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Bush for Nobel Peace Prize... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I understand that this so-called prestigious award is mostly handed down to those favoring a liberal ideology. The fact that Jimmy Carter (the peanut farmer) and most inept president of our time had won the Nobel--tells you something of it's hypocritical and ironic nature.
Bush is about to change the course of worldwide terror into a world seeking and managing freedoms/democracies, yet he has stiff competition for the Nobel award. Ex president Clinton won't be satisfied with his adultery and impeachment legacy until he can add the Nobel to his prized list. Look for Clinton and a posthumous write-in for the quadruple murderer Tookie Williams to give George a run for his money in the voting for the Nobel recipient. Remember, Tookie was writing children's books in his spare time when he wasn't pumping iron in the fenced-in courtyard. I suspect those voting for the next Nobel recipient will be doing so with their hearts and not their minds--as is always the case.
If the Nobel Peace Prize is to go to George Bush, all I can say is: Thank God that Gandhi never got one.
FYI: dead people cannot be nominated for a Nobel Award, nor can they recieve one posthumously if they win and die before the presentation of the award.

Side note: I though Carter won it for his Habitat For Humanity work, not his presidency.
Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha!:lol:

He sort of took himself out of the running by starting a WAR! And then he pretty much solidified his absolute 0 chance of winning the award by not having an exit strategy. Maybe he'll be in the running in the next couple of years if he finally comes to his senses and does a good job of getting the troops home and leaving a stable Iraqi government, but I doubt even that will make up for what he's done so far.
Well if Henry Kissinger and Yasser Arafat can get a Nobel, I suppose George Bush can too...
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
Side note: I though Carter won it for his Habitat For Humanity work, not his presidency.

No, he won for his role in negotiating the peace between Israel and Egypt.
ptsdkid said:
I understand that this so-called prestigious award is mostly handed down to those favoring a liberal ideology. The fact that Jimmy Carter (the peanut farmer) and most inept president of our time had won the Nobel--tells you something of it's hypocritical and ironic nature.
Bush is about to change the course of worldwide terror into a world seeking and managing freedoms/democracies, yet he has stiff competition for the Nobel award. Ex president Clinton won't be satisfied with his adultery and impeachment legacy until he can add the Nobel to his prized list. Look for Clinton and a posthumous write-in for the quadruple murderer Tookie Williams to give George a run for his money in the voting for the Nobel recipient. Remember, Tookie was writing children's books in his spare time when he wasn't pumping iron in the fenced-in courtyard. I suspect those voting for the next Nobel recipient will be doing so with their hearts and not their minds--as is always the case.

Wouldnt giveing a war criminal the nobel peace prize defeat the object somewhat? Hows does invadeing a country and establishing a puppet government to benefit ones oil buissness help world peace?
Bush? A Nobel Peace Prize? Bwahahahahhahahhahaah

Gandhi>Bush said:
If the Nobel Peace Prize is to go to George Bush, all I can say is: Thank God that Gandhi never got one.

You realize that Yasser arafat won a nobel peace prize in 1994?Or do you only think that Hitlers in head scarfs like Yasser Arafat should win Nobel Peace prizes?
Just because the Noble Lauriet commitee, where stupid enough to give Yassar Arafat a noble peace prize does not mean that they should repeat their mistake by giving one to George Bush.:twocents:
Australianlibertarian said:
Just because the Noble Lauriet commitee, where stupid enough to give Yassar Arafat a noble peace prize does not mean that they should repeat their mistake by giving one to George Bush.:twocents:

Bush liberated people from a brutal dictator which very deserving of the noble peace prize.
jamesrage said:
Bush liberated people from a brutal dictator which very deserving of the noble peace prize.

And? What's new about that? People have been using violence to do stuff like that since the beginning of time.

Nobel Peace Prize.
jamesrage said:
Bush liberated people from a brutal dictator which very deserving of the noble peace prize.

Do you know who put that dictator there?

Might want to find a mirror...and an american flag.
Polish Rob said:
Do you know who put that dictator there?

Might want to find a mirror...and an american flag.

And this is Bush's fault how?
Gandhi>Bush said:
And? What's new about that? People have been using violence to do stuff like that since the beginning of time.

Nobel Peace Prize.

So you only think that Hitlers in head scarfs like Yasser Arafat should win Nobel Peace prizes?

Do you honestly think that if a bunch retards go to a dictator to coherse him into allowing his country to be democratic and to not burtalize his people anymore that he will agree and magically turn a new leaf?
People who work for peace should receive noble peace prizes. Those who don't, well, thats good for them.

The whole thing is stupid though cause Arafat got an award for one which is bullshit.
jamesrage said:
So you only think that Hitlers in head scarfs like Yasser Arafat should win Nobel Peace prizes?

I don't think Arafat should get one any more than Bush should.

Do you honestly think that if a bunch retards go to a dictator to coherse him into allowing his country to be democratic and to not burtalize his people anymore that he will agree and magically turn a new leaf?

"A bunch of retards" I don't think could do much of anything. Sorry, that's hadicapped in this case, not handicapable.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I don't think Arafat should get one any more than Bush should.

"A bunch of retards" I don't think could do much of anything. Sorry, that's hadicapped in this case, not handicapable.

Let me refraise the question, do think some one can make a brutal dictator change his ways and be nice to his people and not try to gas or murder anyone anyone of his people and perhaps turn himself in to face justice with out the use of war?
jamesrage said:
Let me refraise the question, do think some one can make a brutal dictator change his ways and be nice to his people and not try to gas or murder anyone anyone of his people and perhaps turn himself in to face justice with out the use of war?

Yes.........(Ellipsis, copyright of Navy Pride, I needed 10 characters)
jamesrage said:
Let me refraise the question, do think some one can make a brutal dictator change his ways and be nice to his people and not try to gas or murder anyone anyone of his people and perhaps turn himself in to face justice with out the use of war?

No, That's what the 2008 presidential election is for
Gandhi>Bush said:
Yes.........(Ellipsis, copyright of Navy Pride, I needed 10 characters)

Do have any historical accounts of Brutal dictators changing thier ways after someone had a talk with them?
Mikkel said:
No, That's what the 2008 presidential election is for

So you agree that Clinton was a brutal dictator too by invading Bosnia or does he get a free pass because he is a liberal democrat?
jamesrage said:
So you agree that Clinton was a brutal dictator too by invading Bosnia or does he get a free pass because he is a liberal democrat?

No, he gets a free pass for being a moderate democrat.
jamesrage said:
So you agree that Clinton was a brutal dictator too by invading Bosnia or does he get a free pass because he is a liberal democrat?

He's a moderate democrat

2. He stopped the genocide without a single US casualty.

End of story.

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