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Bush, right man for the time.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I'm beginning to think that Bush will surpass our greatest president (Ronald Reagan) for presiding over one of America's militarily most serious threats to worldwide safety. Reagan, of course put the threat of Soviet Communism into the trash bin of history by building up our military prowess, despite fighting with the Democratically controlled Congress and Senate. I was living in Massachusetts at the time, and I remember that blowhard Tip O'Neil (speaker of the House) getting in the way of Reagan's progressive initiatives. The doom and gloom, cut and run defeatist liberals of Ronnie's day were not only wrong to oppose Ronnie's greatness and achievements, but these same liberals of today are giving Bush the very same anti-American cut and run doom and gloom scenario/rhetoric that we saw in the eighties. Is anyone surprised that Kerry is living up to his anti-war legacy?
Anything good and progressive for America--be it a 2-year long booming economy, or being on the verge of securing freedom to an entire region of peoples, or actually winning a war, is literally the kiss of death to anyone calling themself a liberal or unfortunately...a Democrat.
So with Bush's approval ratings steadily climbing (even ahead of Reagan & Clinton, in this time of their presidencies)--I see nothing but greatness in Bush's much anticipated legacy down the road.
Expect the Republican to gain seats in the Senate and the House in 2006. The only question left after the 06 elections will be if the Democratic Party has survived or is it still barely viable. If the Party fizzes out as I suspect--look for Hillary to quickly join the Green Party or the Socialist Party to renew her consituency with the tree-hugger crowd. Perhaps she could choose Ralph Nader or Phil Donahue as her running mate.
"Is Bush a great president or, the greatest president?"
There are so many inane comments in this posts that I don't know where to begin, but I'll attempt the impossible. This prestigious approval rating you're talking about, is it the 39% that Bush currently has? Securing freedom? More like completely ripping apart a country's government and then residing over there till even the people we were trying to protect hate us, and the war we are winning, still has no end in sight.

find more about Pres. Bush's success @
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/PollVault/story?id=1278080 and
Simon W. Moon said:
"Is Bush a great president or, the greatest president?"
I've been wanting to make that a poll for some time now.:mrgreen:
Simon W. Moon said:
"Is Bush a great president or, the greatest president?"

Actually I had made a personal list of the greatest presidents about a year ago. I listed Washington and Lincoln tied for first. I believe I had George Bush listed at about ninth place, but with an asterik beside his name because he was still a force in progress of a second term. His legacy after the fact of bringing freedom to the Middle East will surely push him up into bucking Lincoln and Washington for 1st place. BTW, I had Reagan sitting all alone in second place. I don't think anyone could deny Reagan his place in history.
liberal1 said:
There are so many inane comments in this posts that I don't know where to begin, but I'll attempt the impossible. This prestigious approval rating you're talking about, is it the 39% that Bush currently has? Securing freedom? More like completely ripping apart a country's government and then residing over there till even the people we were trying to protect hate us, and the war we are winning, still has no end in sight.

Bush's current approval rating (not that it means a hell of a lot, only that it is steadily rising) is at 43%. Seventy five percent of the Iraqi people themselves say that they are experiencing freedoms they never had in the past under the Saddam regime. These same 75% of Iraqi people give Bush all the credit for their new lives of freedom. Two hours from now they'll be voting in a new constitution. You don't think this taste of freedom from these people is a sign of progress, or a sign of fending off the terrorists? I suppose you would be happy if Saddam was still in power.
It took America around 7 years to gain it's freedom and independence. What have we been in Iraq for some three years now and the country has made a remarkable turnaround thanks to Bush's resolve. Be patient my man, we Republicans will never quit and cut and run like our liberal brethren. Give peace a chance, fella.
greatest president? bullshiit....

a good president unites the country, doesn't divide it. At most I'd say he was a mediocre president or a really unlucky guy (i mean 9/11, hurricanes, katrina... **** thats a lot). But... he certainly isn't great. He seems pretty bad at foreign relations (doesn't command a lot of respect from the world community). I am pretty sure a good chunk of the US population has little respect for him. Economy isn't doing great at all, i personally believe this war on terror he is waging outside the US is bogus. Iraq is believed to be a quagmire. Sorry.... thats not greatness.

