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BUSH or OBAMA: Can 8-28 DC rally-goers match spending facts with the right president? (1 Viewer)

Mike Mazzone

Aug 15, 2010
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Political Leaning

Both are servants of the world's foremost problem, not the American people.

The BA team breezed through the big 8-28 rallies in Washington, DC to test the government spending IQ of participants. Below are the questions asked in the video and the answers (with sources). But don't spoil the fun: first watch the video and test yourself
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Re: BUSH or OBAMA: Can 8-28 DC rally-goers match spending facts with the right presid

Ya people are partisan. I knew it was going to be 'both' for all 5 questions, the video wouldnt have any punch if it the answers were anything other than whatever could be conceived as the most 'shocking.'
Re: BUSH or OBAMA: Can 8-28 DC rally-goers match spending facts with the right presid

Ya people are partisan. I knew it was going to be 'both' for all 5 questions, the video wouldnt have any punch if it the answers were anything other than whatever could be conceived as the most 'shocking.'
I found this video linked to on Mike Labno's facebook page. At least in Illinois we can vote for a Libertarian Senator rather than just the two main parties and Green. Makes sense for them to post it since Libertarians are big on cutting spending.
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