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Bush Fans Dwindling, Delusional (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
And its not the leftists or the Democrats who see this fact. It is our own military and national security people bashing Bush now. What are the Bushneviks and their supporters to do? Call them tree hugging hippies? LOL.

In light of the Wilkerson defection from the Bush camp, harsh criticism of Bush by both him and Brent Skowcroft, the house of cards (Yea, Andy too - LOL) is crumbling. The wheels are finally coming off the war wagon. The American people are not stupid, as GW Bush was hoping.

Buh bye Bushneviks. Time for you to go.

Article is here.
Mean to tell me the Republicans or conserveitives are bashing there own man???? Wa ??? ROFLMAO :lol:
danarhea said:
And its not the leftists or the Democrats who see this fact. It is our own military and national security people bashing Bush now. What are the Bushneviks and their supporters to do? Call them tree hugging hippies? LOL.

In light of the Wilkerson defection from the Bush camp, harsh criticism of Bush by both him and Brent Skowcroft, the house of cards (Yea, Andy too - LOL) is crumbling. The wheels are finally coming off the war wagon. The American people are not stupid, as GW Bush was hoping.

Buh bye Bushneviks. Time for you to go.

Article is here.

Ah huh huh huh!!:lol: Did Chris Mathews, or Judy Woodruff tell you that?:rofl

You are just wishing, & hoping, ..right?
Stu Ghatze said:
Ah huh huh huh!!:lol: Did Chris Mathews, or Judy Woodruff tell you that?:rofl

You are just wishing, & hoping, ..right?

As much as I like GWB I believe people are jumping ship. Here's why...
now is the time to redefine themselves as potential cronies and
hacks of any new candidate who may run in '08. To do this they must
set their own course and agenda. Items they didn't back, but didn't
necessarily balk about either, are now fair game. We're talking only a
few months before kickoff of the next disgusting reality show called
Campaign 2008! If candidates, potential cabinet members, appointees
and consultants are to distance themselves properly they need to do
it now.

We as Americans have such short memories we'll give any candidate
a second, third and fourth chance to redefine their position on any
range of issues.

Both sides play this game as a Presidency plays out. Look at George
Stephanapolous ~ burned out. Look at many in Reagan's cabinet as
his second term was beginning ~ resigned. It happens all the time.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.
Ah huh huh huh!! Did Chris Mathews, or Judy Woodruff tell you that?

You are just wishing, & hoping, ..right?

How come every single post you make involves Chris Matthews? What the ****? Are you just an idiot or do you just ignore the truth? Not every single liberal is a fan of these people.

And for the record, yes Bush's fans are dwindling but it means absolutely nothing cause hes still our president.
hey Finn r u Irish or American any way no probs,

god bless to U

haha mikeey

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