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Bush: Man of the Year (1 Viewer)

Does President George W. Bush deserve to be TIME's Man of the Year.

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I've never been a big fan of having a sitting president be man of the year.

How about the "Unknown Soldier"?
The unknown soldier has been more symbolic than anything else. I don't think it really matters if they figured out who it is or not.
LiberalFINGER said:
The unknown soldier has been more symbolic than anything else. I don't think it really matters if they figured out who it is or not.
Aren't there several unknowns? One from each major campaign. If so I could certainly get behind supporting the entire group. But really considering the mix of people they have selected, everyone from Hitler to Ayatullah Khomeini to Nixon. In 2001 they said they put serious thought into naming Osama bin Laden. Not sure I'd really like being in that group.
I knew someone would bring up Hitler. Besides Hitler and Stalin TIME most have been history changers, for the better. Past winners include Gandhi, FDR, and Martin Luther King Jr.. Everytime a semi-controversial figure wins, someone mentions Hitler. I am sure the same thing happened when Clinton won.

P.S. The American Soldier won last year.
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George Bush deserves to be claimed the man of the year for sticking to his values and for his liberation of Iraq.
I am with Mr. America on this. Bush has been an excellent President, and I am proud to call him mine.
Absolutely! No dictator 'gassing' or killing innocent civilians, women having the freedom to work, teach school, hold office in both Afghanistan and Iraq alone makes him the man of the year.

Add to that the 'tax cut', his determination to FIX social security (which IS broken by the way), the rebounding economy, the increase in jobs, housing starts, production. All in all I would say that is a very EXCELLENT choice.

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