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Bush:Great President, or the Greatest President in history? (1 Viewer)

Is Bush a Great President, or the Greatest President?

  • Great President

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • The Greatest President

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Is President Bush a Great President, or the Greatest President in history?
scottyz said:
Is President Bush a Great President, or the Greatest President in history?

Please tell me that this thread is a joke.


There is nothing "Great" about Bush except his lack of literacy and his inablility to reform himself until the situations becomes dire.
If you want an explanation...


Then explain it to yourself.
Or maybe we should ask people who really know...


It makes sense that George Bush is the worst President we have ever had. Because it came during a time when we have some of the worst Americans we have ever had.
I can't explain the feeling I have, maybe frieght, that I know that the President of the United States believes that god communicates with him (which implies that he's irrational), and he has the power to drop a nuke.:lol:
Originally posted by kal-el:
I can't explain the feeling I have, maybe frieght, that I know that the President of the United States believes that god communicates with him (which implies that he's irrational), and he has the power to drop a nuke
What's really scary is Hitler thought the same thing.
Billo_Really said:
What's really scary is Hitler thought the same thing.

Yep. BTW, Billo, why did you disregard your billo reily avatar? It was fitting.
you know what this is right????

Stephen Colbert asks people this when he does his Congressional District Interviews..........Most of the people attempt to no answer the question because the answers aren't acceptable...... Which I am going to do here....

P.S. Stephen does it at a joke....
Originally posted by kal-el:
Yep. BTW, Billo, why did you disregard your billo reily avatar? It was fitting.
stsburns, its all his fault.
Billo_Really said:
stsburns, its all his fault.

What do you mean? Please elaborate. And why did you get rid of the user title "lying bogot"?
Originally posted by kal-el:
What do you mean? Please elaborate. And why did you get rid of the user title "lying bogot"?
He just asked me on another thread if I had thought of updating my avatar and keeping with the same theme. I was thinking about a change anyway. I almost went back to my original avatar but thought it might make too many posters spin. ["...you crossed the line with that one man!"] but I decided against it. Kinison has always been my hero. Most people that meet me tell me that I remind them of him.

As for the lying bogot, I took it down because I haven't seen SKILMATIC around lately, and it was a tribute to him anyway. Besides, I always like the moniker "Leader of the Banned". However, when I first wrote it up like that, for some reason I got asterisks for "Leader". Go figure.
Billo_Really said:
He just asked me on another thread if I had thought of updating my avatar and keeping with the same theme. I was thinking about a change anyway. I almost went back to my original avatar but thought it might make too many posters spin. ["...you crossed the line with that one man!"] but I decided against it. Kinison has always been my hero. Most people that meet me tell me that I remind them of him.

O, ok. What was your original avatar?

As for the lying bogot, I took it down because I haven't seen SKILMATIC around lately, and it was a tribute to him anyway. Besides, I always like the moniker "Leader of the Banned". However, when I first wrote it up like that, for some reason I got asterisks for "Leader". Go figure.

Yea, where the hell has Skilly been?
Originally posted by kal-el:
O, ok. What was your original avatar?
I didn't think it was that bad. But people really into Bush got really offended.

I refuse to vote on this. Couldn't there at least be an "other" option?!?!?!
Billo_Really said:
I didn't think it was that bad. But people really into Bush got really offended.


O man, that's great. I like that avatar.hahaha:lol:
Stace said:
I refuse to vote on this. Couldn't there at least be an "other" option?!?!?!

Yea, I hear ya Stace, it would be good if there was at least Barney's name, or something.:lol:
Scotty, what is up? You normally can't stand Bush (like me ;)).

The answer to the question is NEITHER.

Stace, I agree. I refuse to vote in this poll.
scottyz said:
Is President Bush a Great President, or the Greatest President in history?

LMFAO!!! Good one.
aps said:
Scotty, what is up? You normally can't stand Bush (like me ;)).

The answer to the question is NEITHER.

Yea, Scottyz had to be chuggin the ole Banker's Club when he wrote this.:lol:
scottyz said:
Is President Bush a Great President, or the Greatest President in history?


I vote underboss of his organized crime family. And he's not very good at that either.
George W. Bush is The Greatest President at making Bill Clinton look a Great President!

and Bill Clinton sucked...
Last edited:
libertarian_knight said:
and Bill Clinton sucked...

Excuse Me?

William Clinton sucked?

What a lie.

It was Monica Lewensky that sucked. William Clinton was the suckee.

Nevertheless nothing Bill Clinton did posed a threat to national security nor incited hatred of the American way abroad; in terms of "Christian" perceptions.

It's a religious war to them... they don't care about the oil.
Conflict said:
Excuse Me?

William Clinton sucked?

What a lie.

It was Monica Lewensky that sucked. William Clinton was the suckee.

Nevertheless nothing Bill Clinton did posed a threat to national security nor incited hatred of the American way abroad; in terms of "Christian" perceptions.

It's a religious war to them... they don't care about the oil.

Excuse me, Bill Clinton does suck. Bill only got caught for being sucked.

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