However there is the very remote possibility, that all of us who disagree with bush are just not thinking straight, and that in the future we'll look back at history and see that BUsh's actions were righteous and great. Who knows...
nkgupta80 said:
greatest president? bullshiit....

a good president unites the country, doesn't divide it. At most I'd say he was a mediocre president or a really unlucky guy (i mean 9/11, hurricanes, katrina... **** thats a lot). But... he certainly isn't great. He seems pretty bad at foreign relations (doesn't command a lot of respect from the world community). I am pretty sure a good chunk of the US population has little respect for him. Economy isn't doing great at all, i personally believe this war on terror he is waging outside the US is bogus. Iraq is believed to be a quagmire. Sorry.... thats not greatness.

However there is the very remote possibility, that all of us who disagree with bush are just not thinking straight, and that in the future we'll look back at history and see that BUsh's actions were righteous and great. Who knows...

The dividing of the country is a direct result of the liberals and liberal media doing their darnest to belittle Bush and belittle our military (such as with this torture nonsense of the prisoners).
It's the 9/11 act of terroism that has given Bush the greatness he deserves. The hurricanes are an act of mother nature--not Bush's fault. The fact that two liberals from Louisiana--the governor and the mayor of New Orleans were completely inept in their dealings with the hurricanes is not a reflection of Bush's administration. FEMA is not a first responder. They certainly weren't a first responder in Port Saint Lucie, Florida when my mobile home got totally destroyed, and I didn't expect them to be.
Bad at foreign relations? Your outlook on Bush's foreign relations will change greatly once democracy takes hold in the Middle East.
The economy is booming. People need to take their collective heads out of the sand to start reaping the benefits of living in the greatest most powerful country in the world. The economy is booming, despite what the doomsayers might be saying.
I'd have to agree in part with ptsdkid. Bush is pretty cool but I still think he is to liberal on somethings,and just plain worng on others.
Thank goodness Bush came along when he did. I was getting bored with peace and balanced budgets.

Now we have two wars we are fighting, one a civil war quagmire we got involved in based upon mistaken use of intellegence. And that balanced budget thing, what was with that? Now our government is another $2.4 trillion in debt with record high deficits and a rapidly rising interest expense. Real income is down, unemployment is up.

Thank goodness for Bush.
Iriemon said:
Thank goodness Bush came along when he did. I was getting bored with peace and balanced budgets.

Now we have two wars we are fighting, one a civil war quagmire we got involved in based upon mistaken use of intellegence. And that balanced budget thing, what was with that? Now our government is another $2.4 trillion in debt with record high deficits and a rapidly rising interest expense. Real income is down, unemployment is up.

Thank goodness for Bush.

Take your head out of the sand. Peace and balanced budgets are foremost on Bush's agenda. Take that 'visualize world peace' bumper sticker off your car and get on the Bush bandwagon of reality and make it happen by taking the fight to the enemy. Clinton did everything in his power to weaken our military, and weaken the American resolve to fight terrorism. The 9/11 suicide bombers all took their flight training in America on Clinton's watch. The twin tower terrorist bombings in 1993 happened on Clinton's watch. The Cole and many other worldwide terrorist strikes against Americans came during Clinton's watch. Clinton was too busy entertaining Monica and appeasing everyone else for his legacy to do anything about the terrorist threats. The Iraqi people today voted again for a Democratic constitution. Replace your bumber sticker with one that says 'visualize Middle East peace, thanks to George Bush). Unemployment is at record lows. Tell me how this skyrocketing defict is affecting you personally. Don't expect your welfare real income to rise much during the Bush administration. Go out and get yourself a real job; become an entrepreneur or a real American capitalist--rather than relying on the government for your livlihood.
That's right, Clinton is to blame with all of America's problems. Some conservatives convinetly ignore the fact that we are still not out of Iraq, and have made nearly no progress in catching the real villain behind 9-11, Bin Laden. Maybe instead of blaming Clinton all the time, focus on the problems around us.
ptsdkid said:
Take your head out of the sand. Peace and balanced budgets are foremost on Bush's agenda.
I have many agenda's as well. But without following through, that's all it is, an agenda. Since you are well aware of his agendas, perhaps you could ask him to hurry up with the peace part?

