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Bush sings "Imagine" and "A Walk On The Wild Side" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
From Boingboing.net:
Someone remixed a bunch of President Bush speeches and rearranged his words so that it sounds like he's singing "Imagine" and "A Walk On The Wild Side."
Here's the link to the song.

Here's a link to a full album of this (these may not be work safe, but the above song is.)
he may be the worst president, but he's very poetic.. especially when his sentences make sense.
Arch Enemy said:
he may be the worst president, but he's very poetic.. especially when his sentences make sense.

A "greatest president ever" brings us to the exact same page as worst president ever in a google search so I would say google is not biased.

That was an interesting tune though.
that sounded good.

scary undertone, obviously on purpose. but awesome.

sent that to all my anti-bush friends.

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