mayor's turn.
Kelzie said:
Huh. Well good for him. It takes a strong person to own up to their mistakes. Especially one of this magnitude.

What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?
Stinger said:
What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?

Well, I mean geez. He caused the hurricane. I thought everyone knew that?

Seriously, one of his biggest mistakes as far as I'm concerned was appointing Brown. As far as the rest, I suppose we'll just have to wait until an investigation is done.
GySgt said:
I'm surprised he did that, but I'm glad he did. It was the right thing to do. Now it's the Governor and the Mayor's turn.

Now get these two post

The end must be near. I suppose in doing so he hopes to avoid any official investigation and avoid further prodding by the media. It also takes heat off of his party. What will all those people who say he wasn't in any way resonsible say now?

Somehow, even though I am impressed that Bush was able to not be so arrogant for once, I think I dislike him even more now if thats even possible. Ah well. Now I wonder if theres going to still be an investigation.

The left just can't stand it. They scream he should take responsiblity and when he does they desperately have to assign made up motives for it. They just can't stand it. They scream he didn't go soon enought and then when he does they complain he's just doing it for a photo op. They just can't stand it.

And you are absoltuely correct when will the mayor and governor do so, better yet when will they resign?

Gunny Dad (and new private Dad too!)
Stinger said:
Now get these two post

The end must be near. I suppose in doing so he hopes to avoid any official investigation and avoid further prodding by the media. It also takes heat off of his party. What will all those people who say he wasn't in any way resonsible say now?

Somehow, even though I am impressed that Bush was able to not be so arrogant for once, I think I dislike him even more now if thats even possible. Ah well. Now I wonder if theres going to still be an investigation.

The left just can't stand it. The scream he should take responsiblity and when he does they just can't stand it. They scream he didn't go soon enought and then when he does they complain he's just doing it for a photo op. They just can't stand it.

Gunny Dad (and new private Dad too!)

Wow. No yeah, you must be right. Wait...wait...what's this?

Kelzie said:
Huh. Well good for him. It takes a strong person to own up to their mistakes. Especially one of this magnitude.

A person on the left admiring Bush for his decision?!?! What's going on? It's almost as if you can't paint either side with a broad brush. Crazy.
Originally Posted by Stinger
What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?

Kelzie said:
Well, I mean geez. He caused the hurricane. I thought everyone knew that?

Seriously, one of his biggest mistakes as far as I'm concerned was appointing Brown. As far as the rest, I suppose we'll just have to wait until an investigation is done.

Note I said during and after the storm. I still haven't heard anyone point out any specifics mistakes that Brown supposedly made. FEMA reacted quicker to this storm than storms in the past. They operate at the request of the local EMA, FEMA is NOT the first responder nor the frontline. And Brown was the deputy director when the current one resigned and Bush moved him up. He oversaw 4 hurricane recoveries last year and go high marks.

But again what were Bush's personal mistakes? Did the federal government get it perfect? Probably not, but this new standard of perfection else someone is to blame is folly. We need to look at what happened just as we do after any such event. But this prejudiced view that we need to look into so that we can hang someone in the public square does no one any good. I live on the gulf coast. I have been through many hurricanes. I have been through the recoveries. FEMA is not the main player the state and local government are and Lousiana's government was not wipe out it was fully functional or at least capable of full functionality.

Just remember those who scream the loudest and are the first to point the fingers are usually the ones who carry the blame. Quite frankly I believe the government has done an outstanding job of this, what other country could even come close to the rescue and relief efforts we have seen in New Orleans and the rest of the coast?
Stinger said:
Originally Posted by Stinger
What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?

Note I said during and after the storm. I still haven't heard anyone point out any specifics mistakes that Brown supposedly made. FEMA reacted quicker to this storm than storms in the past. They operate at the request of the local EMA, FEMA is NOT the first responder nor the frontline. And Brown was the deputy director when the current one resigned and Bush moved him up. He oversaw 4 hurricane recoveries last year and go high marks.

But again what were Bush's personal mistakes? Did the federal government get it perfect? Probably not, but this new standard of perfection else someone is to blame is folly. We need to look at what happened just as we do after any such event. But this prejudiced view that we need to look into so that we can hang someone in the public square does no one any good. I live on the gulf coast. I have been through many hurricanes. I have been through the recoveries. FEMA is not the main player the state and local government are and Lousiana's government was not wipe out it was fully functional or at least capable of full functionality.

Just remember those who scream the loudest and are the first to point the fingers are usually the ones who carry the blame. Quite frankly I believe the government has done an outstanding job of this, what other country could even come close to the rescue and relief efforts we have seen in New Orleans and the rest of the coast?

The Netherlands? Course, it wouldn't have happened in the first place...
Stinger said:
What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?
That's no really even much of asn issue. Like Reagan said about the arms for hostages dealings, the things happened on his watch, therefore he's responsible. Responsible doesn't always mean "to blame." Someone can be responsible for something even when they are not to blame. The DHS and FEMA folks are a a patr of the executive branch, IIRC. That clearly makes them part of the PotUS's area of responsibility.

Somewhat related to what Mr. Bryant said:

If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you.
It was the best possible thing I can think of for him to take responsibility for the Katrina failures. It clears up people blaming him because he admits it is his fault which would be good if he really is a bad president and is just covering it up. Also if he is a good president and it is true then he is a good president.