ptsdkid said:
Take that 'visualize world peace' bumper sticker off your car and get on the Bush bandwagon of reality and make it happen by taking the fight to the enemy.
Who's the enemy? Where is the Enemy, and most important, if you know all of the former, have you caught him yet? If not, what's keeping you?

ptsdkid said:
Clinton did everything in his power to weaken our military, and weaken the American resolve to fight terrorism.
Just what did he do to weaken our military?

ptsdkid said:
The 9/11 suicide bombers all took their flight training in America on Clinton's watch. The twin tower terrorist bombings in 1993 happened on Clinton's watch. The Cole and many other worldwide terrorist strikes against Americans came during Clinton's watch.
Seeing as how pathetic Clinton acted during those years towards terrorism, certainly as soon as coming to office Bush should have changed all that around right? Yet what was he doing as soon as he took office? He went on vacation, and then again, and again and again. What did he do when the terrorist struck? He just sat there dumbfounded and confused as to what to do next.

ptsdkid said:
Clinton was too busy entertaining Monica and appeasing everyone else for his legacy to do anything about the terrorist threats.
Surly this hurt the american ecnomy or killed a couple thousand troops, right?

ptsdkid said:
The Iraqi people today voted again for a Democratic constitution. Replace your bumber sticker with one that says 'visualize Middle East peace, thanks to George Bush).
Does that have more to do with Bush? Or more to do with the determination of the Iraqi people? If Bush, then why is it that they still hate us so much over there? Polls show that the general Iraq populice consider the US more of a threat then insurgents.

ptsdkid said:
Unemployment is at record lows.
They are? Funny, unemployment in the late 90's during the anti-christ clintonian years was around 2% I must be reading the wrong sources which tell me the unemployment rate now is at 5.5%

ptsdkid said:
Tell me how this skyrocketing defict is affecting you personally.
Not much really, I'm not middle class. It's good being at the top of the income levels. Whew those rising interest rates must be hurting you soon though.

ptsdkid said:
Don't expect your welfare real income to rise much during the Bush administration. Go out and get yourself a real job; become an entrepreneur or a real American capitalist--rather than relying on the government for your livlihood.
Yes, all you who hate bush get a real job. And what is your job ptsdkid? Please let us know so that we can follow your ways.
But another question, if everyone becomes an entrepreneur or a "real american Capitalist".... who takes out your garbage? Who's going to do the janitorial work? Who's going to farm the farms?

Obvioulsy you've been living such a isolated/protected life that you've never seen the real world.
ptsdkid said:
Clinton did everything in his power to weaken our military, and weaken the American resolve to fight terrorism.

I don't blame the military for 9-11.

Unemployment is at record lows.


Tell me how this skyrocketing defict is affecting you personally.

Why, it's helping me. My taxes are lower. Yipee! You're right, borrowing is great. We can fight wars, spend more, and cut taxes, all through the magic of borrowing! Bush is a genius!

Another pro-debt pass-the-bucker; staple of the Republican party.

Don't expect your welfare real income to rise much during the Bush administration. Go out and get yourself a real job; become an entrepreneur or a real American capitalist--rather than relying on the government for your livlihood.

I can see you make assertions based on things you know nothing about.

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