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Bush Poll (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, Oregon
Political Leaning

How to save the United States, from the ravages caused by President Bush.

1: Impeach Bush, and exile him to Texas.
2: Set him adrift in rubber a raft in the Atlantic ocean,
Hoping for help from Dick Cheney.
3: Send him to a Psychiatrist for help with his Bipolar condition.
4: Tell him the the truth, he is not a prophet and is not Jesus christ.
5: Tell him that God is not causing an ice age in Europe,
as Answer to his Corporate Prayers.
6: Shock him and prove to him that there are acutially more people in the United States than just the top four or five million rich people . Even if he faints.

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dragonslayer said:

How to save the United States, from the ravages caused by President Bush.

1: Impeach Bush, and exile him to Texas.
2: Set him adrift in rubber a raft in the Atlantic ocean,
Hoping for help from Dick Cheney.
3: Send him to a Psychiatrist for help with his Bipolar condition.
4: Tell him the the truth, he is not a prophet and is not Jesus christ.
5: Tell him that God is not causing an ice age in Europe,
as Answer to his Corporate Prayers.
6: Shock him and prove to him that there are acutially more people in the United States than just the top four or five million rich people . Even if he faints.

Wishful thinking. As much as I'd like to see this occur it'd never gonna happen. But I'm sure that God probably told him that too
As this is not a poll, and is (I think) supposed to be humorous, moved to off topic.
dragonslayer said:

How to save the United States, from the ravages caused by President Bush.

1: Impeach Bush, and exile him to Texas.
2: Set him adrift in rubber a raft in the Atlantic ocean,
Hoping for help from Dick Cheney.
3: Send him to a Psychiatrist for help with his Bipolar condition.
4: Tell him the the truth, he is not a prophet and is not Jesus christ.
5: Tell him that God is not causing an ice age in Europe,
as Answer to his Corporate Prayers.
6: Shock him and prove to him that there are acutially more people in the United States than just the top four or five million rich people . Even if he faints.

Ahh, Dreams that never cease to haunt liberals, Do not fear, W is here to save you.

ThePhoenix said:
Ahh, Dreams that never cease to haunt liberals, Do not fear, W is here to save you.

yes I agree, and that is why we need to take steps that Bush and his antiAmerican rightwing corporates bosses, are stopped.​

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