But then again you have to wonder why didn't he solve the problem sooner? He is the president and this is a really big thing but then again he president doesn't have to take care of the whole country by himself so you can't blame everything on him. Then again the one thing he is responsible for is hiring people and he must have hired the wrong person.

In conclusion he hired the wrong person and didn't act fast enough when they weren't doing there job.
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Stinger said:
What were "his" mistakes? And I mean during and after the storm? "His" personally?

Personally, I would say nothing, but he does have the habit of allowing his cabinet and appointed ones to run the show from time to time. I believe this bit him in the ass this time and he was not fully aware of the situation. In some ways, he can be an absent leader.

I believe the reason we like President Bush so much more than our civilians is because he is a great "Commander in Chief." Something we were lacking for so long. Sometimes, there is a difference between being a President and a Commander in Chief, even though they're one in the same.

"Gunny Dad (and new private Dad too!)"

Rock on Guns! I transferred from 7th Mar Reg in December and I've been at Norfolk (MARFORLANT) ever since. I'm the son of a retired MGySgt. What's your son's MOS?
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rebel for a cause said:
It was the best possible thing I can think of for him to take responsibility for the Katrina failures. It clears up people blaming him because he admits it is his fault which would be good if he really is a bad president and is just covering it up. Also if he is a good president and it is true then he is a good president.

But then again you have to wonder why didn't he solve the problem sooner? He is the president and this is a really big thing but then again he president doesn't have to take care of the whole country by himself so you can't blame everything on him. Then again the one thing he is responsible for is hiring people and he must have hired the wrong person.

In conclusion he hired the wrong person and didn't act fast enough when they weren't doing there job.

I disagree with this. The immediate issue was rescue operations. FEMA had a slow start, but firing and hiring directly after FEMA, the Federals, and the Active Military were in full react mode and running at full speed would not have been constructive. It happened at the right time.

As for Brown's mistakes....who knows, but someone had to go. The real problem here was the seperation of our governments and the red tape and bureaucracy that hindered communications. The Chain of Command and Control was a mess at all levels.
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GySgt said:
Personally, I would say nothing, but he does have the habit of allowing his cabinet and appointed ones to run the show from time to time. I believe this bit him in the ass this time and he was not fully aware of the situation. In some ways, he can be an absent leader.

I believe the reason we like President Bush so much more than our civilians is because he is a great "Commander in Chief." Something we were lacking for so long. Sometimes, there is a difference between being a President and a Commander in Chief, even though they're one in the same.

"Gunny Dad (and new private Dad too!)"

Rock on Guns! I transferred from 7th Mar Reg in December and I've been at Norfolk (MARFORLANT) ever since. I'm the son of a retired MGySgt.

His mistake was to not do anything or not do enough. That a big mistake especial when you are the president.
GySgt said:
I'm surprised he did that, but I'm glad he did. It was the right thing to do. Now it's the Governor and the Mayor's turn.

I think you're going to wait a while for them to fess up to anything. They're still hard at work pointing fingers upward. Jon Stewart on the Daily Show had a couple clips the other day featuring the lady congress member from La. In one clip she was making a speech about how much the Fed's were to blame for EVERYTHING. In the next clip a reporter asked her why she didn't do this or that. Her response? "Now's not the time to be pointing fingers or placing blame, now the time to fix the problem." The state and local official have managed to hang the whole thing on the feds. Now that they've done that I doubt they're going to take responsibility anytime soon. You might find a well chilled bottle of Dom Perignon in your MRE first.
Pacridge said:
I think you're going to wait a while for them to fess up to anything. They're still hard at work pointing fingers upward. Jon Stewart on the Daily Show had a couple clips the other day featuring the lady congress member from La. In one clip she was making a speech about how much the Fed's were to blame for EVERYTHING. In the next clip a reporter asked her why she didn't do this or that. Her response? "Now's not the time to be pointing fingers or placing blame, now the time to fix the problem." The state and local official have managed to hang the whole thing on the feds. Now that they've done that I doubt they're going to take responsibility anytime soon. You might find a well chilled bottle of Dom Perignon in your MRE first.

Well, our whole political scene has been made into a circus thanks to the constant bickering between Democrats and Republicans...let's see how long it takes for the Democratic sponsership of Louisiana to do what the Republican sponsorship of the nation did.
rebel for a cause said:
It was the best possible thing I can think of for him to take responsibility for the Katrina failures. It clears up people blaming him because he admits it is his fault which would be good if he really is a bad president and is just covering it up. Also if he is a good president and it is true then he is a good president.

But then again you have to wonder why didn't he solve the problem sooner? He is the president and this is a really big thing but then again he president doesn't have to take care of the whole country by himself so you can't blame everything on him. Then again the one thing he is responsible for is hiring people and he must have hired the wrong person.

In conclusion he hired the wrong person and didn't act fast enough when they weren't doing there job.

Welcome to Debate Politics.
Um this may sound dumb but I didn't understand that can you explain it more sorry.:3oops:
rebel for a cause said:
Um this may sound dumb but I didn't understand that can you explain it more sorry.:3oops:

He saw where your posts are at number "4" and he welcomed you to the site. Didn't you used to have more posts before?
The whole thing were you welcoming me to the site or commenting on my post or something else.

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