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Bush finally visits New orleans (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
:rofl .............
Last edited:
robin said:
:rofl .............

Actually this is his second trip to New Orleans.


Susan Walsh, Associated Press
President Bush meets New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin following a news conference at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, yesterday. The mayor had been highly critical of the response time by authorities to the deadly damages of Hurricane Katrina. From 9/3/05
Didn't he have a trip there a week or so ago?

imagine that another bash attempt thwarted with fact...
Calm2Chaos said:
Didn't he have a trip there a week or so ago?

imagine that another bash attempt thwarted with fact...

Yes the picture with Nagin is from 9/3, a week ago. It's just amazing how stupid some of the post are and the misinformation that is posted in order to try and split the country apart. Someone around here posted that when Bush declared lower AL, MS, and LA disaster areas that meant that the Federal government had taken over and had all responsibility. What idiotcy it means nothing of the sort. Someone else posted that FEMA prevent the Red Cross in, when in fact it was Blance who did it and the Red Cross is part of FEMA during a disaster, that WAS FEMA trying to get in and was prevented by Blanco.
You mean flew over new orleans....
scottyz said:
You mean flew over new orleans....

No I meant exactly what I said. That's Bush with Nagin 9 days ago on the ground in New Orleans. Not FINALLY visits New Orleans, he's been there 3 times. What exactly is it YOU are saying?
Stinger said:
No I meant exactly what I said. That's Bush with Nagin 9 days ago on the ground in New Orleans. Not FINALLY visits New Orleans, he's been there 3 times. What exactly is it YOU are saying?

Sometimes they just don't want to know what going on. Like the president being there is going to cause it to go away. Guess to prove he cares he has to actually visit once a day until the last drop of water is gone.

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