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Bryant Gumble blasts US Olympic team (1 Viewer)


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Sep 15, 2005
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and here is part of what he is quoted as having said.

Finally, tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don’t like them and won’t watch them ... Because they’re so trying, maybe over the next three weeks we should all try too. Like, try not to be incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the ancient Greeks who never heard of skating or skiing. So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention. Try not to point out that something’s not really a sport if a pseudo-athlete waits in what’s called a kiss-and-cry area, while some panel of subjective judges decides who won ... So if only to hasten the arrival of the day they’re done, when we can move on to March Madness — for God’s sake, let the games begin."
Gumble has always been a ego maniac jerk.
Watching curling is like watching paint dry.
i always thought the Olympics was about skill, not skin color...
When he was on the Today show, I would not watch it because he always came off like a pompous jerk. However, he raises a legitimate point. I am surprised at how many new sports are considered Olympic-worthy. Someone mentioned curling. Holy crap! I cannot believe that that is an Olympic sport. Give me a break.

My favorite line of what he said was: "despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention." LOL!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.....and if a DP member from the right said these same exact words here there'd be a whole chorus of folks trippin' over themselves to back him/her up.

Big deal, I say. People, even liberals, are entitled to their opinion about the Olympics whether you like it or not.
Apparently Bryant Gumble never saw this movie.

FWIW, I don't see him bashing the US Olympic Team, but the whole Winter Olympics instead. Just a nitpick there.
He is entitled to his own opinion, but what is it with this asshole and his pseudo racist comment?
Obviously the only real sport to him is the one dominated by black athletes. IT must be a white conspiracy to keep blacks out of the winter games. ( I missed that memo). That must mean the summer olympics is like a black panther meeting.
There were no winter olympis in greece as far as I know. Never saw a three romans on a bobsled going down mt. olympus. Or a guy on a half pipe trying an ollie on there newly invented snowboard. So take it for what it is ... Entertainment. dull............ but entertainment
I think you guys are taking one sentence out of a broader statement and making a mountain out of a molehill here. Ain't there some real news out there to talk about? What's goin' on in Hollyweird this week?
mixedmedia said:
I think you guys are taking one sentence out of a broader statement and making a mountain out of a molehill here. Ain't there some real news out there to talk about? What's goin' on in Hollyweird this week?

Mixy, you might want to read a bit more about this man before making a judgment. For instance his career, he has ticked off about as many people as is humanly possible in his many years in television, and has burned about as many bridges along the way. His GOP comments are especially ridiculous, as he has dated as many as 50 to 70 blond women, that alone could be a GOP convention.:rofl

The reason this is so ridiculous, is the man is the host of a show called "REAL SPORTS" How can one work at a show about sports, then turn around and offend thousands of athletes, and even go as far as to not call them athletes at all. This just simply shows the mans arrogance, it's nothing new for me, I have known him to be an *** for years.:roll:
Deegan said:
Mixy, you might want to read a bit more about this man before making a judgment. For instance his career, he has ticked off about as many people as is humanly possible in his many years in television, and has burned about as many bridges along the way. His GOP comments are especially ridiculous, as he has dated as many as 50 to 70 blond women, that alone could be a GOP convention.:rofl

The reason this is so ridiculous, is the man is the host of a show called "REAL SPORTS" How can one work at a show about sports, then turn around and offend thousands of athletes, and even go as far as to not call them athletes at all. This just simply shows the mans arrogance, it's nothing new for me, I have known him to be an *** for years.:roll:

Yeah, but who cares? Since when is offending one group or another anathema to conservatives, eh?
mixedmedia said:
Yeah, but who cares? Since when is offending one group or another anathema to conservatives, eh?

I care because I have friends who were in the Winter Olympics, and they trained very hard, and it meant a great deal to them. None ever won any medals, but I find it revolting that the host of a sports program would make such a rude sweeping statement. The thing about the GOP convention was not even at issue, it was hilarious knowing his history, but the issue is about the many athletes he smeared. So it matters to some of us, I hope that helps you to be a little more understanding.
At least the Gumble family has the saving grace of his younger brother.
How about having the "Black Olympics". Seems to work with paegants, awards shows and colleges....
Calm2Chaos said:
Entertainment. dull............ but entertainment

I believe this is what Mr. Gumble was saying.

shuamort said:
FWIW, I don't see him bashing the US Olympic Team, but the whole Winter Olympics instead. Just a nitpick there.


aps said:
When he was on the Today show, I would not watch it because he always came off like a pompous jerk.

I agree that he is that. That's why I DVR 'Real Sports' and usually skip over his commentary.

aps said:
My favorite line of what he said was: "despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention." LOL!

I have to admit, I smiled at this comment also..LOL ;)

Deegan said:
I care because I have friends who were in the Winter Olympics, and they trained very hard, and it meant a great deal to them. None ever won any medals, but I find it revolting that the host of a sprots program would make such a rude sweeping comment. The thing about the GOP convention was not even at issue, it was hilarious knowing his history, but the issue is about the many athletes he smeared. So it matters to some of us, I hope that helps you to be a little more understanding.

He's a commentator. He was commenting, his opinion. A lot of people agree with his with assessment that the winter games are boring, a lot don't. I don't think he was smearing any athletes. A lot of athletes in lesser sports (and other activities) train hard and it means the world to them, but never get recognition, so what. :smile:
Calm2Chaos said:
How about having the "Black Olympics". Seems to work with paegants, awards shows and colleges....


Imagine this. "Ms. White America." or W.E.T. (the White Enterteainment network.:smile: ) The NAAWP. Or, "The League of David Duke" an all white police fraternity (akin to The League of Martin, an all black police fraternity.)

There would be rioting in the streets! :shock:

Double standard for sure.

But Gumble is a goof. I don't pay anymore attention to him than I do my Nascar buddy who refers to basketball as Ni****ball.
BWG said:
I believe this is what Mr. Gumble was saying.


I agree that he is that. That's why I DVR 'Real Sports' and usually skip over his commentary.

I have to admit, I smiled at this comment also..LOL ;)

He's a commentator. He was commenting, his opinion. A lot of people agree with his with assessment that the winter games are boring, a lot don't. I don't think he was smearing any athletes. A lot of athletes in lesser sports (and other activities) train hard and it means the world to them, but never get recognition, so what. :smile:

If all he said is that it was boring, I would even agree, I mean.......Curling for cris sake.:doh But he pretty much said they were not athletes, I believe his exact words were "pseudo-athlete" that's a tad bit more then referring to it as boring. He should apologize, and then we can all just move along.
Captain America said:

Imagine this. "Ms. White America." or W.E.T. (the White Enterteainment network.:smile: ) The NAAWP. Or, "The League of David Duke" an all white police fraternity (akin to The League of Martin, an all black police fraternity.)

There would be rioting in the streets! :shock:

Double standard for sure.

But Gumble is a goof. I don't pay anymore attention to him than I do my Nascar buddy who refers to basketball as Ni****ball.

Good points. Or, lets say, an imaginary White Guy, we'll call him Jimmy, makes a comment about blacks being naturally better athletes than whites, he winds up losing his job, his...wait...Jimmy the Greek. He did say that.
He did lose his job and career...but he was white, therefor, it is a racist comment. But when Gumbel makes the exact same kind of comment, he isn't being racist, because he is only insulting white people and stating that blacks are better athletes.
I understand. He can spew that crap. :rofl
Deegan said:
If all he said is that it was boring, I would even agree, I mean.......Curling for cris sake.:doh But he pretty much said they were not athletes, I believe his exact words were "pseudo-athlete" that's a tad bit more then referring to it as boring. He should apologize, and then we can all just move along.

It's his opinion. If everybody on television had to apologize every time they said something that offended one group or another it'd have to have its own network - MFAN, the Media Figure Apology Network. Just like the folks' opinion that Danish newspapers shouldn't have to apologize for their Mohammed comics, which I agree with, neither should Bryant Gumbel. I think the athletes will muddle through the heartbreak somehow. :roll:
Blue Collar Joe said:
Good points. Or, lets say, an imaginary White Guy, we'll call him Jimmy, makes a comment about blacks being naturally better athletes than whites, he winds up losing his job, his...wait...Jimmy the Greek. He did say that.
He did lose his job and career...but he was white, therefor, it is a racist comment. But when Gumbel makes the exact same kind of comment, he isn't being racist, because he is only insulting white people and stating that blacks are better athletes.
I understand. He can spew that crap. :rofl

Uh, yeah, only he didn't say they were better athletes.
True enough,and he got what he should have for it. Racism is racism, be it white to black, black to white, arabic to white, or whatever. Freedom of speech does not free one from the repercussions that one's speech causes.
mixedmedia said:
It's his opinion. If everybody on television had to apologize every time they said something that offended one group or another it'd have to have its own network - MFAN, the Media Figure Apology Network. Just like the folks' opinion that Danish newspapers shouldn't have to apologize for their Mohammed comics, which I agree with, neither should Bryant Gumbel. I think the athletes will muddle through the heartbreak somehow. :roll:

I strongly disagree, he represents every sport, and every athlete, from Special Olympics, to the Winter Olympics, and he told them all their time and hard work was for not, he must apologize. Had he said this in another capacity, I may not feel he needed to apologize, but he hosts a SPORTS SHOW, it's called REAL SPORTS, and they discuss everything from Horse Back riding, to Midget Racing. To lay waste to thousands of athletes in the Winter Games, and call them "pseudo-athletes" is inappropriate, and the producers of this show should demand he apologize, I believe he will, we shall see.
I don't think it's very professional for a reporter to rail against the Olympics like that, but does anyone really expect any better from a liberal activist who, just last week, saw too many white faces in a crowd and complained, on the air, that it looked like a GOP convention?

He is not exactly the poster child for objective reporting, not that his blatent bias stands out much next to the rest of the "mainstream" Republican-hating media.

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